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Everything posted by captainamerica

  1. It may also create negative beliefs hurting your personal growth. I, for eg., had to use some of the most extreme negative and positive visualizations/affirmations in order to get rid of such negative beliefs along with other self-actualization work for years. Better not to get in this trap. Takes a lot of work to offset. If you are looking to map the social matrix for the purpose of Personal Development I like Vishen Lakhiani's approach the most. He explains it in the most pragmatic way. Even high schoolers can learn his approach and be able to use it in their lives and get better results than SD for personal development.
  2. SD is not compatible with this work. People who "successfully" use SD for this are the ones who already had enough knowledge to succeed without SD. SD just becomes a decoration then. For eg, basically no human being just likes Money. To quote Jon Butcher. "It is a medium of exchange – nothing more, nothing less. Money is an invention that allows us to trade the goods we create and the services we offer more easily. It is one of the most important inventions in the history of our species. Without money, civilization would not have been possible. Money has two primary purposes, to standardize value so that people can trade things more easily, and to store value, so that people can save it to trade at a later date. And these two things are the foundation of the civilized world. In order to exchange goods and services, people used to have to barter. It was a clumsy economic system. Money changed that. It allowed people to turn their goods and services into coins. And since those coins were recognized as the "standard of value" by everyone, people could trade them for eggs, beef, pots, jewelry – anything they wanted in ONE STEP. It's a more efficient system. Money standardizes or equalizes value. It makes EVERYTHING worth X amount of the same thing. Money also allowed people to STORE value, which is huge. With money, people could turn their goods and services into coins and not only trade them for WHAT they wanted, but WHEN they wanted as well. They could wait a month, a year, or even pass the money onto my children. Money allowed people to SAVE for the first time. They could save their productive accomplishments, their hard work. Money is STORED ENERGY. Your work, your sweat, your thinking, your talents are in those coins. Today we use paper money. In America we use dollars. Dollars are pieces of paper printed by the government. By themselves, they are worthless. You can't eat them, you can't live in them – you can't do anything with them other than what it was invented for – trade products and services. It not the dollars themselves that have worth – it is only "what dollars represent". The goods and services that people produce. With money, people can easily exchange their work, talents and skills – the very best that is inside of themselves for the best that is inside of others. Money is quite literally a symbol of human productivity and achievement. It represents all the things that we create for each other. We trade our work for money, which we then use to trade for the work of other people. Steven Spielberg's work is to make movies. And the rest of us go to work, trading our various talents for money, then we trade a small part of what we have earned to Steven Spielberg’s company, so we can enjoy an evenings entertainment. The value Bill Gates has created is software that has changed the way people live. He is wealthy because he has positively affected the lives of literally billions of people in a profound way. A doctor a teacher a lawyer, a janitor – they all provide valuable services to other people. They exchange those valuable services for money, so they can acquire the valuable services of others. We trade our work for money, and the better we are at what we do – the more valuable we become to others – the more money you can trade your work for. Money is a SYMBOL of the best that people have to offer each other. Do I love money? If you mean do I love little green pieces of paper with pictures of dead presidents on them, the answer is "no, not really". But if you mean do I love what money represents, what it means and what it can do – the answer is "absolutely". Anyone who has "collecting dollars" at the center of their life's aspirations is way missing the point. If you want to enrich yourself, stop concentrating on those pieces of paper and start concentrating on the value that you can contribute to the people around you." SD will not teach you this. And using SD for personal development is not productive or useful. Plus Leo's interpretation is especially not that useful for personal development.
  3. @JosephKnecht Seems like you got your head in the right place, a rarity. And I like your work as well. Will clarify that it is just a respectful disagreement. I know what I am doing.
  4. I will give about 7.5/10 for the video editing. One can clearly see the style which you intended to go for. Pretty good for beginner-intermediate stage I would say. Could have contemplative background music as it is common in such style. Apart from those, I agree with @Flowerfaeiry and @JosephKnecht . That's sound advice.
  5. No. There are many paths to the same end goal. In fact, if you misunderstand healthy functioning then reaching enlightenment gets considerably more difficult.
  6. Most welcome, hope you find the solution.
  7. What a coincidence. I am just about to launch my free affirmations service in about a day or so. AI generates affirmation meditations, in audio form, as per your desire.
  8. @Harlen Kelly No, not necessarily in terms of GDP and economic growth. In terms of work and lifestyle, green economy, discrimination, sexism, sustainable orange-green business structures, an increase of tax revenue through counter-intuitive and innovative ways, etc. China will not lead right now. CCP has destroyed a lot of its potential sadly. It will help the world a great deal when China will actualize its potential. These two countries are powerhouses. Just one of them alone is enough to make another planet of their own and be productive in all the dimensions of human existence. Once China and India both start getting ahead even the best companies in America don't have a chance. There is monster-level energy between these two countries. It is a question of when, not if.
  9. They consciously use propaganda and ideology to further their survival. Here is the formula: Pump up the prices of stocks by money printing while increasing inflation thus decreasing most stockholders' networks in real terms. On paper their networths skyrocket. Then tell the people inequality is increasing. People blame everyone(including the right) and vote for the left. Repeat the above again. Then again people blame everyone (including the right) but the left and vote for the left. Pump up the prices of stocks (and housing and decrease wages, etc. ) and say inequality is rising. Tax the unrealized gains for socialistic policies. People believe this will solve housing and wages problems, conservatives don't care about us etc., and vote for the Left. Except it does not solve those problems. Print money again. Problems increase even more. People go to the Left again thinking they are the guys who care. The fastest path to socialism is money printing which the Left economists love. The economy degenerates until socialism is forcefully adopted. This manipulation has happened since decades. In this long-term game the left, more importantly, the far-left wins. Consciously using propaganda and ideology to further one's survival is not doing the best they could. It is a dishonest and manipulative practice.
  10. @JosephKnecht You think I would have recognized all this if I was not actually in the arena?
  11. I would highly recommend LifeBook and Be Extraordinary course. I have read a lot of good things about 10x and it seems groundbreaking. But have not personally gone through so cannot vouch for it. @FlyingLotus Which Mindvalley courses do you like or are interested in?
  12. @JosephKnecht If the phenomenon about wages that I have mentioned above ticked you then I have written an elaboration for that in this post. Please read it if that is the case. Jesus, I thought some of these things are apparent given the components and principles. No problem. I understand.
  13. Ask yourself this. Did stage orange or blue in past become a sustainable, prominent, or dominant culture in their times due to the politicians and political parties? What percent role did they play?
  14. @Harlen Kelly I already thought of Canada, that is why I wrote India. Its performance in terms of leadership for Green is not satisfactory by my standards. He is talking about leading not scaling. Canada and the likes are good at scaling not leading. You are misunderstanding the driving engine of this revolution. It would be the education system/culture and corporate culture changing, not the politicians and political parties. 90 percent of the benefits that people will get from Stage Green will from the former two factors. India alone is beating Canada in these two factors in certain niches. Canada will not be able to beat India in some inches despite trying. So its performance is not satisfactory by my standards. China had more than enough capacity to lead in many key areas and beat even the US. But CCP will not allow it to happen for now. Mindvalley an education company from Malasiya had/has most of its customer base in the US. (It gives very solid Orange-Green education) This became a recurring trend where companies starting in other parts of the world(with orange-green material) started to see sustainability from their US customer base. When Mindvalley was a startup from Malasyia selling orange green education products it became sustainable due to the US customer demand. Norway for eg. sees most of its fame for being stage green because it has this massive oil inheritance. Whereas in the case of America and India that is not the case so the solutions they will create will scale to most other countries. Norway's model is not going to scale to most countries, other countries are not born into such richness. Here America and India will lead. Look, these two countries may have a late start by comparison but they will lead because their growth rate is and will be very high. Every trend of corporate culture and education system/culture aligns with this. They are doing a good job for their people and I am happy for their people. Some of the countries you mentioned are very good at scaling once the thought models and solutions are ready and proven. But out of the 20-25 countries ready to have Stage Green at a considerable scale, there will only be about 3 leaders. I am willing to bet that America and India will lead about 50 percent of this revolution over the next 50-100 years. China may enter somewhere in this process. Then these 3 countries alone will lead about 60 percent of this revolution. Maybe Canada will enter as well but as of today I am not satisfied with its performance after duly considering it, but yeah it can certainly enter in the near future. It will be one of the major arms that is for sure, but not satisfied with in terms of leadership as of today. If I extrapolate your list from your understanding then I will get about 15 countries. You are naming literally every other country, in an office or group with 100 people 50 people do not become leaders, come on. It is more like 5 people. This is not about exceptionalism, you are repeatedly projecting your shit on me, recognizing these trends accurately is important because then you can create much better and more sustainable solutions.
  15. If it interests you, I will recommend this resources for some information on this. Trust you can take it from there.
  16. @JosephKnecht Empty words. You have not actually read history and how this came out to be. Stage Orange economists liked Keynesian theory and Stage Green when slowly started to take over academia promoted Modern Monetary Theory and the likes. It was the left's theory(read ideology), not the right's. I don't stand for the left or the right blindly. They both make right, wrong, and disastrous points. Learning to be unbiased and be able to choose from both to maximize the benefit of the people, ensure the right timing etc. here is the key. I am a centrist with a bias towards leftist policies. Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema are not centerists.
  17. The reckless money printing of the US causing inflation for a few decades has single-handedly destroyed the American dream. It creates causes (like a decrease in collective business efficiency of a country) that no human being can overcome. Businesses and entrepreneurs become helpless too because this one thing at stage 1 of its existence becomes 5 destructive causes at stage 2 of it growth and combination with other policies and phenomenons and at stage 3 it becomes 25 causes that force all these businesses and the economy in a box. At stage 3 a person or group of businesses is not trying to fight an effect from 1 simple cause they are trying to fight destructive effects created by 25 different causes set in motion by one thing, it's impossible. But of course, the politicians want all of us to believe it was the Billionaires and Millonaires paying less tax rate that has created this mess. Not the govt. and politicians forming poor policies. This guarantees the survival of politicians and gives an n number of free passes and survival advantages to them.
  18. Well, to be brief: 1. The current housing and rent unaffordability crisis is mostly because of this. Govt. printing money for decades has skyrocketed the prices of houses. The US has printed trillions upon trillions of dollars for the last few decades. 2. One of the major causes of homelessness. 3. Over time business in a country get more and more efficient due to collective functioning. As collective business efficiency increases just by the virtue of its existence the workers get more wages. Due to money printing the collective business efficiency cannot keep up with inflation and wages start going down even if the on paper number is same. The problem is this: there is no way for businesses collectively to increase efficiency at this fast rate. They would need to have alien or some sort of sci-fi technology in order to increase efficiency this fast. So it makes it impossible for most businesses to pay higher wages. It is like workers, employees and entrepreneurs create value for decades and now when they could have had an easy life turns out the govt. already stole it by money printing. There is no magical way for collective business efficiency to grow this fast. Everyone loses in this, permanently. At least long term assuming the right actions are taken. The basic economic principle is just by the virtue of existence the collective business efficiency in a country starts increasing even without trying and this leads to many positive effects. But the collective business efficiency cannot keep up in a country that prints money this fast. So all the positive effects that people have earned through decades are gone instead they start getting the negative effects, it does not even settle at a neutral state. 4. This phenomenon alone is at least 60-70 percent of the reason why the American middle class is shrinking. This combines with other bad policies to create an explosion. 5. This alone is at least 50 percent of the reason (probably more) for the polarization in politics. Inflation divides people more and more without them realizing it because it is not the first-order consequence making it a bit harder to detect for a person with average intelligence. There is about a 5-10 percent chance that the US will start seeing Venezuela-like conditions due to this in the near future. This is the highest probability for such a disastrous event in the US in the last century or so. So yeah, it is not overhyped by any means.
  19. Do you know the worst part? Most of this happened due to leftist and so-called "stage green" economists. It was the "egalitarian" group of economists who popularized money printing and shitty economic theories which don't work in reality. The general public will never know that much of this inflation happened due to the so-called egalitarian or stage green economists and leaders in academia, supported in part by politicians belonging to the same group. The general public thinks that they are the ones with good intentions and so-called compassion. The survival of such "economists" and politicians is guaranteed, at the cost of the general public and their supporters. This wraps the sense of reality that these leaders in academia have (or other thought influencers)even more. If sentimental intentions lead to real-world outcomes then terrorists will be given noble peace prizes, you would be surprised how many terrorists have in-depth well-developed philosophies around world peace. Due to the false perception, they think this problem is created by conservatism and people not paying enough taxes then again people vote for policies or politicians who support such economic policies and understanding making it even worse. It continues in loop, this is a vicious cycle. The problem is that the vicious cyles promoted by the right of the same magnitude are much easier to recognize than the left equivalents for a person with average smartness. The right and the left are asymmetrical. Conservatism has its valid points. Biased and blind Leftists don't get it.
  20. Misread your original post, my bad. I love massively improving people's lives using my in-depth mastery of systems thinking combining several disciplines via a. my life purpose, and influence. and b. sharing the remaining time with people in whatever way I can, inspired by divine Love (with a capital L). The former, although inspired by a metaphysical connection to reality, is a bit more conditional while the latter is inspired by unconditional pure Love. Both for massively improving people's lives.
  21. You can remove all sugar, milk, and milk-based products(including cottage cheese, ice cream etc.) from your diet completely for 4-8 weeks and see. You can still have green tea or black coffee. There is a huge correlation between sugar and inflammation. And milk with allergies like rhinitis for eg. If this does not work out you can reach out to me, I know someone in India who can heal. But you will have to travel there and see him in person. I have read about a few people doing this and solving similar health issues. I would say it is quite probable that if you try this you will get positive results. Definitely worth trying if you are suffering a lot, the probability is quite good.
  22. I love Metaphysics and Spirituality, Psychology, Technology, Invention(as a subject), and Research and Development. These make my soul dance in absolute bliss. The application happens in many ways, from LP, to trying to prevent disasters for people due to the current political scenario by creating the right technical foundations, to getting inspired by the divine Love that by my existence if a stranger who is crying becomes happy and no longer cries or if someone who is going on his path full of fear and uncertainty feels peace then my life is certainly worthwhile.
  23. @Tobia Are you referring to this, or something else?
  24. That is an unfair comparison. The damages caused by certain green ideas are much more than corresponding stage orange or blue ideas and for certain other ideas the damages caused by orange are more than the damages of green.