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Everything posted by okulele

  1. Any specific ones you would recommend?
  2. I just finnished Kriya Yoga Exposed and I see that the athhor proposes a different pranayama. This one seems more appealing to me as it is not so harsh. What do you think about it? Will it be potent enough?
  3. Sit still. Stop thinking. Get it.
  4. Anti-fungal diet Shame Let's go back to the topic that the journal started with. Something kept me from posting about this. That something was the demon of shame. According to Judith Anodea in her brilliant book "Eastern Body, Western Mind" shame is the demon of the 3rd chakra. 3rd chakra deals with willpower. I have been consistently binging on junk food in the evenings. My diet is spotless throughout the day, but when the sun comes down I give in to my cravings. I feel shame about that. I feel that I should be stronger and that I should make it stop! But can I? It does not seem like it. I end up beating up on myself and eating that food anyway. Slowly, slowly I am starting to see the message that is being conveyed to me in this way. The message: Stop the judgment. Stop the waring. Stop it already and give up. Let go. Trust in what is and be grateful for whatever comes. The problem is that I think I know. I think I know I shouldn't be doing this. That is where the shame comes from, that is where the suffering comes from. I think I know, while I know nothing. Nothing at all!
  5. This is all I ever needed to know about gratitude.
  6. Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Not the most simple read, but that is the cleareat teaching about non-duality I read.
  7. What an amazing character! Maybe you will like it too.
  8. Hi. Seems great. What exactly do you have in mind?
  9. I wanted to share this wonder. Share your favorite Abraham's video with me if you have one!
  10. That's on point. Chakras are a system to think in. Very much like Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Does it have a reality to it? Not really, it's a thought. Is it useful? Could be.
  11. Shamanism Near the end of the video the lady explains how shamanic journeying can help with integrating plant medicine experiences. I have been searching for a way to integrate lessons from psychedelic in everyday life in a better way. Could this really be an effective way?
  12. You know this endless cycle of going conscious and unconscious? Like you are super aware and then not even knowing when you fall back into ego? Well, become interested in what this "conscious state" actualy is. Just look for yourself.
  13. Subject to illusion No matter how many awakenings and insights I have each day, until the seperate self is dropped, I am subject to illusion. I will get pulled back and I will be fooled again. That seems to be unavoidable, until the seperate self is understood. That is why, dear okulele, rember it's ok to make mistakes. That is the way of things. Enjoy the show and also suffer it when needed. You can do it. Until now, you always have. I mean what else is there than to be what you are?
  14. I have been struggling with my addiction for far too long. It is time to let it go. I am looking for a partner in freedom! I am looking for someone with whom I could connect and who would hold me accountable for my vow to change my habits. Idealy such partner would have an compulsion/bad habit, which he/she would want to quit also. We would encourage each other and we would break free of it with each others help. In my opinion, having someone fighting the same battle and motivating each other, can be amazing. The old habit: JUNK FOOD. On the surface I am a very healthy person. I have a very good diet and I excercise. However when the sun goes down I get cravings for junk food and binge on that. It got out of hand in recent weeks. I am prepared to let it go. The new habit: SHAMANIC JOURNEYING. I have been attracted to shamanism for a long time, but for some reason I never started practicing seriously. I will implement this into my evening in stead of my old habit. I hope to find one person who would do this with me. However I encourage others to make pairs also and strive towards freedom together.
  15. @Ether @Rilles @Solace Thank you all for grounding me swiftly
  16. @Ether Yes. I totally agree. The work itslef has to be done by me. All I wanted to accomplish here is adopt a new strategy and let someone check on me every day. That would light a fire under my ass
  17. @Ether Oh, I realize I have to do it myself. But I am not the only one here and we CAN help each other if it is possible. Inspiring and motivating each other is just striving for a better world together. Let's break out of the shell of "I have to do this alone, whatever the cost.". It is not true. We are in this universe together. We can cocreate.
  18. Good old Abraham
  19. @nour-cha93 Contemplate these questions every day for at least 10-15 minutes. "What do I want?" "What would make me happy?" Just concentrate on the questions and let your mind come up with the answers.
  20. How To Lead A Good Life "I'll tell you a secret, now that I know. There is no need to constantly grow. There is no need to try so hard, Just be like this and play your part."
  21. Hunger is a mystery for me. I don't really get hungry. I mostly eat 3 times a day, but that is all habit. I sometimes snack when emotions drive me and I don't catch myself. I think I could eat much less and intermittent fasting sounds good. However I am quite skinny as it is. Can I fast with almost no body fat? How often do you REALLY get hungry? What's up with hunger anyway? Is it even a real thing, or is it just emotional stuff?
  22. I finally got the joke. This is it. This is what I am looking for. What else could it be? There is nothing else. This is enlightenment. Even if I forget again, this is enlightenment. This is what infinity feels like. What else could it be if not this? There was never anything else. This is it. To anyone reading this. Have you ever experienced anything else than this? Really, what are you expecting?
  23. https://www.youtube.com/user/amira227 This guy's youtube channel about bioenergetics. Especially his guided workouts.