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Everything posted by peanutspathtotruth
I really recommend, even if it's only after a few months of complete nofap for you, to consider doing sexual practices that cultivate and transmute the energy and train your ability to stop ejaculation before orgasm. Sex, and even masturbation, is incredibly healthy if done right. If you're building up control, learning how and when to stop, how to orgasm without ejaculation and most importantly how to circulate the energy through your body, you can very quickly feel similar energies as in Kriya Yoga or Kundalini Yoga practices. Sex or masturbation without cumming leaves you in a state of ecstasy, regenerates your body and energizes your mind. I've only tried dabbling in these practices shortly. It's been incredible. But I have to admit there are still strong patterns of addiction within me and they got triggered at some point and I gave in. Back on it again! First going off for a while, then integrating the practices. You are a sexual being. Being sexual with another is an incredible act of love and prayer, devotion and celebration of the immense beauty that you are. Even masturbation is. God loves itself and its urges completely. the question is how consciously you are indulging.
peanutspathtotruth replied to Bufo Alvarius's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Exactly "my" "thoughts" "" I have two impressions here: a) We're doing advanced philosophy here, this is good stuff. We're penetrating the actuality of it all, always coming back to direct experience as best as we can. b) I often have the impression we don't know what we're REALLY talking about. Are we trying to formulate the absolute highest perspective and only that? Are we counting the infinite many perspectives that are contained by the absolute? Are we relating it back to this very experience? What subtle points are we actually discussing here, and why? -
peanutspathtotruth replied to Bufo Alvarius's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
He's not saying there is something outside of Consciousness, he's repeatedly saying there is only one infinite consciousness. He's saying that what's seen here is not all that is to see. Again, I see the conflation of two things: A) there is one consciousness and everything is it, nothing else exists, it's infinite and perfect and love, etc. B) this experience right now, this content made out of consciousness in consciousness, is the only content there is in consciousness. A does not lead to B, but that's what you're saying. And the possibility that in infinite consciousness there can be multiple points of view at the same time is also not negated by A. I'm not on any position - I have no idea, just a hunch (which isn't worth much). But the way you guys argue against Rupert is sloppy. -
peanutspathtotruth replied to Bufo Alvarius's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Great take on this! -
peanutspathtotruth replied to aetheroar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Love it ?? -
peanutspathtotruth replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think that's why my mind is just unable to get it without the direct experience of exactly this truth. Also what @GreenWoods is saying is not logical in my opinion. The logic that oneness must experience itself as all of itself, always, without being able to filter itself into its own apparent multitude - just doesn't match what I experienced as the infinite and it's not a sound logical explanation in my opinion. It's confusing, it's illogical, but I'm not saying I deny it. I pretty much feel it creeping up on me that you guys are right about this, and it changes a lot (or nothing). I truly don't know. But I'm coming to see that of course this is not something to be logically coherent or understandable. -
peanutspathtotruth replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I agree, I also still have a problem grasping that. Both perspectives "make sense". I know only THIS, right here. But this doesn't mean, at least as far as I "understand", that there couldn't be other experiences that the real I is having which I chose to exclude to create the illusion of finitude. Yeah, somehow this contradicts oneness. But taking infinity into account, then again it doesn't necessarily. I really am trying to make this practical and right-here-and-now-observable and not only an idea. -
peanutspathtotruth replied to Fandango's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don't agree and most lucid dreamers won't, too. The beauty of lucid dreams is that it still feels real but you are aware and you can co-create the dream. Then you can dive fully into whatever sexual fantasy you want and it still feels real - even though you know it isn't. Likewise, when we awaken, we can fully enjoy all of what the dream has to offer while knowing it's a dream. Enjoyment is not at all bound to illusion. Sure, some enjoyment you will have to let go of. But the enjoyment of knowing who and what you are, and bringing that into every experience, is beyond anything else. It's the ultimate enjoyment. -
peanutspathtotruth replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Of course ? Exactly. Sorry if I misunderstood someone. -
peanutspathtotruth replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Was not my intention <3 , but: -> Over and over again was not mentioned as in the same life, but life after life. And you'r saying that's the case. I'm not against you. I just don't see it, and it feels like a story, that's all. I'll have to find out myself -
peanutspathtotruth replied to Fandango's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lucid dreams are so much more fun ? -
I see. And I think I kind of addressed that: you might see your aloneness and your seeing through illusions as temporal disappointments. You see that what you thought would fulfill you (a relationship) in fact could never do that. It's all you. This realization can hurt a lot. But it is also the most beautiful thing to see. I guess that the unfoldment of it is unique to everyone. So you will have to find out. Let me just quote the essential summary of "A Course In Miracles" to tell you that you don't need to worry. Enlightenment will take everything from you that is false. But that wasn't even real, so you didn't lose anything: "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists."
peanutspathtotruth replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's what I mean. This thread is talking about a story of God creating reality and then living it one life after the other. I just can't see why this should be the case. I just see stories. I thought you agreed with the view of the OP, that's why I asked if you could clarify why such claims are made. I'm open to consider, but all I know is this right here. I'd love to know why and how but I also take into account that it could be a distraction. -
peanutspathtotruth replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I completely agree. But this does not match with what is said here. With an at-length explanation of God imagining reality and then one-by-one experiencing itself. There ist just THIS, right here, right now. Isness. Suchness. Issing. The eternal experiencing or whatever we call it. What about the stories of living one life after the other, others not being conscious (or being conscious)? -
peanutspathtotruth replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Okay, and why is successive experiences not my illusion as well? Isn't the "one after another" also bound by the illusion of time? -
Beautifully written! Welcome to the forum, and thanks for being so open and vulnerable. There are so many angles we could look at here. Enlightenment doesn't "serve" anything. But in the way you wanna hear it, in my experience, it does both. The loss of the sense of otherness can take out the magical spark of sexual attraction - then again, if you truly see how it's all you, the magic is increased tenfold. In the beginning, you're in love because you think there's someone giving you love and you feel validated, liked, pleased, all the good stuff. Then you're seeing that actually, this other person is not a person, and neither are you, and they are not giving you anything. This can feel disappointing - no one will ever fulfill you. But then you can see how it's all love. All of it. And this beautiful embodiment of your love that you call your crush or partner is there for you to love and to share beautiful, soulful, infinite love. They don't give it to you. You are it. Sex becomes a celebration of your infinity that just wants to melt in a constant reaffirmation of union and the annihilation of all boundaries. A commitment to a partner can be a commitment to embody your enlightenment in a beautiful way. Some don't even bother committing and putting in the hard work. Others say it's one of the most challenging and fruitful paths of embodying awakening. I have come to agree with the latter. All parts of life will be affected by your awakenings. Embrace it all. You want relationship? Then go experience them from where you are. That's your horizontal development. Then, let your spiritual work be your vertical development. Both go hand in hand.
peanutspathtotruth replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Same here. I don't get why not simultaneously. -
peanutspathtotruth replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The only thing I can't say I've really seen clearly is that God created all this from the get go and now experiences lifetime after lifetime. I can sense something about this and it's getting me in a very deep state, thank you for that - but somehow this feels like a story. When I look into beingness right here, right now, that's not what I see. But to be fair, I also don't see that others are conscious. Both are just interpretations. I guess my mind is stuck on why some of you (quite suddenly) are so very sure that this one option is true. You claim you understand why and how all this is happening. I believe it could be possible to know it directly. I haven't, but I want nothing more than that. It's just this one point I'm somehow unsure of because something in me smells fantasy making. -
peanutspathtotruth replied to Forza21's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Forza21 Of course it is, but I feel you - it's sometimes very hard to understand how in the world that would be possible. In a sense, the path is about seeing the absolute perfection of what you are in all the struggles of survival - aka survival being exactly equal to you loving yourself. No difference. Your daily life is spirituality. Even if you're living the most mundane, survival oriented life, this is God living itself. All of it wants to live exactly that. And so you can allow yourself to be a responsible, mature, growing human being while finding out that you are not really a human being. This doesn't deny the activity. To hold this paradox, and to blossom in it skillfully and gracefully, is all you're here to do. There is not a single aspect of reality that is not you, not God, not Love, not spirituality. Forget the words, and all is just "this". Remember to go out of your comfort zone. This makes spiritual progress and survival a whole lot easier -
You are right, and thanks for calling this out. It's interesting what kind of dynamic such a situation can unleash and what it reveals about us.
As many others here, I have deep respect and love for Nahm. He really has a big, beautiful heart that just wants to shine. I've read his posts for years and loved many, but especially these last 2 or so years, I've rarely even bothered reading them completely because the words were not appropriate or helpful in my view. @Leo Gura you really put it accurately, there was often no resonance, no attunement to what was really needed. And I hate to say it, but I think this might not have been helpful for Nahm, either. I think he might have thought himself into a neat little bubble which would allow to evade further questioning, further contemplation. And in my view, this is what this community is really all about: Always be open, curious and receptive to the infinite. You can't learn it all and if you think so, you're deluding yourself. To guide in this process of endless discovery of Truth is the function of this teaching, this forum and the help of the mods. With all respect and love for a beautiful embodiment of God, I think it was the right decision when seen from the bigger vision of what all this is aiming at. And to be really honest, I am really shocked by the PM's you've linked. It shows one of many traps and dangers of this path. I'm honoured and grateful to learn from this, and I'm sure Phil will grow from this, too. Sat Na(h)m ?
peanutspathtotruth replied to Alex bAlex's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Don't be. There's nothing to feel guilty about or judge yourself for. You're exactly where you are and you're expressing your frustration, that's good - you're honest in this regard. Are you seeing how meaningless the world as you perceive it is? Just getting up to survive, being defined by how much money you have etc.? To see how painful and meaningless it would be if that was actually true is good. This recognition doesn't mean you need to kick your ass even more. On the contrary - can you see how ridiculous it would be if this magical existence that you are would be so pale and dark? It's a sign for you that shows you that you can now choose to see things as they really are. The question is: Do you want to? Do you want to see what things really are? You will be surprised how far the truth is from how you're interpreting the world right now. It's not even close. I don't need to tell you, and you also don't need any words of someone else - you gotta find out for yourself. Touch that willingness deep inside you that wants to be free from all this wrong perceiving, that wants to shine as what truly is - as YOU! If you look deep into your heart, you know you want love. You know you want truth. And there is nothing but that. Be curious. Ask yourself what is real. See if you can choose to love everything that you encounter in experience from now on. And from this love comes a natural curiosity that asks: What are you, really? You, pain; you, frustration; you, thought; you, fear. What are you? And how can I love you more deeply? Find that curiosity, that love for what is, and dive into your here-and-now reality. Don't think, don't fantasize, just look, just observe. Ask with your whole being what is real - and when that means that you need to face pain, then face it. Let it teach you. And then drop all of it. Just be with what is. This is meditation. -
peanutspathtotruth replied to TheAvatarState's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well said and amazing that you're seeing this. It's all so simple, really. Only the mind makes it complicated. Regarding the exercises: Did 2 hours of ashtangha yoga today and the contemplation/do-nothing meditation afterwards was the deepest I've had in months. The body is a great tool for quieting, or rather harmonizing, the mind. -
peanutspathtotruth replied to Newborn's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I can relate. I have financial struggles and the fear of future scenarios is sometimes quite burdensome. Thoughts and feelings can be hard to allow. But this is the work you chose, so don't give up now This issue you're having has multiple layers, and they are all important: Start taking full responsibility for your survival. You need to allow the perspective that despite all the spiritual truths you might want and have seen, you gotta think, speak and act (in this case) from smart pragmatism. IF you decide you want to survive as a human body - this being your ultimate nature or not - then do something about it. It doesn't even have to involve delusional beliefs or ego. Be like a lion that just does what it does to survive, and you can be peaceful and content with that. Do the life purpose course, act consciously and lovingly, but also just work a lot if right now you need to. You gotta work yourself out of your debt, and you can do it. Build your life purpose at the same time. This is not the deepest truth and it is not sexy, but you gotta do something NOW. Think about what your heart wants and do that until it is the only thing you need to do to survive. This can take a few years. Take your first step NOW. Do the "Loving What Is" work from Byron Katie. Get the book, work through it, see that your worries and fears are not true. This is crucial. You need to understand that your biggest intention - the intention of changing how you feel - is what is the problem. Can you have the intention of seeing things as they really are? Clue: You're not miserable, you're not doing anything wrong and you are loved so much that you couldn't handle it. But to find this out you need to FACE your feelings, your beliefs and you need to inquire into them deeply. Use the firey energy of frustration to investigate who you truly are and what is true about you. You have to be bold and ready to feel all your misery and your feelings - their pure energy, without the story. These feelings will unfold by themselves, but only as long as you let them. When you grasp on to your thoughts, this won't work. Investigate your thoughts and dive into the pure ISNESS of the feelings you are so scared of. Most important point: Whatever you do, you gotta open your heart. This changes EVERYTHING. Listen to Matt Kahn as soon as you can (!) and learn what self-love really means and how your thinking eclipses it. See how all this is not about awakening yet? Do this work first and you will naturally want to dive into Truth more and more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agGBT2tsJGg&ab_channel=MattKahnAllForLove -
peanutspathtotruth replied to History's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
God, when it knows itself to just be itself, is pure, infinite Love. When it (YOU!) forgets itself and thinks there is itself and another, the immensity of this love is seen as a threat, and thus the fear can truly become overwhelming, because it is God's fear of itself - but this fear can't and won't last (and is not real, it is just imagined) because you always come back to being yourself and knowing yourself. It's like the earth - out of the earth comes a body and it believes itself to be separate, but this body will always dissolve back into the earth which it always essentially was. And earth as a body can fear other forms of itself - like fire or another predatory body. But it's just the earth being itself. (Or call it life, energy, whatever, just a metaphor)