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Everything posted by captainamerica

  1. @Bryanbrax @Husseinisdoingfine He mentioned about it here. And in some other threads as well.
  2. Hi Leo. Hope you're being safe :-) Any updates on the new course you were creating. Is it gonna be released anytime soon ?
  3. @Thought Art Thanks! Looks promising.
  4. The code of the extraordinary mind by Vishen Lakhiani
  5. Hi I found this meditation app recently, known as Black Lotus. It is created by none other than the Himalayan mystic Om Swami's team,under his guidance, whose books are recommend by Leo in the book list. It is a very powerful and life changing tool if you put in the time. Highly recommend to couple it with his book A million thoughts. It is free with contant feedback and some relevant guidance.
  6. Very welcome ! Hope it helps you _/\_
  7. A lot of that is based on second hand knowledge. There are many biases common in smart people for example the bias of oversubscribing to the materialistic paradigm in the scientific community. That holds true even after such people are able to arrange a lot of data and make apparently compelling cases. Since the internet after 2000 the developments have been becoming more and more distributed. The real problem being a very rigid and low grade education system. Quite similar to the US but in the US the culture does offset that quite a lot , to my knowledge.
  8. @moon777light thanks !
  9. @Aquarius thanks, will try! @Serotoninluv hit it spot on. That's the problem I am having. Not enough grounding can be attained by visualization at this point. @hamedsf thank you!
  10. Hi :-) Can you please share visualizations or strategy to break from the whole day monkey mind lack of productivity cycle ? Visualization of negative behaviors' outcome works a bit. Visualization for becoming conscious of death a bit less and visualization of working hard daily doesn't work at all for me. Could be because of anti depressants but want to get back now. Thanks ! P.S. I am off the anti depressants.
  11. Hi moderator, There is no copyright on the second book's PDF as per law. The author died about 100 years ago. The particular format or rendering of one PDF maybe copyrighted but not its contents. So any publicly available link does not come under copyright as well. The same is true for many other books of that period as well.
  12. @hamedsf that requires trained or concentrated attention which I have lost due to depression and ironically its medication as well.
  13. There is a good general method given in the book the science of breathing by yogi Ramacharaka ji.
  14. @Hatfort Glad you liked it :-)
  15. Om swami Jis book on Kundalini , mantra science and his memoir answers the question.
  16. Can anyone tell me the best alternative to heartmath's heart rate variability training device (inner balance sensor or emwave 2)? I read that a couple top executives started using that in office to have control and mindfullness 10 hours a day. But it would look weird on me if I were to do it publicly :-D . So if possible I am looking for a chest strap with same type/level of training as heartmath's as that is very good.
  17. Hi :-) Can you please tell me how should I go about mastering high quality content creation for public speaking gigs (in psychology , growth etc.) like you did ?
  18. Okay. Thank you for replying
  19. Hi :-) Can you tell how well does the final special kriya actually melt away the vasanas , subtle tendencies for you ? And does kheechari have an important role in being able to perform it successfully for melting away the subtle tendencies?
  20. Finally a good course on psychedelics !
  21. @Leo GuraCan we please expect a near future course on it ? If you can teach us then I can probably make a user friendly version of it ,still costly but user friendly through machine learning or something.
  22. Hi :-) Do you think that if one executes the final special kriya by santatagamana perfectly and goes into parvastha everytime after the first kriya ,and it is done for 100 hours in a week do you think one can beat 40 years of Zen in a week program ? I am trying to shorten the time requirement for perfecting dharna and dhyana.
  23. I heard that it teaches one how to meditate properly really quickly , the total time saved in perfecting meditation and concentration by that is a lot. What would you recommend to cut the learning curve for those ? Currently I read that the highest level of practice requires 10k hours ~ Om Swami.