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Everything posted by okulele

  1. @Aeris Do you know Goinka's style Vipassana? It's basically doing body-scans all the time. In that tradition, you scan your body releasing every blockage and stagnant energy until your body is not felt as physical (gross) at all, but simply as energy flowing? Can you say that all the tensions in your body have been removed? If not, there is work to do I guess.
  2. any by Terry Pratchett Zen of Love by Peter Cutler Art of Communication by Thich Nhat Hanh
  3. @Tony 845 I heard him talk about it in this audio program - https://www.soundstrue.com/store/wakingup If I remember correctly, when asked he said that he did not experienced it and theorized that maybe it all happened at once on the night of his awakening without him knowing.
  4. I've seen your other posts about cannabis and your good results with it. How often would you say is it possible to use it efficiently?
  5. @FredFred I smoked a little bit of cannabis yesterday after a 6 month break. What happened was basically every part of the personality fell away and only the part that inquires remained. Anything that happened was immediately put into questioning ('Who sees that?'). Unfortunately, I was dead tired and fell asleep quickly A lot was released before that, though. So yeah, same as for you, my bodhicitta went over the top
  6. @ahmet sukru Just sit. Don't you move from your chosen place!
  7. @ahmet sukru Just a small intention being kept like: "Surrendering to whatever will come for the good of all." Maybe write it somewhere you can see and remind yourself every now and then that this is what you are doing, and that the result of the trip is none of your business.
  8. @Hellspeed What is healing? What is Tantra? Why is there such resistance to healing/feeling/being in the body, and how to break it?
  9. Leo should be solidly into his retreat by now. I am sending him all the best intentions I can ? Feel free to join in and pray for the guy's success!
  10. @Hellspeed What is Kundalini? What's the result (benefit) of a Kundalini awakening? How do you work with/awaken the Kundalini?
  11. @improvementedward Great The attitude of playfulness is a skill and can be put into ANY situation, I am sure!
  12. There is so much good self-inqury material on youtube. Mooji and Rupert Spira are amazing. Listen to them and catch the vibe. Self-Inquiry is really not about doing anything, the questioning is just there in the beginning to get the mind to give up, so to say. Listen to them and in a bit you might discover a sense of peace and stillness. That's a good sign If you insist on a book then 'I AM THAT' by Nisargadatta Maharaj is really good, and can cut through your beliefs about yourself and reality well. When the beliefs are out of the picture, you are in a state of inquiry.
  13. It's like a joke that never gets old: ...I find trouble. Trouble, trouble, trouble... ...And then... ....oh, yeah! It was all me again. How could I forget? I won't be fooled like this anymore... ...oh look! Trouble! Trouble, trouble, trouble...
  14. @John West Nope. That is also seen. It is in awareness, isn't it? you are looking for the 'I' here
  15. @Viking You want to be free of this? Read your post and see that it is only a story you created in your mind. Decide that you want to be free and you will surrender that story for the sake of freedom. Read it again with the intent to surrender it and be free of it. Bam! Freedom!
  16. Too lazy to meditate? Too poor for psychedelics? To the moon you go!
  17. @Cosmic How about just taking walks? Like that you can start socializing very, very slowly. Just nod at somebody or say 'hello'. It seems very little, but it can be a great starting point. Maybe there are some groups gathering where you live through portals like Meetup? I know that sometimes groups like 'The Socially Awkward' are being created and it seems really fun. It might not be for you, but you could try it out. What about getting a pet? Maybe a dog, which would keep you company, you would have to take care of him/her and also you could easily connect with other dog owners. Finally, just open up to the world a little. Open up to the possibility of meeting people. Just opening up in your mind is a start
  18. Are you familiar with the 'Enlightenment Intensives'? It is a type of self-inquiry done in pairs. It is really good not only for inquiring into the Self, but all kinds of contemplations.
  19. I just sent him a message with the Cult Videos