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Everything posted by peanutspathtotruth

  1. I have a morning flexibility routine (just short dynamic stretches and then 10 seconds holding for each stretch before doing yoga) that I do first thing in the morning since 2 or so years from him! I like his material, but I heard he pulled a greedy one when he opened his online courses
  2. @Rayster I remember about 7-8 years ago or so, I made myself watch this movie. I could only stand 20 minutes, then I had to stop. So much pain, I felt extremely misanthropic at this time. Huge reason why I went vegan at some point.
  3. I already mentioned my all time favorite "The Tree of Life". In the meantime I watched more movies of the same director "Terrence Malick", and finally, last year, I've seen his newest in the cinema. It induced a deeply purging experience of holiness, divinity, beauty. It's: A Hidden Life Other amazing movies from Malick, also about Truth and how it's lost and rediscovered:
  4. @StateOfMind What traditional way? There are many. What you're asking for might be Jnana Yoga / Gnosticism. It's mostly what Leo offers through his videos. Check this out:
  5. @Andrewww You feel restless and an urge to get stimulated? -> Sit down, feel the urges completely, but don't act them out. Just sit with them, bathe in their energy. You can inquire into the feelings without thinking by just leaning into the question what these energies are, and where they come from. This sounds easy, of course it's mostly not. What I tend to think from my own experience is that it's the only way to deeply understand these urges and to let them settle down.
  6. And you didn't read the long version? Maybe check it out This part from the end of the book was so intense. I think many here can relate that to some experiences...: Is this a hallucination? "Charlie, are you all right?" Or the things described by the mystics? I hear a voice but I don't want to answer him. It annoys me that he is there. I've got to ignore him. Be passive and let this - whatever it is - fill me with the light and absorb me into itself. "What do you see, Charlie? What's the matter?" * Upward, moving like a leaf in an upcurrent of warm air. Speeding, the atoms of my body hurtling away from each other. I grow lighter, less dense, and larger... larger... exploding outward into the sun. I am an expanding universe swimming upward in a silent sea. Small at first, encompassing with my body, the room, the building, the city, the country, until I know that if I look down I will see my shadow blotting out the earth. Light and unfeeling. Drifting and expanding through time and space. And then, as I know I am about to pierce the crust of existence, like a flying fish leaping out of the sea, I feel the pull from below. It annoys me. I want to shake it off. On the verge of blending with the universe I hear the whispers around the ridges of consciousness. And that ever-so-slight tug holds me to the finite and mortal world below. Slowly, as waves recede, my expanding spirit shrinks back into earthly dimensions - not voluntarily, because I would prefer to lose myself, but I am pulled from below, back to myself, into myself, so that for just one moment I am on the couch again, fitting the fingers of my awareness into the glove of my flesh. And I know I can move this finger or wink that eye - if I want to. But I don't want to move. I will not move! I wait, and leave myself open, passive, to whatever this experience means. Charlie doesn't want me to pierce the upper curtain of the mind. Charlie doesn't want to know what lies beyond. Does he fear seeing God? Or seeing nothing? As I lie here waiting, the moment passes during which I am myself in myself, and again I lose all feeling of body or sensation. Charlie is drawing me down into myself. I stare inward in the center of my unseeing eye at the red spot that transforms itself into a multipetaled flower - the shimmering, swirling, luminescent flower that lies deep in the core of my unconscious. I am shrinking. Not in the sense of the atoms of my body becoming closer and more dense, but a fusion - as the atoms of my-self merge into microcosm. There will be great heat and unbearable light - the hell within hell - but I don't look at the light, only at the flower, unmultiplying, undividing itself back from the many toward one. And for an instant the shimmering flower turns into the golden disk twirling on a string, and then to the bubble of swirling rainbows, and finally I am back in the cave where everything is quiet and dark and I swim the wet labyrinth searching for one to receive me... embrace me... absorb me... into itself. That I may begin. In the core I see the light again, an opening in the darkest of caves, now tiny and far away - through the wrong end of a telescope - brilliant, blinding, shimmering, and once again the multipetaled flower (swirling lotus - that floats near the entrance of the unconscious). At the entrance of that cave I will find the answer, if I dare go back and plunge through it into the grotto of light and beyond. Not yet! I am afraid. Not of life, or death, or nothingness, but of wasting it as if I had never been. And as I start through the opening, I feel the pressure around me, propelling me in violent wavelike motions toward the mouth of the cave. It's too small! I can't get through! And suddenly I am hurled against the walls, again and again, and forced through the opening where the light threatens to burst my eyes. Again, I know I will pierce the crust into that holy light. More than I can bear. Pain as I have never known, and coldness, and nausea, and the great buzzing over my head flapping like a thousand wings. I open my eyes, blinded by the intense light. And flail the air and tremble and scream. * I came out of it at the insistence of a hand shaking me roughly. Dr. Strauss.
  7. Yeah you don't get it, the point is your derogatory way of putting it
  8. At least that excludes you as an answer to your question
  9. Will do! Yes I read the 300 page version if that is the novel version you mean, just finished it like 5 minutes ago. Brought me to tears several times, including now. What a gem.
  10. I generally agree wholeheartedly, from my own experience, that porn is not healthy energetically/psychologically, but... what the fuck??? Why would that have ANYTHING to do with feeling feminine? Big red flags here
  11. It really is! Sneaky, but worked. I just got it, will give you a review
  12. Do you remember the name of the program you used? Would be very interested!
  13. I'm currently reading "Flowers for Algernon", I'm only halfway through, but it is amazing! Very cool concept and amazing way to view a lot of the developmental spectrum in a very short timeframe. It's also brought me to tears a few times ?
  14. But isn't HoloSync guided by a voice? Or did you only use the brain entrainment audios? Would you say the isochronic tones etc. that can be found online (like the one mentioned above) are kind of the same?
  15. Of course, but that has nothing to do with an honest curiosity for why these beings think and act the way they do. And why am I repelled by that or why am I drawn to it? Why are others? Why do I feel superior to them or hate them? This all comes down to absolute love for every single being. You can love the Qanon conspiracy people for seeing that they are you and they are confused or whatever. And still you can recognize that their ideas are childish, stupid and toxic, and act accordingly - but not out of hate, but out of love and understanding.
  16. I don't know how it really is like because I luckily never had seeing issues, but I can't imagine unclear vision to be a big problem in meditation. When I meditate with my eyes open, what happens in front of me is almost completely unimportant - as in, I don't pay any attention to it, because my awareness is either focusing on an object, or, mostly the case, relaxes or looks at itself. That is, the visual field is just like the thought streams or sounds - it's just there, no need to react to it. I'm honest though, I had been hugely distracted by my visual field for a long time. What I found is that there is a) the tendency to react to changes which is particularly intense with the visual field because it's like the strongest sense we have of being in the world, and b) a tension in the eyes that most of us have, which is connected to negative emotions,/ego patterns. It may be possible that these tensions are strong for someone like you with glasses? And even if not, it might be nice to inquire into that. How tense is your face, are your eyes when meditating? Can you really really relax them, let them become soft? I bet that would help! I'd say try without glasses, you don't need to focus in the sense of having a sharp image in front of you. Maybe this helps ??
  17. If I am correct in perceiving this transition as stage yellow: i feel a soothing humility rolling in at this stage, which finally starts disarming the ego and all its arrogance and feelings of superiority/inferiority. Also, from realizing how relative everything is, I feel a huge thirst for understanding. This is where @Girzo talked about reading more. At some points just recently I had this deep feeling of wanting to study all there is study, to learn about how everything works, what all the different perspectives out there are, what was, what is, what could be. But I also saw that this can become a red herring really quickly.
  18. "But all we need to do is to quit struggling with ourselves and with reality. When it is said that suffering ceases when one is realized or enlightened, what is meant is that the struggling ceases. Enlightenment is not a matter of not feeling pain, but of not fighting it." A.H. Almaas
  19. @levani What about a toothache?
  20. @Tim R I'd say it depends on the perspective one is in. From one perspective, sure, these are all concepts and labels and they can confuse and fuel a big fat spiritual ego. From another perspective, an authentic desire to grow up, to be real, recognizes some thought-patterns and subsequent actions as helpful for the maturation process and others as detrimental. That's just how it is, FROM THIS PERSPECTIVE. That's why it's important to take the perspective that's necessary in the moment, like when your ego bastardizes "everything just is" to justify giving in to laziness, fear, and self-destructive behavior, it might be smart to take another good look at the situation.
  21. Empty stomach is one of the best things (in my experience) you can do. Also: - Do some yoga and/or dancing beforehand (I also love doing Yoga during the trip) - Get yourself into a meditative, focused, relaxed(!) state - Set an intention but don't expect anything, maybe you're supposed to experience something else this time - Most importantly: Open your heart, breathe love into every cell of your body, relax(!) your body, and trust that you are safe. You are absolutely safe. The only thing that can frighten you in a safe environment is your own mind. Don't be scared of the dark corners of your mind, be curious and loving. - Remember that (given your setting is safe and you take the aforementioned steps into account), you can't do anything wrong. Let it take you, surrender completely, and contemplate what is THIS, what are you? I would start with 1 tab for your first trip, and go in 1/4 or 1/2 steps upwards the following trips, so rather carefully.
  22. Honestly, it depends. I grew quite some muscle, but I'm also a bit overweight and not nearly as advanced as you are, maybe also because of the excess weight. I'm doing calisthenics for a while now (not consistently though) and started with 0 pullups and a few unclean pushups. Now doing 5-6 pullups and 4-5 ring dips, which is not much, but I'd say I got quite muscular for this level. As long as you're in the 5-10 reps range, you progressively overload muscles and go to your maximum(!!!), you can build muscle. But nutrition is key here as well of course.
  23. That's true I think authentic intelligence, just as authentic openness, charisma, confidence, humor etc. point not only to a higher level of consciousness, but integration. This is the essence of maturity, and I personally find nothing more attractive than maturity in its many beautiful forms (like intelligence!). From there, a beautiful relationship can blossom