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Everything posted by okulele

  1. Paul Chek defined it somehow like this: that which has nothing behind it.
  2. @Solace Did you work your way up to this way of eating or did you just switch suddenly?
  3. Yes. The last one was awesome. I see that it is not easy for Leo. He has a lot of pressure on him by sharing his awakening journey in the public like that. Very courageous of you Leo! I aplaude and feel with you!
  4. Where is the magic? I was sitting in the park, reading a book. Suddenly a small boy, about 4 years old, comes to me. "What are you doing?" - asks the boy. "I'm reading." - I show him my Kindle. "What it say?" - the boy gets curious. "Oh... it's about magic." - I tell him. "I've been looking for that. I can't find it." - the boy mutters sadly. "Oh, but it's right here!" - I tell him with enthusisasm. "Here?" - he points at my Kindle. "No, everywhere. All around you." At this point the boy runs of to his parent, who was calling him nervously. Poor boy. So young and he lost it already. I sure hope my pointing helped
  5. The world with no meaning "I walk the neighbourhood, I walk slowly. I watch all around me, I watch closely. Like a curious scientist I look deep, Through the mist of thought I manage to peek. There are people and flowers, They are right here, But they hold no meaning, That's pretty clear. There is no story, There is just this. And I walk on as Nothingness."
  6. @Leo Gura You stress how important the pranayama is. When I do the spinal breathing I get a very intense response from my body - shaking, sweating, heat. Because of this I usually do only 3-6 repetitions. Is that normal and should I push myself to do more? What's your opinon?
  7. The return of the toad I woke up and kept lying in bed drifting in and out of sleep. Suddenly I was dreaming about smoking weed. Somebody was holding a bowl to my lips and I was sucking the smoke in. It was strangely familiar and it hit me. This was the scene from the Bufo ceremony. BANG! At that moment the dream weed expanded my consciousness dramaticaly. I was back in my bed, but feeling like I was floating. My crown chakra was wide open and I was kind of out of my body. It was not as deep as the actual 5-MeO, but that was it. Since the ceremony my consciousness expands like that spontaniously from time to time, usually with the return of some memory of that day.
  8. Thank you Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  9. "Since you are awareness there is no need to attain or cultivate it. All that you have to do is to give up being aware of other things, that is of the not-Self." - Ramana Maharshi
  10. I just want to sit with my eyes closed. All I want to do is stay in my being and explore my energies. I can sit for hours, hypnotized by my insides. I am not really interested in much else. I don't have a desire for relationships, entertainment, knowledge or anything too much. Not like it's not pleasent, but it doesn't compare to what is inside. Am I fooling myself? Am I running from life? Can meditation turn into an addiction of sorts?
  11. @Solace I want you to know, that the last post touched me. I can very much relate to your journey. Keep going, you are not alone in this!
  12. @Shroomdoctor sounds like something is coming out, it'a great! You could help it out too. Play some sad music and dance, express what you feel through your body let it come. When you move like that the cry, whine and so on will come spontaneously and release.
  13. The man with no self I met a man without a self. He lost it by accident. One day it just fell away. What we are striving for so much he got spontaneously. He tells me about the way he sees life. Sometimes he asks me if I have any questions. I try to find one and I come across emptiness only. He crushes my questions like flies.
  14. @Solace Thank you for sharing this. I feel like I am following my greatest excitement by just sitting right now. I can dive much deeper and then bring that depth into the world. But as you say, the inside is the outside. I must strive to stop making the distinction between sitting and acting in the world. Thank you again!
  15. The struggle inside "I can be strong, I know I can! I'll crash my weakness, I have a plan! I feel so small, I have no will... I can do nothing, my fate is sealed... I failed before, that won't stop me! I'll change this life, just wait and see! I'm here again, broken and sad... Life is unfair, I'm going mad... I see you both. I love you much. My dearest children, just feel my touch."
  16. It can take no time at all, actually. Sit down with a piece of paper and play! Be like a child, without a plan. Just have fun. See what comes up. Do not judge. Don't try to make it fancy or creative. I wrote an entire post about it a while back.
  17. Addiction that sets me free I am addicted. I am addicted to junk food. It is a very familiar pattern that plays out now. Often times I fought that behavior so much. Until I saw there is no use. I have no control. There is nothing I can do. And that sets me free.
  18. Sit down, just like that, with no expectation. Allow something to flow out of you. Don't overthink it. Give yourself a break and trust that something will come up spontaneously.
  19. Overflowing with love I will be honest. I did not expect that. My mind is litteraly being blown away by love. By love to nothing in particular, simply love. I am like a mad man. Smiling, laughing, singing. Love is eating me up. If I don't come back, it consumed me completly. I love you all.
  20. To remind myself I am not the only one on this path. The forum gives me a lot of inspiration to keep going. So thank you everyone for being here!
  21. Thank you for all your answers. I basically wish to make my body work as efficiently as possible, so that consciousness work can continue with no hindrances. I wish that for all of you also!
  22. The Pursuit of Conciousness It is a journey, which I started not knowing what I was getting myself into. If I knew what it takes, I am sure I wouldn't be here. The mind is a tricky fellow. It is strong. It sets so many traps. Every day it finds a way to pull me back. It seems impossible to go on. Yet there is another force - subtle, invisible. Although the mind fights so vigoriously, the path continues. It is like I have a secret ally, who helps me out constantly. Reminds me what is important and sends the right circumstances my way every day. This could be easily overlooked, as the mind is so loud, but it is here nontheless. Thank you secret ally! Thank you for your silent presence. Thank you. Thank you.