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Everything posted by okulele

  1. @Mada_ You know the disgusting state you get after/before/during binging like that? That's where you gotta self-inquire. The binge is a gift of great consciousness gains.
  2. @Synchronicity Thank you. This had a deep impact on me.
  3. dyad your way to awakening. Please do it, mate.
  4. @Fkdel Hi, don't worry too much about that. Lot's of stuff will happen as you do consciousness work. Don't get distracted by it trying to explain it, make sense of it - that's not the point. Keep doing the work
  5. This book is what you are looking for: This book explains how to disassemble your emotional self - that is where your energy is trapped. Fortunately, it's quite easy to release. It just takes patience and commitment.
  6. You probably have no idea how much better. If you really knew what kind of impact it has on your physical health, energy levels, self-image etc. you would stop immediately. Yeaaaah, I would not really take that attitude. It's kind of dangerous. It allows you to tell yourself this story and excuse yourself from really doing the hard work of stopping this. If you are willing to, I suggest you take an hour or two to really contemplate or journal about this habit. About all the implications, all the beliefs around it, possibly all the lies you tell yourself. I am not saying stop the habit, just saying maybe look into it really deeply so you are sure you know what's going on I have a lot of experience with this type of behavior and trust me, there is a lot of self-deception potential here
  7. search ornline. RC are just drugs that were developed recently (mostly) and are not illegal (mostly). You can find online store selling them. 1P-LSD is easily available and is basically identical to LSD, in my experience. 5-MeO-DMT and DPT are some of the ones Leo mentions a lot - these are also available online. These stores ship to most countries, some are restricted though. This is really funny. You are basically describing my life when I created this thread and wanted to go to a monastery. I had such a strong and consistent ego backlash, that all my progress was thwarted. I struggled a lot, tried it all... it was hell. Finally I somehow got through it with outside help - sessions with an awakened master. Maybe you could use a kind of therapy also? Someone could help you get out of this rut. thc? You mean weed? I used to combine these quite a lot before I got into self-actualization. This was the time of my unconscious spirituality Weed will totally enhance it, greatly, but can also make it really really confusing and send you to some very weird places. It's a risk.
  8. Oh man, I know so well what you are talking about. That was basically the reason why I wanted to go. I didn't really want to become a monastic, I wanted to be rid of my bad habits and be able to focus on awakening. Imagine... what if you somehow could get rid of your distractions, become really focused by yourself, maybe gain access to psychedelics, maybe find a job that would allow you to share your love and understanding and also would start you of on your journey of financial independence? Isn't the real problem your bad habits? Isn't it so that you want to escape from them - from yourself - into a monastery? Come on man! Life is bringing you these for your greatest spiritual evolution. If you can solve these somehow and be able to focus totally on enlightened mastery even though there is porn and junk food and weed and video games around, that is real growth! Anyone can meditate in a monastery. The real challenge is to do it where you are. I know it seems like I am talking you out of the ashram/monastery path. That's because I have seen in my own experience that I wanted to use it to run from my difficulties - which in fact were precisely the opportunities for awakening that I was searching for! Still, this might not apply to you, might be the monastery is your path. Again, consider, if you could get rid of your bad habits and go full force in your desired direction, would you still go into a monastery? If not, maybe look into your issues and make short work of them Research chemicals are great and easy to get
  9. Leo, it would be great to see you conversing with someone for a change. Maybe someone could interview you? Or you could set up a talk with one of your favorite authors from the book list?
  10. There is a cool spiritual teacher called David Thomas going through ACIM on youtube right now:
  11. @Mezanti As @TheAvatarState said, 25ug is basically nothing. Start with a 100. Have a trip sitter if you feel nervous. Do you meditate or do some mindfulness work? That will give you a good base to into psychedelics with.
  12. @Justincredible76 Some thing that come to mind: Psychedelics can be very helpful and, if you use them properly and are brave enough, you can possibly awaken even quicker than sitting in a monastery. Monasteries will not allow psychedelics. Make sure you are not just unconsciously trying to escape because of the hardships of the bottom of Maslow's pyramid. From what I hear, you don't have the basics figured out. If you go to a monastery, you must choose a good one, one that fits you. You must know what tradition you want to follow. You need to make sure that the people in charge are not some kind of abusive jerks... What really helped me was talking with an enlightened master about all of this. She helped me see much more clearly what awakening is about, my own deceptions and so on. It's so easy to deceive yourself... I hope some of this gives you a broader perspective still
  13. A mind-blowing reading list from Center for Sacred Sciences sharing some high quality books on mysticism from all around the world. Enjoy! The list.
  14. @Space How did you use the 5-MeO? Did you smoke it? If you don't want to plug it, a possibility of getting a rather smooth breakthrough is smoking maybe half a dose during a peak of e.g. mushroom trip. I know it's a bit risky, but it worked very well for me.
  15. Yeah, I am pretty sure Leo's growth is inspiring us all forward on many levels. It might not be so drastically obvious, as he is not working with us as closely as Chris was with his students, but still, I think how Leo's followers are changing as he is. It's kind of like the 4-minute-mile. It was considered impossible for a human to break, but once Roger Bannister did it, many many more followed very quickly. Same with Leo. When we see him reaching the Absolute, it opens the possibility for us also
  16. @Justincredible76 Hi! Sounds like you are in a very similar position I was in not too long ago. A lot has changed for me since making this thread. I did not go to a monastery after all. I came back home to live with my parents. Very soon I experienced quite a shift in my consciousness and became much more still. I found a part time job and that way I could spend most of my time meditating and contemplating still. Looking back I see that my wish to go to a monastery was a kind of cry for help. I was lonely, felt misunderstood and saw my only chance in some kind of final enlightenment that would help me transcend all this madness. Now I see that awakening is very possible while maintaining a semi-normal (:D) lifestyle and not escaping, like I wanted to. Of course, it has it's challenges at times, but that is all part of the process of learning to be awake in the world. I now see that awakening is not only for me, but also for my family, community and all others - that is why I am glad to be in public and be able to share the presence. I am not saying don't do it, maybe the monastic path is for you? I don't know. I am just saying, consider it carefully. What is your real purpose behind that? It is possible to set up your life so that you can do it in public. Make a lot of time for sittings every day, plan a few day long retreats etc... And...yes. I know it is quite hard, so hang in there. I guess you must be going through quite a bit of confusion, just like I was. Think about what enlightenment really is and why you want it
  17. Yes Airbnb. I think there was about 70% price reduction - I was lucky. The rent for 1 month was almost nothing
  18. It's not so tough, it's just unthinkable. What you want to get is what meaning is. What are you pointing to in your experience when you say meaning? There's gotta be something. I know I might not be making much sense, take it as a riddle. Find out!
  19. @Matt23 Cool story. Maybe research the natives more? Watch some documentaries, read books, contemplate it, go meet them! Get into their spirituality - shamanism! If you feel it's important for you, maybe there is something there waiting
  20. A very good paper: Using Psychedelics Wisely by Myron J. Stolaroff
  21. 5 am waking up -5.30 stretching and washing myself -7 meditaiton -8 breakfast -12 meditation -13 lunch -16 meditation -17 workout and washing myself -21/22 meditation sleep The formal techniques I did was 15 minutes of loving-kindness in the morning and 30-60 of contemplating 'Hsin Hsin Ming', a beautiful Zen text, in the evening. Otherwise it was very organic and anything that wanted to happen, happened (do-nothing, self-inquiry, contemplation,...). Set it up well. Make sure you will not be disturbed. Ideally you want to talk to no one during the entire thing (it really messes things up), so find a store for food were you don't need to communicate with people. Think about what you will eat, make sure it's simple, you don't want too much time and focus on cooking. Maybe consider doing some exercise daily - it helps with all the sitting. Most importantly, just be quiet and give it all up
  22. @LucyKid during your contemplations - not so much thinking (some is needed to get your mind focused), more staying quiet and trying to experience meaning. No answer will ever satisfy you. Go for the experience of meaning.