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Everything posted by okulele

  1. "I say, put off your creature; it is easy to shed the creature, for this is a labor of love and the greater the pain, the greater the joy." -Miester Eckhart
  2. I had a trip on the first day, which was nothing big. I thought I would do more, but pretty early on I realized that it was to be a sober retreat Yeah, once a week I checked my phone and sent a message to my family. A lot of oats, buckwheat, lentils and beans cooked on a portable gas cooker. Besides that raspberries and apples from nature around and salad from a restaurant not too far (this was not a good set up, meeting people was really tough )
  3. @Leo Gura Thanks for sharing. I wanted to use this topic to ask you if your body is fine with all these trips? This is an issue that Chris Bache and Ram Dass both mentioned.
  4. During yesterday's transmission, a strange thing happened. As instructed, I was sitting with my eyes closed watching sensations in my body. Suddenly an image came to my mind. I can't remember exactly what it was, but I think it was a representation of 'me'. It flipped. And my sense of self was gone... more than ever I think. I kind of had free will and so on, but still, something was missing. It was very good In the morning, I was basically back to my regular state of consciousness. So, dear reader, if you want a hand in your awakening and are open to transmissions, give this one a try. I am posting it because 1) I really owe these people, they are great, I do it out of gratitude 2) I believe it works. I believe others could benefit like I do
  5. If you are a psychonaut, hard-core spiritual practitioner or really just waking up + you interact with people closely, you will change them. Watch this:
  6. Maybe try to work on these issues when you are alone and safe? Contemplate the feelings you had, think about it, try to find the cause. Open yourself up to the answer, be patient, something will come out of it. Check out Byron Katie's 'The Work'. Look into shadow work. A couple of hours (maybe a lot less) of focused introspection should start to unravel this. That is, if you are determined enough to actually go inside and do it
  7. @Western Buddha Yeah, do deep breathing and see what thoughts come up. See what resistance, memories etc. come up. This will kick start your inquiry
  8. Contemplate it, really feel into it, until there is no problem
  9. Hi. I don't know about hypothyroidism, but these kind of issues tend to solve themselves when you get your basic health straight. What's your diet, exercise and sleep like? What gets you up and excited in the morning?
  10. @Western Buddha well, naturally you would breathe deeply. If your breath is shallow, there is probably emotional stuff down in your belly you did not face. Maybe a deep inquiry into why your breath is so shallow would help? If you are up for it, set up a timer for like 2 hours, sit down and discover what the whole shallow breath thing is about. Don't give up. Ask yourself with your whole being, until you know If you are determined enough to know the truth, you will get it, something will release and the breath will naturally deepen.
  11. @AlphaAbundance that's not the one I used, but it's a good one I heard. Leo has a couple of short ones on his book-list that are just gold. I used these.
  12. here you go, lazy guy http://www.kriyayogainfo.net/Eng_Home.html
  13. fear: false evidence appearing real
  14. Words are Windows (Or They’re Walls), a poem by Ruth Bebermeyer I feel so sentenced by your words I feel so judged and sent away Before I go I got to know Is that what you mean to say? Before I rise to my defense, Before I speak in hurt or fear, Before I build that wall of words, Tell me, did I really hear? Words are windows, or they’re walls, They sentence us, or set us free. When I speak and when I hear, Let the love light shine through me. There are things I need to say, Things that mean so much to me, If my words don’t make me clear, Will you help me to be free? If I seemed to put you down, If you felt I didn’t care, Try to listen through my words To the feelings that we share. ~ Ruth Bebermeyer (from the book Nonviolent Communication – A Language of Life)
  15. Meister Eckhart: "What is truth? Truth is something so noble that if God could turn aside from it, I could keep to the Truth and let God go."
  16. Some more that are really good:
  17. I've seen a BATGAP interview with this man. He is awesome
  18. @Jed Vassallo I heard about some African tribes (probably turquoise) using a method like this: when someone committed a crime or did something terrible, the whole tribe would gather around that person and would spend a day remembering and telling him all the good thing he has done in the past. This way, they would heal the person. I thought that was interesting...
  19. @Girzo Yeah I found that on google also, but I am not sure if that's not a mistake and if you are not supposed to pay to have access to that page. If you go to https://maps.org/images/pdf/books/, you see that they ask you to buy the book.
  20. The Secret Chief Revealed This is a book, an interview, with a Leo Zeff. Leo was a psychoanalyst who came across psychedelics and left his previous profession in order to offer psychedelic therapy. Although psychedelics were banned in the US, Leo continued his sessions underground introducing many other therapists to his methods and leading thousands of people into the psychedelic state. His main tool was LSD, but he also worked with substances such as psylocybin, mescaline, MDMA, MDA, ibogain and others. Working with so many people over so many years he developed some interesting ideas and methods how best to conduct psychedelic sessions. This short book is full of his wisdom and experiences. Although not an official research per say, I found it very valuable, informative and inspirational.
  21. Just a reminder for ya'all.