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About Himalaya

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  1. @EugeneTheSage there a few Osho Mediation centres in Europe that have work as meditation programs. Daily work is somewhere between 4-6 hours per day + meditations. Depending which centre the cost can in the range of 100 euros per month. It may be seasonal and may also involve sleeping in a tent.
  2. @Hulia She is my body worker and we do sometimes do nice breath-work and energy work together. I will keep an open mind and will see her again next week :). Will share and explore this experience with her. No sense in predefining as you say. In awe at these little mysteries and magical moments of life.
  3. @Username I am curious about your experience.
  4. @Hulia Thank you for sharing you story! I can relate to the feeling of no more his and her presence, just one presence, that which feels like pure awareness. I had an experience like this with a partner in bed during lovemaking. Felt like we were merging just lying beside each other with just soft touches -- in that state sex would have felt barbaric. RE Sadness: I felt a part of me that was screaming with grief before merging. The part was screaming at the pain of separation from her, from my passed on family, from myself, from all that is. There was no sadness the moment of connection, was like all of existence was in a celebration, absolute blissful. In terms of normal relationship, she is in a position of authority (i.e. a mentor of mine) so it just wouldn't work. That didn't stop these experiences from happening. I am well aware of the psychodynamics of transference and would be more open to those experiences continuing happening with someone else outside of that context.
  5. I wanted to share an experience of love that happened with other. A woman that I admired for some time for her beauty, openness, flowing nature, child-like qualities, innocence, and caring qualities. Watching this woman flow in of itself is a transformative experience. Deep in mediation I saw a belief structure that no woman like that could possibly love me. Seeing this literally opened the floodgates of love. I had a deep seeing and recognition that not only it wasn't true that such a woman wouldn't love me, but that she was me. The veil of separation lifted and I could see and feel her in her purity, exquisiteness, like I was part of every cell of her being. All the while surrounded by a sweet soft lovingness. The recognition of our non separateness itself was love. This has continued in meditation with her where there is a sense of shared space and shared timeless knowing. A shared womb-like space of shared godly loving. Her admission of the same shared space and strong psychic connection literally caused my energy centers to explode open. I am not in relationship with this woman and in complete awe and bliss around this experience. I wanted to share here because of the perceived openness of this community to this and from a curiosity if anyone else has had similar experiences. I am a PhD science guy so this is out of the realm of what I thought was possible and likely the reason why I am attracted to Leos work.