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Everything posted by peanutspathtotruth

  1. Strongly the opposite, he keeps babbling on and on, not saying anything at all and eventually alluding to hit him up as a coach. Sorry, but this is a joke
  2. That's what I've been thinking as well, that this depth is best covered by text. What I meant though would be a video format where, for example, a discussion between multiple people takes place in which it is practically demonstrated how proper argumentation works, how to properly research, how to hold multiple perspectives etc. The most interesting point for me would be to make it practical, to show examples because the theory of it is already there. They also could show their own way of researching a topic with articles and data bases, using smart visuals etc.
  3. Yeah maybe you're right, maybe they know exactly how to proceed most effectively considering their goal of offering sense making skills. I'm currently finishing the first meta news article about the planted bricks and I just really love their choice of format for this. I still think expanding into extended video format would be a great idea at some point
  4. Seems to be it - for now, quite underwhelming. I'm currently reading through the articles, they are solid. But I agree, from what they make themselves out to be, I am hoping for more.
  5. This is exactly the kind of thread I have been looking for on this forum. Great exchange of ideas! The Consilience Project is now online since end of February, I just started reading. Has anyone read into it already and has an opinion? I think this is more clear now since we are seeing the very real effects of climate change. Will we just let it happen and technologically create isolated structures to live in? Will taking a walk in nature be a thing of the past that we will tell our children about? I like your and Leo's thinking that we are too selfish to perish, although some part of me sees disaster arriving. If we're honest, we don't know. That's what makes this even more fascinating to me. On the one hand, I don't care what happens since I know nothing is lost, all is perfection and this is one of infinite beauties in the mind of God. But on the other hand, deep down, I care for humanity to continue and embody love further and further... Life is the best movie ever
  6. I want to share an interesting experience of mine because I think it could be helpful to some of you Over the last 2 months, a natural desire to use my voice has bubbled up, inspired by two major points: a) I made the simple and obvious observation that a lifestyle of online-university and limited social contact, both due to the pandemic, leaves me silent most of the day. As a result, my voice got even more nasal, weak, and insecure, and my ability to express myself declined as well. b) I LOVE language, especially English (not my mother tongue), and I recently attended to this love by diving into literature. At one point, I felt the desire to read out loud. At first, that led me to intuitively hum and 'om' randomly throughout the day, and even speak words and phrases - it just felt good. Then, I started reading out loud daily for 30-60 minutes (Blood Meridian by McCarthy, and The Waves by Wolff), and this IMMEDIATELY had an impact. Although I live in Germany, my workplace is composed of such an international team that we only speak English there. Being at work, I instantly felt so much more capable of expressing myself elegantly, precisely and accurately. I didn't even have to think about it anymore, it just happened. And it also spilled over to my expression skill in German. This felt extremely freeing and exciting. But here comes the most awesome benefit I didn't even expect: My thinking became more transparent and clear - meaning, I started to "hear" my thoughts very clearly in concrete, linguistic forms. To some of you that might sound odd, because that's just how you experience thinking (I have no idea), but for me this was a breakthrough. Why?: One of the greatest challenges to developing spiritually, psychologically and emotionally is to correctly identify what one actually thinks. Otherwise, how would one even spot a wrong belief? The thing is that, although I'd say I'm quite a 'clever' and precise thinker, many of my thoughts have always been too abstract/unclear for me to really understand - most of my experiences of thoughts during my spiritual journey had a quality of cloudiness, confusion, and lack of concreteness. I felt my mind moving but could not make out what these thoughts actually expressed in my mind, linguistically, logically. This changed immediately. Since then, just a few days ago, I switched from written journaling to spoken journaling, and it's a complete game changer for me. I'm sitting here for 30-90 minutes every day and have a deep, honest and sophisticated talk with myself. Every day I'm having breakthroughs. I cried many times because FINALLY, just through taking the time to look at what is going on inside of me, I understood why I was suffering, why I kept backlashing. And more importantly, I understood clearly what I want in life, and how I'm standing in my own way. The increase in love and compassion I built towards myself is immense. Speaking in this manner is also a great platform for direct contemplation of reality. Written contemplation and journaling doesn't come close for me. What I am working through in 60 minutes of speaking would take ages to write down. The voice feels like this perfect, immediate instrument of expression. It's very beautiful. Of course, sincerity, focus and refined distinction making is needed to not just brabble randomly. Maybe many of you have known this for a long time. I feel like this is why Leo once said his episodes help himself integrate on a deep level what he is dissecting in front of the camera. The voice is such a beautiful thing, use it
  7. Just listened to that one, too - really, really good stuff, thanks @Consilience
  8. @Gabith Love is one way towards truth, but it has to be towards truth - you will only deepen your love if you direct it towards what you truly are. This is Bhakti Yoga, full devotional love towards the Self. So yeah, love and truth go hand in hand. Sometimes I find myself in a vortex of devotional love, and contemplation seems to be fruitless. Then, I fully surrender to that love. Some other times, this love is showing me how I need to harness my contemplation more to directly penetrate truth. It's a dance. Both are ultimately the same, but at certain times, one leaning is more helpful than the other.
  9. One of the most important videos I've ever watched!!
  10. That's what I've been thinking since I posted! Definitely gonna look out for some high quality one
  11. Been off for a few weeks, tried to drink a matcha today because of the health benefits, but I just don't like the adrenaline like feeling. I was wondering whether to stay off for good or reintroduce but my feeling tells me just to stay away Pity, matcha and green tea are supposed to be so good for you
  12. I would have to trace back where they got discussed, but I've seen studies in the context of this claim - the problem is that some cancers do indeed die away when you fast, and these findings quickly became a generalized recommendation among alternative health enthusiasts, but: there seem to be types of cancer that actually benefit from the host fasting, and thus you would blindly play russian roulette if you didn't know clearly whether the type of cancer you had would grow or shrink from this practice. So be careful with giving this advice as a generalization.
  13. Interesting, thank you for sharing! Sounds like we're in the same ballpark. I'm only eating chicken and honey when it comes to animal products right now, but thinking about eggs as a protein source.
  14. @Michael569 Are you vegan? Just out of curiosity I've been for years but recently decided to reintroduce meat (mainly poultry), only the highest quality and ethically reasonable that is available, back into my diet. I personally always felt that to support your local high standard organic farm can be overall more effective than just eliminating some things. Feels really good to ease those boundaries I once set for myself by going vegan.
  15. @catcat69123 Michael will be the expert here, but if you want a quick overview of general recommendations, I put all the practical advice and supplement mentions from the book "Regenerate" into my Notion. Take a look: If you just want to know what to eat and what to avoid, look into phase 2. If you want to know supplements to help you, look into phase 3. If you have a specific condition, see the toggles below with specific recommendations. For a big picture overview, consider looking at all phases and implement them. I'm currently doing so and feel amazing
  16. No, but it's showing you: "here, look what you've been pushing away - yourself"
  17. Don't think about specific frequencies, think about how the music as a whole can ground you. Nothing better than ambient in my opinion. But you need to give it time and allow yourself to flow with it:
  18. So I read it to the end yesterday and am already implementing the recommendations. Amazin amazing book! If someone knows similar ones, please let me know! @joshuahuebner Thank you for bringing this up.
  19. @Giulio Bevilacqua How did this Kundalini process start? What practices did you do? When did it "rise up" into the belly?
  20. I decided to give the Osho Dynamic Meditation a try today, it's been on my list for quite some time. While I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with that, I want to address a specific feeling which came up during the meditation: For those who don't know, you go absolutely crazy in different ways for 30 minutes before you completely freeze for 15 minutes. The onset feeling reminded me a lot of the Kriya Yoga experiences I made a while ago (not practicing at the moment). The immense stillness and clarity that radiates to infinity, the silence.... powerful stuff. After about 10 minutes though, I felt a pain arising in my chest, where usually I only know the perfect bliss of love. My mind started to enter because I first thought it to be a physical pain - either my lung (still a bit ailing) or my heart. It got ever more intense and a terror started to build up. My mind came up with thoughts of maybe getting a heart attack any second. But why would that happen? I could allow this feeling to a good extend because of my hyper aware state and my willingness to allow everything to be. But this pain... I remembered that this is the pain I know from 5-MeO, from DMT, and even from weed when the fear of death would come up. This pain and the accompanying fear became so intense that I got nauseaus and eventually laid down before the time of this phase was over. I'm still not sure about the nature of this pain, but it brought up such existential terror that I can only imagine it to be a deeply seated pain at the heart of separation. Very interesting. In the next phase, where you dance, sing, talk to yourself with love, I recognized that not only the pain and fear were present, but also intense feelings of guilt and abandonment. I attended to these feelings with love and curiosity - this was very healing, but it feels like the wound has just opened. This stuff is so fascinating to me - that a few minutes of this work can get one to such a point, without even a psychedelic. Looking forward to keep exploring. I feel many will know this specific pain in the heart area, since even for me it was not new, just suppressed for a while. What are your experiences with it, your insights and healing journeys?
  21. That's good to know! I like Greger, he seems to know his shit. Always something new to learn
  22. This is such a good symbol for what we're talking about I can see McDonalds dealing on the streets and being chased by your state intelligence health forces