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Everything posted by peanutspathtotruth

  1. Less intense, but much more freedom to explore yourself, dance nakedly, let your body do whatever it feels like, having a lot of space and switching to silence whenever you want to - dancing at home is AMZAING
  2. Read this yesterday and directly applied it - couldn't sleep and had an exam this morning. You know the classic mind games that start coming in. Just returning to being okay with whatever is, with the help of a few words, made such a difference I'm going to utilize this more now! So happy to see others who found this to be of help, too!
  3. Sure that's a given. If I remember correctly though, what I read in the book ("Cleanse to Heal") was about the bacterial content of eggs which has a historical reason - again, I don't know the truth of that, just curious
  4. There are soy products which are 100% pure soy, made from the flour - literally nothing else. Like soy granulate. I bought 6 kilos of Soy Schnetzel made from that just recently, this shit has 50g proteins per 100g! It's insane. And it tastes amazing, and also takes on the tastes of the food you cook it with quite well. Other than that, what @Michael569 says. Here in Germany we have clean mixtures for burgers to moisten and heat yourself made from ingredients of the highest quality organic standard we have here - if you find something similar, can be great. I eat beans and lentils a lot, too. Not sure how trustable his sources, but Anthony Williams talked about eggs in his latest book, it's the #1 food he advises against I think. Also heard other not so good things about eggs. I personally haven't eaten eggs in at least 5 years. Definitely not a top choice given the doubt, even though it still carries its reputation from the macro nutrient-focused view of foods.
  5. I started writing a long post trying to tell you that techno clubs in Berlin are very different from what you describe as "clubs" - and a few actually are, I've worked there and know many club goers. Many people come for the music, to hear specific DJs and to dance ecstatically (and take a lot of drugs, including psychedelics). So for example where I worked, people hooking up is quite rare. It's very much music focused, this exists as well, there's more than mainstream clubs. But... Then I realized that there is a specific concentration of what you guys talked about in even this specific, music oriented clubscene: Berghain. Many people literally come here to fuck. There are dark rooms right next to the main floor and they are full of people fucking. I've seen guys fucking 2 meters away from where friends and me chilled, in a lighted chill area. There are specific sex parties here, too, you can't even imagine... Humans are simple sometimes. So giving examples for both extremes of the spectrum here
  6. @WaveInTheOcean Just wanted to throw in that after I coincidentally read a few of your posts today, I felt resonance, your pointers are quite helpful for me right now. Thanks for your quality posts
  7. @ChimpBrain Your thread finally led me to explore this (had no idea what it was but heard the phrase thrown around a lot). I'm listening to the Abke playlist, do you like the Gaia one more? I'm only a few videos in, and it's impressively interesting. This is basically the stuff I've always wanted to know. Of course I have no idea how true all this is, but from my current stand point, it seems possible, very possible. And just that fact alone is pure awesomeness. Thank you for sharing ??
  8. Genius!!! I always planned to go into a forest just for screaming I once worked in a cinema and I was the one to turn of the projectors and stuff when nobody was inside the building anymore. I thought it would be perfect to scream in a soundproof auditorium, there were many in the building. I always went in, standing in front of an empty, TOO silent room... and I could never scream longer than maybe 1 second. It felt sooo weird. I tried many times
  9. This! Amazing insights, I have had some of those as well And definitely, bringing that into the real world is equally important (and equally beautiful)! Not at the moment, but I feel that over time, I'll need to. There is so much being processed, putting it into a kind of written log would probably be very helpful.
  10. Quite a good question! I resonate with what you say, that there is a true inner drive that is not simply stemming from "the illusion of separation". I feel called by the universe to dive deep into the infinite library of its mysteries and to never stop exploring it (myself). It's the truest desire I've ever felt (and in essence, the only one I feel comes from truth itself). To answer your question, I have no idea - figuring that out myself at the moment. But it feels like a mixture of diving deep into higher states of consciousness, integrating love and wisdom into the "person", surrendering completely to God and being playful and humorous at the same time. Discipline in translating the seeking energy into actual practice is often a shortcoming for me, so I'm working on that. But some others might have plenty of discipline but blind spots or a lack of ease. I feel like this could be unique to every being.
  11. It was the same for me despite a lot of consciousness work and breakthroughs. I think it's not that unusual. At some point it just happened, as if an energetic blockage just burst through. It was more than clear what happened on a feeling level. Trust the process and keep going. As a practical advice, this is one of the best sessions for nourishing that connection to the heart and to feel it fill with love. Give it a try if you feel like it
  12. I have no idea what you specifically mean by mobilization. But yes, this path is incredibly challenging, sometimes more, sometimes less. What I can recommend you is to really sit down and be 100% honest and sincere with yourself: What do you want? Do you want truth at all cost? Do you want harmony, love, peace, health, compassion etc. in your life? Do you want to embody that? Or do you prefer struggle, pain, pleasure (as in: short-term feedback loops of feeling good), deception, fantasy? You need to be completely clear about what you want, notwithstanding the temporary pains you feel at the moment. Then, you can assess where you are and how and why you are embodying the opposite of what you want in the respective areas in your life. It has to be understood deeply why and how your thoughts keep resisting the truth. So yes, it might take that daily awareness and clarity and bringing in the energy to change. You might have to do the above again and again and again (after years, I still have to do that regularly, I think most do). At some point though, truth provides you with fuel, so the clarity strengthens and your reminders don't need that much work All the best, you got this
  13. I'm super under-developed in this area as well. I've read quite a bit of David Deida and find him extremely helpful because he grounds whatever he recommends in truth & infinite love, and he specifically says you can't fake authenticity. I agree with that. I don't know if I should watch videos that teach me how to act, it always felt inauthentic. I don't want sex. I want a deep relationship - but I realize that even for that I'll need attraction... "skills"?
  14. @spaghetti11 That sounds amazing, thank you for sharing I read the book, too, and I've been curious ever since. I might try this at some point!
  15. @Skanderb Would you mind sharing your affirmations, I'm curious Also, your post is the last drop of inspiration I needed, I've been on the edge of getting into affirmations again. So thank you for that kind sir
  16. I'm not consistent at all, but music is also (atm) not a priority for me. But - whenever I feel stuck but really do want to make music, I just start sound design. I love designing sounds, exploring random FX chains, modulating the shit out of a synth and see what I can make out of that. It's almost completely intuitively experimenting without expectation. And once I have a few sounds going and already spent a while on this, the flow kicks in and I'm gone for hours Also, inspiration:
  17. @Leo Gura @modmyth Good points, thanks for being honest. It's a great practical example of taking all these perspectives in without holding on to any of them. Let's see how this is going to develop.
  18. I am just rereading Diamond Heart Book 4, and I saw you mentioned the new videos. So much content! Even really old lectures. I always wanted to see and hear the origin of these transcripts, to get a feel of a young Almaas. Looking forward to explore
  19. Interesting that you share that, thank you! This has been a point that had been throwing me off sometimes, but I didn't even catch it fully before reading on this site how they feel he is so immersed in his book knowledge that he just mixes it all together and a) pretends to understand it all, b) pretends to understand it better than anyone else, and c) poses things as his own truth. I'm not judging, I've seen parts of that in myself, and it's obvious to me that this is pure ego inflation (at least within me). It's interesting to note, and I'm gonna withdraw from his teachings for a while. This, I think, is the major take-away for me Thanks for the reminder <3
  20. Yes of course it is I don't even know how truthful these accounts are, but reading them they feel authentic and coming from accumulated pain, even if it may be dramatized. I feel that, otherwise I wouldn't have listened to him for years, even before you recommended him here. But in this case, I have to throw the ball back to you: The point is, that it seems to be more complex than that. Isn't that how cults can form, even around genuine gurus? Maybe he doesn't even comprehend (or allow to see) how much he's hurting people. Hurting and using people in the ways described by these people does not seem to be the most genuine action to help them awaken. Okay fair point, but have you read the account I linked here? The section about him and his past is interesting as well. His behavior doesn't seem to reflect the deep care he is showing in other situations, which creates this psychological push-pull movement within his students. I don't try to state any facts, it's not simple. But just saying "well he wants you to awaken and needs money, so he emotionally abuses people and shows signs of arrogance and megalomania (if that is the case) - sure!" is, to me, not a refined enough way to look at this situation. But it depends on what perspective we're taking, how we interpret the situation
  21. @Bojan V I think he means "there is nothing AS healing as this"
  22. Well yes, but do you think "he gotta survive" justifies (in a moral sense) the manipulation, the superiority behavior and the seeming ways in which he tries to pull people out of their lives so they serve him monetarily? So he can have a luxurious lifestyle and keep on milking people? It's not easy to see this kind of behavior for what it is when right in that same person there also shines truth, that's why this is shocking to me. Reading the accounts opens to me the possibility (taking his past into account as well), that this is really a cultish development, even though it might have crept in over the years and now he doesn't even see it. Embodiment truly seems to be the hardest part, even for advanced sages who don't like to admit there is a lot of shadow work left.