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Everything posted by Neorez

  1. This part I don't seem to understand. Could you clarify this a bit more if possible?
  2. @ElenaO They do longer sessions if you go on their retreats. I have seen clips of people guided by Wim himself doing at least 45min breath work. They do promote emotional healing but I think the shorter sessions are good to get in to it. Long breath work is quit scary for those that have no experience with meditation. For the spiritual development part, Wim hoff oftens speaks about the DMT release you can get from doing his breath work. I think he tries to appeal to a larger crowd than holotropic breath work does. Just my two cents.
  3. @YaMayka ofcourse it's always more nuanced but it's definetly a good point. I just found the way Ken Wilber explained it very good and it explains why some groups seems to act very different toward the outside world then when they act or communicate to their inside group.
  4. It is hard for trans people to feel accepted. Especially because everyone keeps on using the pronounce from their at birth dessignated sex. This is soo denigrating to them because you are actually denying them for who they are. "He" is not a he but a she. The fact that she didn't tell you is perhaps because she actually feels like a woman and hates the facts that to the outside world she has to keep anouncing the fact that she used to be a man. Feeling like the opposite sex is a constant battle they have to fight, give them some slack. Be openminded the world needs it now more than ever!
  5. @YaMayka I found the explanation of Ken Wilber verry illuminating. A monarch is mostly blue and when speaking to their people they will most likely display blue charateristics. But when they find some group that work against them they will display red characteristics. So I don't think the french monarch was red. I think they were blue but displaying red when dealing with people who were against them.
  6. @Pallero I think it's a very real problem these days that women should reject their feminine and be more masculine but be rejected for it and men should rejects their masculine and be more feminine and be rejected for it as well. I really found the book the way of the superior man illuminating for identifying both the masculine and feminine energies in people and myself. How these energies relate to eachother was an eye opener for me!
  7. I think you will find some interesting thoughts in the pdf below. Here Ken Wilber talks about how groups can have certain ideas within the group but when the interact with the outside world they could show colors that are lower than the ingroup color.
  8. @Original11 Can you tell a bit more about his experience you've had?
  9. @Inliytened1 I was indeed talking about the part about the earth spinning or being flat. I've never had an experience of the absolute so it still unclear to me. I'll trust the process and move along.
  10. -Neuro linguistic programming(NLP) -The work -Victim-Offender-Saviour: All conflicts have these three parties present, a conflict resolves it self when the victim realises that he/she is also the offender by putting him or her self in the victim position. When one becomes conscious of the offender position, a action can be taken so that all parties cease to exist and the conflict is resolved. I find it an interesting way of looking at your own conflicts and others.
  11. @How to be wise I wonder why the work actually works? Is it about identifying your own projections? How do you go about doing a mediation with the work?
  12. @mandyjw I haven't look at it that way, very good insight. I'm struggling as well with always wanting to be right. It fulfills many needs and I'm just starting to unravel it.
  13. Usealy there are three parties in action when you have a problem or something. These are: the victim, the saviour and the offender. Try to identifiy who or what they are. Then see that because you've put yourself in the victim position that you are also the offender for keeping the situation as it is. Now from being the offender take action to resolve the situation and the victim, saviour and offender positions will dissapear. This helped me a lot!
  14. @Kushu2000 No mine wasn't drug induced. I've had floaters and tinitus for as long as I can imagine. The other things started when I began to meditate. The breathing or moving of objects only happen when I focus on them and at the same time focus on my peripheral vision during mediation. When I focus on something it starts after just a few seconds. All of this doesn't bother me, but I do want to find out what it is.
  15. @Kushu2000 I have floaters, visual snow, seeing halos, tinitus. I would also like to know where it come from? It seems to increase when I meditate. @OctagonOctopus when i meditate with eyes open, everything starts moving and it looks like everything is breathing. Whats the meaning of this?
  16. @Gili Trawangan one thing I forgot to mention, the breathing can give you light headiness thats normal, but if you find that the discomfort becomes to big stop the breathing or if you're taking the shower stop the shower! Always be safe! Don't rush it! But it is a lot of fun though!
  17. @Gili Trawangan The Wim hof method consists of 30 to 40 deep inhales and losely letting the air escape. But do this rapidly like 1second for 1 inhale and 1 exhale. After 30 to 40 (begin with 30) breaths like this you let all air out of your lungs and hold until you feel the need to breath. When this need comes inhale fully and hold for 15seconds. All this is one set, do this 3 to 4 times right before going in the shower. Please don't do it in the shower because you could faint and hurt yourself. Start with a warm shower and end with cold (30seconds to 1min is more than enough the first few times, keep increasing the duration over time and don't rush). When you turn the water to cold you will feel that your body will start to panic, keep calm and focus on breathing slow and deep(you need to control your breath not your panic reaction), this gives the signal to your brain that the cold is not life threatening. You will soon start to feel that your body heats up. And like I said be very mindful when right before you turn the shower to cold to the thoughts that arise. As Wim says the cold is a great teacher!
  18. @Gili Trawangan I can really recommend doing the wim hof method. Doing the breathing in combination with the shower is very beneficial. The breating and the mindset also help decreasing the initial discomfort of the cold. Tip: really watch all the excuses your mind comes up with not to turn the water to cold. Keep your hand on the tap and watch. You'll probably see the same excuses come up as you use in everyday life.
  19. @everythingisnothing I've read that is you move your facial muscles it interpret it as brainwaves? Do you have the muse 1 or 2?
  20. @everythingisnothing What is your experience with the muse headband? I've heard they're not that accurate and that they don't actually measure brain activity?
  21. @Leo Gura Will do! I think it's a cool thought experiment to get an idea how a future yellow partie would look like?
  22. @Shiva I'm struggling with that as well. We have to vote this weekend and I used to be politicaly "right" for our standards. But it just doesn't feel right to me any more yet. But it seems that the socialist lack the backbone to compete against the nationalists. I would like to vote for a spiral dynamic stage yellow party, if it even exists. How would a stage yellow party even look like?