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Everything posted by okulele

  1. @TheSomeBody I have been struggling with a similar problem for some time. For me it turned into a very neurotic pursuit of THE IDEAL diet. Do not fall into that trap! The thing that helped me the most is mindful eating. That is really what you want to be going for. If you don't get into that, all your eating habits will be just ideas taken over from a very wise book. Mindful eating suggest listening to your body as you eat and hearing the signals. Of course, there is a lot of value to knowing the facts of healthy food too, but according to me, mindful eating is an essential start. With this you can eat junk, and very soon you will find out in your own experience, that it in fact is no real food.
  2. If it is possible, go traveling. Leave your everyday life behind, pack a backpack and go off to a different country with a different culture. See the beauty and ugliness of the world and yourself Oh yes! Do not plan ahead too much if you take a trip like that. Let it be a mystery!
  3. @Kallan Maybe you could use something like this for some time in advance and practice self surrender:
  4. Highly recommend bioenergetics for releasing your blocked energy. I never realized how much blocked up I was until I strted doing it. Check out the post I made:
  5. Dear @alyra , everything ok?
  6. Don't write on the forum anymore, if you are sure you want a guru. Drop everything. Sell your shit. Pack your backpack and go find him. Doesn't matter you don't know where to look. The intent matters. I am sure that if you would be serious enough to do this, you would find a master. Or something even greater
  7. It is not THE buddha, it is A buddha.
  8. Am I sensing some beautiful Matt Kahn's teachings?
  9. I listed to a Barry Long podcast today. He talks about non-dality and lots about intimate relationships.
  10. @Sahil Pandit Do you mean putting my attention to the throat? Are these sounds something spontaneously might come up this way?
  11. Lately as I get into deeper meditative states, my head tends to face up towards the ceiling spontaneously. Is that a common thing or is it my neck tensing up? Should I try to force my head back down/relax my neck or just leave it be? Any ideas?
  12. @Sirius it varies. Up to 45° from the neutral position, I think.
  13. this, plus they really don't resemble any psychedelic mushrooms I have seen.
  14. Ask yourself and stay quiet. The answer will come.
  15. Actually, I especially recommend this one. Good luck.
  16. "People always try to do positive things with their mind you know... and it's alright. But if your body is not onboard, you just create a split between your mind and your body. You have this super positive mind and this body riddled with holding and trauma." - Devaraj Sandberg I was doing a bioenergetics guided workout today and the teacher said the quote above. I wanted to bring it to your attention as some of you may benefit from bioenergetics also. These are exercises designed to release holding patterns from your body. The one I was doing today is this: Go for it, but expect it to be VERY challenging if done the right way
  17. I am planning to attend a 7 days darkness retreat in about a months time. Has anyone here done this before? What would be a good strategy for this kind of stay? What techniques would you use in there? Would you schedule a routine for yourself? Is it too crazy to take psychedelics into the dark? Let me know what you think!
  18. Thank you for all your replies. I think I will just stick to the darkness with no psychedelics and trust the process.
  19. @Joseph Maynor I have LSD, psylocybin and 5-Meo in my disposal. Any ideas which ones would be good? @herghly I have done psychedelics in a dark room setting before, but never i have never been on a dark retreat.
  20. @Milos Uzelac Sure, the credit actually goes to @Stefano Provenzi with his post on Body-Awarness.
  21. @cirkussmile yes, yoga seems like a good way to go @Quanty well, that is what we are all ultimately going for I guess
  22. 1. Psilocybin cubensis + Cannabis 2. About 6-7 grams of mushrooms made into tea, gravity bong hit of cannabis 3. I was young, stupid and irresponsible. Really had no idea what I am going into. I drank the tea and in a few minutes took the bong hit. I think I literally blacked out for a moment or two and when I came back I couldn't really recognize my room or the reality at all. Few more minutes in I managed to get to my bed, where I melted into all of existence and laid there as Nothingness for hours. It would take a few years for me to understand what happened. At that time I kept telling my friends: "My body was gone, my mind was gone, but I was still there!". They thought I was nuts. 4. Yes, but please have some more theoretical understanding of non-duality before you do
  23. It is a facility specially designed for this in Czech Republic.