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Everything posted by okulele

  1. I think this is great. Really take on the attitude, that your mission in life is to find discomfort and experience it. Seriously desire it and be excited about this. will really do it, if you do it for real.
  2. Someone should actually send him the Cult series He's a smart man, he could watch it and avoid a big trap. Seriously.
  3. I just found a quote in Bhagavad Gita which says it well: It continues to go deeper into the issue, but I think this says it all.
  4. Lately the realization of no self has been dawning on me quite a bit. This is in one way great, in another it's trouble. Basically most of my life is falling away. My hunger for personal development, my ambitions towards pursuing my "life purpose", motivation for being a strategic motherfucker. Basically my life is quite empty and I can just sit all day being content. How do I achieve anything if not by the ego-self? There is no real drive to do much of my old stuff. Is this just a phase and should I just sit through it? There doesn't seem to be much more I can do honestly...
  5. I wouldn't limit it like that. I think the intention counts. You can kind of sense him through his post, can't you? Try it out. Connect to the guy behind the post and send him some love. If you believe, you can
  6. I am updating the thread in hopes that more people will show interest. It would make sense with a small team.
  7. There are more extensive videos about him on youtube. In his Vice documentary he says he is experiencing deep peace that he loves more than anything and would give up food and water for this peace. He seems quite awake? What stage would you put him on, since he is quite a special case?
  8. @Bodhidharma No way. Something's fishy here. 3 grams of dried mushrooms should blow you away.
  9. @Matt23 Turned me from a depressed drug-addict to an ambitious seeker and student of personal development.
  10. I have been contemplating something similar in the past. Maybe looking through the topic where it was discussed might help you out. I decided that I will not leave society, but by no means do I claim that it is not a valid path.
  11. 'What is dark humor?' contemplation for 40 minutes and you will be so enlightened about what you are asking
  12. @Markus Recognizing that there is no right and wrong way to live life is viewed more and more as a good thing now. I don't see it so much that there is no point anymore, but rather that I can make choices just for the sake of it. I am having much more fun with life. A part of me still habitually doesn't want to let go of its seriousness, as it believes that is what will help me survive, but things are getting better everyday. The evidence is unshakeable, whatever happens - I am alright. This gives me the courage to explore life joyously.
  13. @Maya_0 I had that with a friend. This was really mind blowing and too much for me at that time. We would stand in front of each other just being there, not even speaking. It was like our personal minds melted into one. When I had a thought, I knew that he is experiencing the same thought. Not just one that sounds the same, but the exact one. I also knew for sure, that he knew. The difficulty was when some shadow stuff started coming up, as there was absolutely no boundary and no way to close myself of from my friend. He experienced all that was coming up for me directly and I experienced his stuff. Frankly, I don't know whose stuff it was, because there was one mind only. Long story short, it went downhill quickly as my (his? our?) sexually repressed stuff started coming up. It got bad pretty quickly. Additionally, for days or even weeks afterwards I had this slight paranoia that everyone can hear my thoughts and feelings. I didn't feel safe in my own mind. Soooo, be careful what you wish for, unless you are sure you are ready
  14. This post and video really addressed my problem here: Anyone struggling with a similar situation, check it out
  15. @JerseyHoopz Well he doesn't say how to do it, because there is no actual doing involved. It is the opposite. It is the letting go. It is realizing that you are hanging onto something and deciding to surrender it. Maybe think of a problem you have had for some time. You are struggling with it, trying to deal with it on the physical level, or trying to hold your awareness on it in the hopes of healing it this way etc. Now realize, that you do not need to deal with it. Just let it go. Decide that you will not engage with it anymore. You will not try to fix it, you will not reinforce it, you will not observe it, nothing. Just let it go. It's none of your business any more. Like this. The whole book is just one big reminder that you have the power to let go of anything instantly. Just like that. Just by willing it. Just by knowing that you can.
  16. Yeah, as I understand it, turquoise engages in society quite a bit. Yep, that's what I think. He is quite a freak of the spiral! He said he came for a bit and loved it so much that he stayed. A slave to whom?
  17. "Do not waste time idling or thinking after you have set your goals." - miyamoto musashi
  18. @DeannaDevil Hey, a little exercise for you. Look around your room (and life) for 5 minutes and find the things that you can be grateful for. Feels better?
  19. Over the last 3 years I tried a lot of things to improve my health. Fasting, dieting, exercising, affirmations... you name it. Don't get me wrong, most of these approaches are very legit and good, but they did not help me and will not help anyone, if done in a neurotic way. We all heard it, but I think it must be said again. Mind over matter! It's not so important what we do in regards to our health, but rather in what mindset. If you want to heal yourself, because you feel sick, it will just cause more misery. What is the way out? Loving-Kindness towards your body. Decide that every time you think of your body, feel your body, see your body or interact with it in any way, you will do so with an energy of loving-kindness. Catch yourself feeling subtle guilt while looking in the mirror or feeling a bit of shame while eating a desert. Drop that shit and change it for loving-kindness. While exercising or just walking, allow yourself to feel your own loving-kindness towards your body. When sick and intellectually knowing that your health is no good, see that there is also loving-kindness present underneath these sensations and focus on that. Decide to cultivate an inner relationship with your body which is like that with a lover. Catch yourself habitually speaking to yourself about weakness, sickness and not-being-good-enoughness, drop that shit and change it for loving-kindness. Decide! You do have the power to make the decision to treat your body with loving-kindness no matter what! No matter the sensations, emotions or thoughts. And then you will experience physical well-being. Resources that might be helpful: Taoist Inner Smile meditation tries to teach just that. Formal Loving-Kindness mediation helps to learn how to experience this feeling. One more thing! It is a skill and must be practiced! We habitually project negative feelings onto the body and create sickness. We can stop doing it with practice and focus on loving-kindness instead. May all of you be healthy ?