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Everything posted by okulele

  1. https://hopkinspsychedelic.org/publications a ton of articles about research into psilocybin, 5-MeO, etc.
  2. I am just reading the book and it's super awe-inspiring
  3. Go with what you got now, but expect it to change, morph and get much more specific as time goes on. Experiment, and you will get to know yourself better and therfore your LP also.
  4. You can do ujai breathing throught the day comfortably. Though it might be too much for you in some situations, listen to your body/inner self.
  5. This illustrates very well what I experienced back then (the Grand Design):
  6. I can relate to the SWITCH. I struggled with food for a loooong time, abusing it, abusing myself with it... Eating too much, restricting myself - all kinds of ways. Finally a few months back I really dived deep into my relationship with food. There was a specific day when I contemplated food so single-pointedly and so continuesly until I broke through something and decided to try a dry fast. I did a 24 or 36 hour dry fast (can't remember), and I realized that 'I am not dependent upon food'. That was the SWITCH, it was simple and awesome. Now I have been on OMAD (one meal a day) for almost 3 months and I never knew the body could feel so clean and healthy. I largely contribute my ability to fast like this to the breakthrough I described above. OMAD enabled so much for me, having a super healthy body can't be overstated in terms of its usefulness. I am able to maintain a much, much higher level of conscious awareness and engage in spiritual practices that would be just impossible with a body that was constipated, toxic and dense. It's such a gift and it's possible
  7. Hi there. Is there anyone who managed to do Kriya Yoga consistnently for a long time now? How is it going? You "there" yet?
  8. ok, you can basically do that - see the essential impermanence of relative truths. That's for sure what mysticism can bring to science. Yeah I am not sure about this. This is kind of my question. Science can't uncover absolute truth. Science is relative, it works within existence. Absolute is only by itself. The way I see it now, is that the best and only thing that science can do is discover the infinite relative truths, which are actually what absolute truth is made of (meaning it's essentially the same).
  9. I just watched Leo's "What is God" and he mentioned the possibility of science and mysticism blending in the future. Sounds great to me and I can intuitively sense that there is great value in that, but I don't know so much about science. What is really the core of science? The greatest gift of science, so to say? That special something it brings to the table? Is science synonymous with rationality? What could science add to mysticism? Do you guys have any idea or resources to look into that?
  10. @LastThursday @Fadl Ok, thanks for your responses. It's certainly a lot to think about. I guess science brings into the picture 'relative truth' while mystisicm brings in 'Absolute truth'. Absolute truth is awesome, obviously, as it sets us free. What about relative truth? What good is that? Usefulness for survival? More enjoyable living of the life that we will live even if we are enlightened? That's really the point here, maybe. Where do these to truths, relative (scientific) and Absolute (mystical) meet and what are the ramifications?
  11. It seems that heart-break, pain, complete breaking-apart is not a misstep. Even though you follow the deepest listening inside of you, it happens - it is by design. Life designs itself this way in order to awaken from its slumber.
  12. http://psychonautdocs.com/
  13. I recently heard Shinzen Young talking about doing mundane boring tasks and it being an ecstasy if you develop enough concentration. He said something like, anything done in a state of high concentration becomes ecstasy (heavily paraphrasing here). That's quite true in my experience. I work what might seem like a boring job of doing kitchen work all day, but with high concentration, it becomes a seamless flow and bliss. Maybe try to meditate on your movements/physical body, while working? It might also help you keep your posture ideally in balance with gravity etc, making you use like 10x less energy (I'm not exaggerating much here!). Have you read Peter Ralston's book about effectively using the body? You could use some of his tips and enjoy the work time practicing body-mastery instead of purely not enjoying it.
  14. @VincentArogya Hey, I know that. So much anger towards my parents, mostly father. There is nothing bad about it, it does not diminish my love for them in the least. Own the anger, don't throw it out.
  15. Seeing that others have the same infinite potential that started unfolding in you, and that if there is a way to support them in realizing it, you must do that.
  16. 'How To Eat Move and Be Healthy' by Paul Chek
  17. @SirVladimir Hi there! I just wanted to acknowledge something your endeavor sparked in me. After seeing this post I realized that I TOO wish to go forward with a similar commitment! Not a shamanic breathing one for me but nevertheless. Mine is that of daily deep mediation in the mornings and a one-meal-a-day diet. 90 days. Today is day 47. I found that this commitment now has a life of its own. It is not so much about the activities I do I find, it's about the deepest dedication to use every moment every breath for Truth and Truth only. This asks more and more of me and I am oh so willing to give. To give it all! Nowadays it asked me to do another meditation midday, and very recently it allowed me to do long 3-hour meditation sits also! This might sound as rumbling now, but I only wish to express the Love I have for Truth and the gratitude I owe to this post for inspiring an outlet to that Love - a 90 day commitment. Thanks SirVladimir, I see you down there
  18. Hi @mellifluous_mind ! Seems like you are new here, welcome Yeah, the endless mental bully... we all have to deal with that, it seems. For this, meditation really helps. It helps you disidentify yourself from your thoughts, kind of like you had to do here in order to even write this post, but more and more profoundly, until these thoughts vanish completely! You won't even know they were there in the first place (unless you stumble on this post later on). That being said, meditation is a practice. It is a practice of freedom. A practice of being free of your thoughts, your emotions, your pains and sufferings. A practice of freedom of being you. It takes time to train yourself. And it is worth every second of the struggle it will ensue. Seriously When you say ' I want to believe I'm an endless spring of love, that my soul is endless and my potential of being spreads as far as the fabric of the cosmos is.' what immediately comes to mind is this - I have something even better for you. There is no need to believe, you only have to break loose from each and every limitation. When you do that, you will find that all that is left is that which you always wanted and longed for, but which thought and belief could never bring. It will be shining bright and there will be no way to get rid of it (not that you would ever want to). Much Love, okulele
  19. Thanks