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Everything posted by peanutspathtotruth

  1. Great insights, really resonates! Yes! True love doesn't care if people know that you love them or if they hold you as a loving person. In one sense, I feel that actions show how loving you are, but these actions don't have to be visible. They probably most often are internal, energetic actions of devotion, surrender, courage. They spring from love to love, as love, without needing anything more than that.
  2. In the end, EVERYTHING has a downside. Do you know "How Not To Die" from Dr. Greger? I like his approach. He says beans/lentils are one of the best foods you can possibly eat. The question is often not is it good or bad but rather: do the benefits far outweigh the downsides? Or vice versa? No single food is perfect, they all have some form of toxicity or side effect.
  3. Yeah my body clearly tells me they don't - but maybe that's also because of the processing they go through to become noodles.
  4. In truth you may only enter green when you're ripped, vegan and use natural skin care products, these TV shows are so unrealistic! Good point! It's a bit more nuanced than that though I would say, because from a certain perspective it is true that one is more developed than someone else, and someone else may be more developed than oneself. The question is: what do you make of that? Is it another identity structure you fall into that traps you in separation? That of course leads to arrogance, and I feel like that is something we all have to go through - and hopefully come out with a mature humility. From another perspective though, it's important to know where you are and what you can do with it for the whole of reality. From this view, it's also about responsibility. A sage might(!) be more useful directing his/her energy toward giving love than just bathing in it him/herself.
  5. This Relentless Love No matter how hard you may struggle to stay afloat, how violently you may cry out, "No! This cannot be God," you can feel it, can't you, this current that keeps pulling you under, this force that simply will not stop. No matter how hard we may struggle to keep from hearing it the song goes on: "This too, My child, this too..." John Astin
  6. It's probably not, but arbitrary topics might be. What I call "random thoughts" is what other members here use their own journal thread for. It's like a playground to share thoughts that are not thread-worthy but still nice to share It's just to keep the topics relevant and interesting you know. Thanks for being here, hope I don't come off as a dick now
  7. I think the way of giving is not the issue most of the time - the action itself is not as important as where it comes from. Do you know that feeling of overflowing with love? Of being so complete, so connected to your heart, that there is an infinite fountain inside your chest? From that clarity that you are more than abundant, you give fully, in whatever way you can. Not because anything.. just for the sake of the love itself, and out a choice to shower your partner with that love instead of someone else in that instant.
  8. WHAT There truly is a market for lazy people hahaha. I've been really enthusiastic when it comes to nutrition research for a few years now. Soy is one of those things that you find a lot of differing opinions on. For myself, I found the extreme position of "it's super bad!!" to not be very valid, or - only if you eat tons of soy. It's a bit like salt, maybe it's better not to worry too much and just not go into extremes on both ends. But then again, if you have a sensitivity for soy, maybe it affects you more, listen to your body
  9. Sorry, but is this really worth its own thread?... You're opening quite a lot of them lately. Not a mod, just saying. Feels like you're just sharing random thoughts, no offense
  10. In the organic shops here (Berlin), there are tons of these bean/lentil pasta products, really amazing if you want to leave gluten out and get the protein in. They are made out of peas, chickpeas, different sorts of lentils etc. They are just incredibly expensive There are also so many great tofu products here, the more expensive ones come with amazing ingredients, this one has 30g of protein and amazing ingredients. It's still not 100% clean, but for vegan meat, it's insanely delicious, good for the gains and the cleanest for this kind of product.
  11. I'm not good at this at the moment at all. But recently I had an amazing run - what helped me was visualizing my complete next day before I went to bed. Also, be okay with not having enough sleep for some nights because you're getting your body used to a new time to wake up. All this is advice to myself as well
  12. Higher Consciousness Healing. It was recommended by someone here in the forum. It's a very simple exercise but it's one of the most powerful I've done regarding shadow work. (She recommends 4 minutes a day, I did about an hour a day, so maybe that's why it's been so powerful)
  13. Of course, and it can be a helpful one for sure! It can become an obstacle though when it sprouts thoughts like you used in your first post: "shadow elimination" "getting out of a state" "reaching adulthood" That's what I was pointing at, the thought of trying to to get rid of something and reaching some new state. It's really good that you want to work on yourself, that is the fuel. Now maybe your strategy needs work. Let me give you an example: I had energetic knots in my head for a long time, kind of felt like a headache. Most of the times I wasn't sure which of these two things it really was, but it was painful. I always subconsciously wanted it to go away, and after years I found out that that is why it never went away and came back stronger. In a book I read recently, the author says to visualize knots in your body as flowers to blossom, to open up like a clenched fist. This is transformation. This is love. The other way would be rejection which is lack of love. Maybe you see what I mean. It sounds like a word game, but it is not. For me, it changed everything. You're on the right path, don't worry ??
  14. 52,5% yellow, 30,5% turquoise and the rest purple. My spiral dynamics overall score is 9843, my consciousness level is 754 and my high score in a peak experience is ?️. You want a spiral battle? We can also trade skills if you want. ?
  15. I had a similar realization lately: that, although I really don't want to, I am quite arrogant and feel superior due to my insights and developmental steps. I feel a strong aversion because it speaks against who I think I should be and want to be. I'm also in the process of finding out how to deal with that, but as with everything, rejection is not the way. I found that a curiosity to understand the dynamic, the clarity to see why it's painful and part of the illusion, and, most importantly, an infusion with love are helping me see it slowly dissolve. I actively feel the love expanding from my heart into wherever this arrogance or superiority is felt, and at some point it just melts into the love itself. I don't think there are any further steps. Acceptance -> Understanding -> Love
  16. @Shunyata You have to find out for yourself but my sincere recommendation to you is taking the other replies to heart. Don't think you have it all figured out. Yes, society and (most) art/media tells you slay the demon. In a sense that is true, but you don't slay with the force of violence but with the infinitely more powerful force of love. That's what many view as cheesy in art and they like the hero's journey more - but look at society itself. Does it look like most people have their shadow worked through? I hit my head against the wall with trying to kill dark parts of myself, even trying to shut down that ego itself. Futile. The moment I saw that this attitude is the problem and started truly loving all that is inside my psyche, without needing it to go away, everything changed. You asked a question, take inspiration from those who have found at least a hint of an answer. ♥️
  17. @Judi Just started reading a book about this topic which specifically talks about using lucid dreaming for enlightenment work (see the book thread). He says that indeed the dream consciousness is by definition still the ego consciousness, and that it's very important to be clear about that. But, with stable lucidity, you are in a situation where you're not only conscious but you also have full access to your subconscious mind. Spiritual practices in this state of consciousness are supposed to be much more potent than in normal waking consciousness. There's also a lot of potential for shadow work by confronting your subconscious.
  18. @Michal__ @fridjonk These are great suggestions, thank you! Quite honestly, I haven't been taking stretching too seriously, although I know how good it is for me, even mentally. No I didn't know static stretches only after the workout, I just thought I should warm up a bit. I usually stretched before bed, sometimes even for 30-60 minutes, I did a few sun salutations to warm up, and after the stretching I would use massaging balls and the black roll. Maybe I should try moving that whole routine into the post-workout time frame? I think I'll start doing so tomorrow! And yeah, I'm also taking creatine at the moment. My eating is not so good at the moment, I'm circling back to a very clean diet from a longer backlash. That might help. Also gonna drink more. Thank you both
  19. That is SO green of you to say!
  20. Yes, definitely! I also like his journey, how he chose sports over partying and made a bold decision. By the way, there is something I'm observing lately regarding calisthenics: Training really makes my body stiff and tense, although I relax my body at least 1-2 hours during meditation. With stretching and some massaging work it's better, but still I feel how this makes all the habitual tension even worse. I also take magnesium which is important for me to sleep when training, but doesn't help much. My little brother has the exact same problem. I did a break, not exercising for about 2-3 weeks until a few days ago, because it was too straining energetically. My body relaxed sooooo much!! It's sad to see the tension coming back, but I want the exercise, it's good for me. Do you have similar experiences? I honestly thought about getting into something less strength-related to not have that tension.
  21. Been in the situation many times, and I took the hard way until I learned how to deal with it. Short answer: Fear is in the head and/or the belly. When fear of death is rushing in, feel your heart. Really feel into the area of your chest, let the mind talk all it wants. Trust the love in your heart. I know how "fluffy" this might sound, but it's the smoothest way I know, the love consumes everything else, even the terror. By the way, did you know Carl Jung wanted to see Ramana but pulled back in the last minute? He was afraid as well.
  22. @Kalki Avatar Oooh nice, I've read his first three. Gonna check it out, thank you!
  23. Amazing thread Here are some of my favorites, mostly piano and/or strings. Sadness and beauty are really close, sometimes indistinguishable, in my experience.