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Everything posted by okulele

  1. I agree. I think there are a bunch of future world-class sages here! This community can change the world
  2. Great, go for it! I am not really attracted by India, but I have a friend living in Amma's ashram and it's supposedly incredible.
  3. @kateaa There are countless jungle temples there. I am pretty sure you have a different one in mind than me. Could you share more about the ones you know of? @Slade Yes, ultimately I think nothjng can stop me from doing that. @Solace I am always astonished how similar our paths seem to be. If yoi decide for a zen temple be sure to inquire if you are allowed to practice whatever you like. Most of the temples in Thailand I visited had strict rules about what practices should be done there. Please share the replies you get @pluto Pure gold.
  4. If that is 5-MeO, then you have enough to wake up the whole nation
  5. Check out Abraham Hicks' teachings. It's all about enjoying and feeling good.
  6. The slippery slope of inquiry "I live on an island surrounded by sea. The water looks lovely, it's calling me. I go to the shore to have a look, The sight astonishes, I cannot unhook. I go closer and closer, it's getting steep, The slippery slope flies under my feet. I'm in the air now, my island is gone. I'll soon reach the sea, and it will be known.
  7. Felt like sharing this. Funny and on point.
  8. @kateaa Seems like our paths are very much alike. I am planning to go to Sat Yoga Ashram, which is run by Shunyamurti. This will take some finances to actualize. Other options I have are some jungle temples in Thailand I visited and I know I could live for free.
  9. @aurum @electroBeam That's really encouraging, both of you. Thank you. @Prabhaker Yeah, I am not sure the easy way is always the right way.
  10. A message to myself: it is worth it. Just be patient.
  11. Especially the last one. Terrance basicaly describes the emergance of stage green.
  12. @martin_malin All I have to say is -wow. It's like mr. Campbell wrote this just for me to see. @Elisabeth Thank you for your kind words and encouragment. You are absolutely right. I CAN take care of myself. Survival is not a problem in today's world. And also if I don't follow my bliss now, when will I ever do it? Thank you again.
  13. I also listen to Kip's music from time to time. His art is incresible and can put me into great bliss. I usually focus on the breath or directly on awareness and let the music resonate with my body. Very quickly I an vibrating like crazy!
  14. All answers lie within What is this all about? What should I do with this life? What is real? What is true? What should my diet look like? What is healthy? What do I want out of my relationships? The habit is to look outwards. Every time I have a question I want to google it, ask on the forum, think what my father would say, get a book which would tell me. Always out. It is important to remember that all the answers come from inside anyway. I may get a hint from outside, but the final word, the final "yes, that's it!" comes from inside. Why not look in directly? Dear okulele, pose the question and wait. Go in. Be quiet. No distractions. You are connected to infinite intelligence. All is here.
  15. I find that even popular youtube videos can be amazing if you make sure to stay on your breath and in your body totally. That should be your prime focus. Explore the body.
  16. This video knocked be back into my being like a sledgehammer. Thank you.
  17. You like shrooms? So do I. So did Terrence.
  18. A while back I created this thread, asking about your tips for Darkness Retreat Strategy: Some of you warned me against using psychedelics in there. Well, me being a crazy person ended up taking 100mcg of LSD in there "just in case I feel confident". Darkness Retreat Basically I went into a completely light-proof room (almost completely sound-proof) and stayed there for 7 straight days. The room was well prepared for this. It had a bed, a mediation cushion, a shelf for some stuff, space for exercise and a bathroom. The retreat staff came in once a day bringing food and some herbal tea. It was VERY dark. Most of the time I had no idea if my eyes are closed or open. The First Days I decided I would like to try out fasting while in the dark. The lights went off and I went to sleep. I slept for a long time and I slept well. After I caught up on all the sleep I ever needed, I started meditating and hanging around. Time is very tricky in the dark, there is nothing really to orient yourself according to except for the once a day visit by the food-bringers. That was one of the factors that started bringing up a lot of anxiety, another one was the hunger pangs from the fasting. Soon I was going in and out of intense fear, survival mode and deep helplessness. As if my first chakra decided it was time to clear all that has ever been clogged up in there. Fear of the dark, fear for my body and health, fear of nothingness, fear for my life. Fear, fear, fear. It usually came in waves. It came in, I panicked for a bit, I let go. Repeat. It was tough and I decided to end my fast on day 2, which helped me a lot. Befriending the Darkness With something to fill up my belly life became much more bearable. The fear was getting milder, and although other emotions started coming up, I seemed to develop strong mindfulness, which helped me overcome them with more ease. I started working out, using EFT, and mediating more deeply. Most of the time I sit in Strong Determination Sits with awareness in my body, which helped tremendously with the constant floods of emotions coming up. I had a lot of time to contemplate what an emotion is and found out that it is basically a feeling in the body + a though saying "this feeling is terrible, I can't stand it". With my attention in the body and looking at the feelings as they were, it was hard for me to be fooled into an emotional crisis again. The LSD Experience By the time day 5 came I felt very confident with myself handling the darkness (and by that I mean the emotions the darkness brings). After my food arrived and I ate a little I decided to give the LSD a shot. With the LSD up and running I got into a very deep meditation. All the emotional hustle from before was gone. I was gone. I was transparent. Experience was flowing very smoothly and soon I decided to lay down with open arms and legs and give myself away fully.I was lying in blissful emptiness and with every moment I was surrendering deeper. And just like that terror came. A thought came telling me I was under attack, I was in danger and it was believed in. At that moment I understood how seriously I underestimated the depths I was getting into with darkness and LSD combined. It was as if the mind let me relax sooo much, just to be able to hurt me at my deepest core. And I was hurt. I was hurt deeply. I will not be explaining exactly what happened, it should be enough to say that never have I realized such terror, fear and anxiety could be experienced. I was helpless, there seemed to be nothing I could do. I was thrown into hell and I was burning. There seemed to be no hope, until I remembered the words of an amazing teacher - "Whatever arises, love that". And there seemed to be nothing else I could do. I put my hands as into prayer and started whispering "I love you". Over and over again. These words made a change. Where there was nothing but darkness and horror just a moment ago, a spark of light lit up. And with every repetition of this phrase, the spark was getting brighter and brighter. And it did not come from out there, it came from inside of me. The next couple of hours were one of the most horrifying once in my life. As if all the suffering of the world came into the dark room to be lit by the light of my love. And I got overwhelmed, I got hurt again and again I found the light inside me and loved the horrors. Over and over again. I could try to explain the horror , but I really don't have the words for it. But one thing became clear. Love is what matters. Love is what is. Love is what all of us crave, what every part of us craves. There seems to be nothing else. Love is my gift to the world. It is not a thing I have to develop. It is my nature and it is here to be given to everyone and everything. After these horrors, I realized one thing. I was loving. I was loving the good and the bad. The beautiful and the ugly. The pleasant and the unpleasant. It made no difference at all. My heart burst open. And in the darkness, it shone. Obviously not illuminating the physical world, but it shone nonetheless basically blinding me. The Final Days I was hurt. I was scared very deeply. But from an infinitely deeper place still I was loving. And I am. The days after were a mix of my person being traumatized and my Self loving it in every moment. And the last day I finally got that the mystics are right. It IS one. There is one experience. There is no more. And finally even the person was in peace. Out In The Light The light hit me hard. And it revealed infinity. It revealed beauty. In every place, in every moment there is an infinite happenings going on. And it is all beautiful. And it is all one. What a mind fuck, right?
  19. I am sure it can. I do this with cold, I get curious about what cold actually is. Do the same. Inquire into what pain is.
  20. I have done 7 days darkroom retreat. Not at all like 5-MeO, but defenietly very powerful.
  21. "Meditation is what we are, not what we do; the separate self is what we do, not what we are." - Rupert Spira