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Everything posted by okulele

  1. I am more than I appear to be, the world's strength and power resides in me!
  2. Sounds like unprocessed emotion... or inner fire! Really, it's probably just emotion. Try breathing into it and see what wants to come up
  3. @Preetom @Rilles Thanks guys. I don't think I will get the 1000 page one, but I'll check it out
  4. @Shanmugam Awesome quotes. Can you recommend a book by Osho? There are just too many to choose...
  5. If there are any Eliott Hulse fans out there, check out this talk!
  6. @Future GOAT Good luck with these goals! I will check on you
  7. Just hoping to make this great thread go alive again.
  8. @SoonHei Great! That's exactly the problem of our ignorant state. We don't even know what we are looking for.
  9. This is 3 hours and 18 minutes of pure wisdom. Thich Nhat Hanh's poetic teaching is as always incredibly simple, practical and profound at the same time. If you ever wondered how to help your loved ones, who were not as fortunate as you to discover personal development or consciousness work, here is the answer. The practices Thich Nhat Hanh empathizes are deep listening and loving speech. Throughout the days in which I was listening to the audiobook, I was also practicing what it taught. Some amazing, breakthrough communications were made possible and a lot of love and compassion flourished in the community around me. It does work. No one can resist. Everyone craves love and understanding.
  10. The death of a habit "Here comes the moment, as always I am near, but some mighty force, won't let me steer. I'm loosing my power, my voice disappears, and - poof - I am gone! and still I am here."
  11. @archi Well, to be honest, if I would do it a second time, I would not use any substances anymore. It was just too much, too drastic, it put me in a very vulnerable position. I think fasting would be awesome for darkness retreat instead. Also with 5-MeO, it does not really depend on the environment I think, so I guess it would be the same to do it in a cave as in the middle of a busy street.
  12. Daily inward and outward path I loved this video. I sometimes tend to think like the lady asking the question. It's good to be reminded by master Rupert
  13. I am pretty sure you can stop attaching yourself to negative emotions (which would be emotional mastery I guess) and still be attached to the physical body, to mind, to bliss etc. - therefore not completely free.
  14. @SaltyMeatballs Basically I would say I just throw them out there. I started it as a prayer, imagining a God and telling him about all my problems, crying my heart out. Soon the words became useless, the concept of God was not needed and just pouring out the heart was available.
  15. blank "Something's different, something's gone. No will present, life goes on."
  16. What technique do you use? If you are just sitting, you could be lacking Shakti (energy). Without Shakti you can sit pretty comfortably and peacefully, but I don't think you'll get far. Try some breathing techniques before sitting, or chanting, or some kriya yoga kind of ritualistic stuff. All of this is done to get you charged up with Shakti. Or try meditating to this:
  17. https://www.amazon.com/How-Eat-Move-Be-Healthy/dp/1583870067 "How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!" by Paul Chek Paul is a top notch holistic coach. In this book he puts together everything you ever need to know about health. He tells you about diet, exercise, resting, even some energy work. You can work with this book alone for years, I think. You can also check out his youtube channel. He gives away tons of invaluable information about fitness: Seriously, I cannot recommend this guy enough. He is the master of healthy and happy living.
  18. @SaltyMeatballs Maybe not all addictions are like that, but mine are there mostly because of negative emotions that I can not handle and want to suppress. Channeling these emotions into devotion, instead of stuffing them down with the unwanted activity, works for me.
  19. The way I do it, is start slow. I chant silently and slowly first to get the feel of the vibration the chant brings. I gradually put myself more and more into it. I put my focus either on the sound I produce, on the bodily sensations that come with it or on the heart opening up with devotion. Ideally on all at once. I let the chant take over almost and go more and more into it. When I can't take no more, I slow down, chant one more time very gently like in the beginning and sit in the silence as long as I can. Than I start over again. I usually chant about 5 minutes and than go silent. Repeat. After 4-5 repetitions, the silence becomes really deep and I go into no-mind.
  20. ...no beginning, no end... ...being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware of being aware...
  21. I just came up with , what I think is, a helpful little habit. It is inspired by the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. I guess all of us try to by mindful as much as we can throughout the day, but let's be honest - it's not always as easy as it sounds. There are moments in our day where we habitually loose ourselves in our thoughts and... all hell breaks loose. The idea is to think which moments these are for you and write them down. After you have your short list, you read it every morning, deciding that you will be especially mindful during those moments. In this way, there is a much greater chance that when the situation actually arises, the habitual unconsciousness will not. Could be like this: Today I will be extra mindful and I will breathe with awareness: As I am choosing what food to eat. As I am about to eat. As I am eating. As I am sitting down to use the computer. As I am using the computer. As I am about to send an email. As I am about to make a call. As I am about to start a conversation. ... This is the basic idea. It could also be visualized a little every day, it depends what works best for the individual. I hope someone finds this useful! ?
  22. Karma Yoga: the Yoga of Action by Swami Vivekananda (10/10) This is a very short book (about a 100 pages) introducing the concept of Karma Yoga. Swami Vivekananda writes in a simple, understandable way. Straight to the point! I would recommend this book for anyone seeking Liberation and also wanting to stay and act in the society. This book is the answer to the big question: "Enlightenment or Life Purpose?"
  23. I'd say see them as the ideal parents. Actually see that that's what they are. Stop brainwashing yourself with thoughts like "my parents are closed-minded." Listen to their worries about your weird self-actualizing behavior. Guess what, that is Love speaking. They love you and care for you, that is why they are this way. See the Love in every action they do. It IS there. And offer Love in response. You do love them, find that in yourself. And maybe, just maybe... you are the one who is really closed-minded and seriously arrogant and they are right? Consider that. Looking at your hand is easy. There is not much spiritual growth there. Loving your parents unconditionally, seeing the beauty in every act they do and making your home a Garden of Eden, that is difficult. There is no simple technique for that. It requires constant attention and Love. I am sure you would much rather not be bothered and mediate in your room, you don't want to bring Love to the relationship with your parents. Because that is what kicks your ego out of the picture.