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Everything posted by okulele

  1. Very, very neat website explaining the buddhist meditation on the body and educating about the body as well. Check it out, it's beautiful ? http://www.32parts.com/
  2. "Every single thing has uses, when you use it, use it right. Use it the way it's not intended, first it wanes and then it drains! A round hole for a square handle is pretty sad, just an empty failure. The most glorious warhorse ever sat can't match a crippled kitty in a race to catch a rat." - Han Shan
  3. @AminB501 One of the forum members posted this some time ago: Works and is damn powerful
  4. (+ I'm sure a lot of you will love the channel)
  5. For me the spinal breath of Kriya Yoga was always really powerful, but also quite overwhelming. If it works for you, fine. But if you practice this technique and experience some energetic problems or even regular health problems for that matter, you can try this: This is a Taoist practice called the Microcosmic Orbit. Very similar to the spinal breath (Kriya Pranayanam). The difference is, you start at the navel go down to the perineum, up the spine and down to the navel again (tongue at the roof of the mouth to close the circuit). You balance the front and the back of the body, keep the energy circulating and purifying/healing. I find this a much more balanced and healthy feeling practice than the Kriya one. Just letting you, Kriya Yogis, know that there is something like this out there
  6. XXIV Fields, a house, many mulberry trees, fine gardens! Oxen and calves fill his stables and his well-trodden roads. He knows for sure from all this that all effects have causes, and that only fools buy early and sell late. So his eyes can see too how it could all get gone,ground down, melted, all away . . .These things can knock on the heads of everyone living, like the Abbot’s knock on the noggin of the errant novice. You can end up in paper pants, or worse, with a broken tile, pierced and hung on a thong flip-flapping over your private parts . . . and sure as sure, you’ll end up dead, maybe starved or frozen, but certainly dead. ~Han Shan
  7. Can you bake a few thoughts and explain some more? Sounds amazing. Thanks.
  8. @Heaven Hi! In my experience, the body does not contract just like that. You are, most likely unconsciously, holding something down. Stuffing down feelings? Ok, here is what I would do. Sit down and relax. Breath naturaly, even if it is shallow. Notice the contraction, don't try to remove it or force your way through. Ask yourself (the unicerse, the contraction) - "What is hiding underneath this? Listen Might be good to have a journal with you. This can help with the expression and seeing. And above all, lots of love for yourself.
  9. When I saw the title of this topic, I thought - "This is the fear!" If you like, take a look at the title you made, take a look at your post. It is an expression the fear you talk about. In fact, it is the fear. It is right here, in front of your eyes, waiting to be met. Can you read your own post, see where it is coming from and work with that... kindly. Like with a scared child? I think, that the only reason why the fear is so destructive for you is, that you never faced it head on, no? You can do it here, with your writing. Don't be afraid of the fear, it's not as bad as it looks. Maybe there is even a jewel hidden inside of it, who knows?
  10. @Mindfang413 @Mindfang413 Hi man. That's a heavy sounding situation right there. Sorry, bro. But don't worry, it doesn't mean you are bad or broken in any way. We get all sorts of strange states and often we don't know how to change them. There is nothing wrong with you in any way. Hear me? Don't worry, man. All will be well. You are saying that all seems dead and lifeless, yet something... something is still there, no? A spark of light, maybe a little shy, but still. Come oooon, be honest. It's there Concerning the practical side of things, it might be good to see a therapist. No shame in that. But even more important might be a basic taking care. Good sleep, quality food and daily excercise. Can you be getting these? A healthy body is a healthy mind. So, these few things could be a good starting point for you. Good luck, and feel free to write and ask. We got you, bro
  11. Hi, first thought that comes to mind is - you need some grounding. The 'muse, emotion, deity' you are describing sounds tough... and unneccecary. I remember Leo (maybe in his art episode) talking about artists often being unstable and so on an this being a complete silliness. Right on, you don't need to buy into the thought of the raging/crazied artist, that is so often seen all around. Maybe watch out for the agression and consider bringing in some kindness around the creative act? It feels better. Well, whatever happens, good luck
  12. For music, I can recommend Kip Mazuy's work: https://www.youtube.com/user/blissmusic1
  13. @Francis Trach not sure if this will help, but here goes.... drop the distinction between social life and life purpose.
  14. Like you said in your last vieos, many will not get it. The comments partly show that. Just wanted to let you know, that I see the Value. These two videos were of some real Value. Thanks man. And good job
  15. I was browsing the holybooks.com webpage and came across a book called The Zen of Love. It was as if a light bulb lit inside of me - this was the next book I had to read. In the very beginning, the author suggested that we don't only read the book with our minds, but with our entire beings. That we feel the book. I really took his words to heart, and don't know so much what the content of the book was (word wise), but I know very well what it felt like. It felt wonderful. Sometimes we say that a book can resonate with us. I really understood what that means while reading this book. Just a sentence, a word, or really just a glance at the book would send waves of energy rushing through my system, making me blissful and quiet. I am not saying that everyone will experience that with this particular book, but I sure did. It resonated. This book is about Love. The author describes his personal experience, life story and keeps pointing us to the reality, which is - Love is all there is, Love is what we are. This book was quite a trip. It showed me that the others are actually me. It showed me that it was actually me who wrote the book. It showed me that it is me that never ends. It showed me Love. It allowed my heart to open up after a long time of being asleep. And the heart is very happy. It is happy to Love. And so is the heart of everyone I meet, as it is the same heart. =================================================================== Title: The Zen of Love: Discover Your Own Awakened Heart Author: Peter Cutler Number of pages: 209 https://www.holybooks.com/the-zen-of-love/
  16. This is my solo retreat report. I hope it will inspire you to do something like this yourself. Over a month ago I started my 4 week solo retreat. I was quite ready for this. I rented a tiny cabin with no electricity, no water. Spartan conditions, but it was extremely cheap and all I could afford. It was not easy. I quickly found myself in an ocean of suffering and bliss. These two would swap back and forth, varying in intensity and duration. It didn't take me long to realize that the greater the challenge I faced, the more profound the insight at the end and the stronger the bliss following it. This kept me going through the hellish phases. Just a day or two in, I realized that no meditation technique would do. I was not in charge. All I could do was be quiet and watch as life expressed itself through me by spontaneously contemplating the right questions, than inspecting the body, then forgetting all and surrendering completely, then other activities still. I think it was day 3 when the kundalini stuff started to happen. Good thing I heard about all this many times. If I didn't, I'd probably go crazy. In my meditations unspeakable stuff was happening in my body, visions more real than reality would come to mind and I had problems discerning what was true and what was false. Many times my body got so blocked up I thought I would die, only to be forced into an even deeper surrender. Nights were no relief either. Lucid dreams full of trials and challenges awaited me. Alien abductions and meeting gurus, sages and stuff like that. In short, it was a hell of a ride. Fortunately, after about 3 days this subsided. Deep contemplations started to take place uncovering old traumas, unmet desires and such. It was beautiful. On day 14 I had the biggest insight of the retreat. I was contemplating Consciousness itself, when I realized that it is no different from Love. Than I remembered the Hindu concept of Sat-Chit-Ananda (Being-Consciusness-Love), looked closer, and sure enough, this Consciousness-Love was not different from Being either - meaning me. I bathed in this unbounded state for a couple of hours looking over a beautiful pond nearby. I came to the conclusion that I was done here, after 2 week out of 4. It has been 16 days since I came home now. A lot has changed, and nothing at all. I am clearer than ever about what I want, need and value. My life has a much deeper sense of purpose and authenticity. My contemplation skill just sky rocketed. I realized what contemplation is, and it is such a joy to do it even hours a day, as I now know that I can go all the way to the truth of anything I want to know. And since I believe, I make it happen. I have had issues with eating for a long time, even though my diet was good. A lot of shame and guilt always plagued this arena of my life. After a particularly bad meal on the retreat and a deep introspection afterwards, I asked desperately - "How the fuck do I solve this?". And the answer came - "Just ask.". I realized the ability to ask about any food and I will get an answer from inside - it tells me if I should or shouldn't eat. Quickly I realized this works for any question with yes and no. I can ask about anything and know if it is 'yes' or 'no', but it's not always easy to ask and follow the answer. This often takes balls and and losing a fat piece of ego is common here. Soooo... go do it. Spend time alone. Forget it all. Immerse yourself in yourself. You won't believe how much bullshit you are buying into. Thank you Leo, you were one of the ones who inspired me to do this!