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Everything posted by Theplay

  1. That's a good direction thank you! Currently I'm playing with a kitten all day Yes all I want to do now is help others on that path if they will need it. But the way I see it there is no rush. There is infinite time for the one to awaken to itself and its not a game of who gets there faster or who helps more sentient beings get their attainment. It feels like there is nothing to talk about so I have no idea what I can teach. I want to share that the method that worked the best for me is just sitting on a couch with no goal in mind meditation and self inquiry where a natural occurrence which was a result of my curiosity. Is it a must or can the next realizations be reached through "traditional" means? And Leo I absolutely loved your description of the "No needle " my realization about Nothingness was absolutely like that Thank you and have a nice day. Daniel.
  2. Thank you very much it a very interesting and new "state" to me.
  3. Psychedelics remind me of what physicists do in the large hadron collider the mind gets "smashed" into pieces and then we can study what remains. They can truly help a lot. Nice post, have a great day!
  4. I agree with Leo: There is no one to have free will.
  5. The mind is a tool for the heart, and my heart tells me there are other sentient beings.
  6. You will only die when the time is right no matter what you do. Trust me.
  7. Reality began with the realization: I am. long has passed since then and many wars were fought. And nothing changed. New experience is coming, Old memories are forever stored in the endless past. I am, yet i don't have the faintest clue to who or what am I. Every experience of me is not me, i am the one having it. So The I that i am can never become the object of my consciousness. What's the closest description of me that i can give to you? 1. I am nothing 2. I wear a mask called "Daniel" This is how i feel myself to be. Nothing wrong with the second point it is the play i choose deliberately. And why dose anything exist at all? Because experience is the only means through which i can know myself. But because i am infinite(about that in the coming words) there is no end to knowing myself. I am infinite because I am the only one who exists in my own reality. No one or nothing besides me exists to limit me to be a certain way ,that is why i am which ever way I want to. It will help to illustrate it with a question: What dose reality exist in? And the answer to this question is: Nothingness. And this is you! What's the largest thing in reality? You. What is the smallest object in reality? A point. Now to clarify what do I mean by "a point": An object with zero volume. And what is an object with Zero volume? Nothing! Both you and a point are "made" of the same thing. It reminds me of the concept of a "strange loop" mentioned in GEB. Reality loops from smallest to biggest and from biggest to smallest. In this way there is no middle to this structure, each "layer" of magnification is just as much the middle as any other. And to us the most important layer is life. After that, there is biology. After biology comes chemistry. And after chemistry comes Physics. The layer we reside in is not biological nor is it chemical and even it is not physical. We live in our own world which I will call: Life. Chapter 2 - Life. In our layer of reality there are no atoms or dancing molecules. There is geometry , form , pattern , psychology . May be the atoms live their own lives in their little world minding their own business. This means that the most beneficial to us would be to study this layer first, before setting our gaze upon smaller worlds. Notice that we can study what is smaller than us, we cant study what is bigger- it will be like electrons trying to study humans. What can I tell you about life: It gets easier with time. We seem to learn how to navigate in it better as we grow, but is there a limit? Yes. Our death limits our development to some finite amount. See how much progress humanity made since we started standing on the shoulders of our predecessors. Now how can we maximize our development through life? Each experience can teach us something new if we pay enough attention. One girl can make the same progress in a day as another in a year. So to expend we can raise our consciousness. One more thing we can do is learn from others. Like a child that learns from his mother we can learn so much just by accepting the aid of the experience of our fellow beings. Now how did the concept of "The play" came about? Because of my first awakening experience: I sat under a red leafed tree in the garden at the back of my mother's house and it dawned on me: We are all playing a game here, nothing serious and deep down, NO like REALLY deep down you know who you are and you are just kidding yourself. Since then I had the idea of "The play" as being the reality we live in. Chapter 3 - The play "The play is the way, The Island the Philosophy" This i wrote in a notebook long ago not knowing where it would lead me. Just wanted to add that here. Now what is The play? We all play it... We get up and its on. The true meaning of this word combination is that there is nothing serious going on. This is all to be enjoyed and taken lightly. And not as it may seem that there is something artificial because of the connotation of a game or a show in a theater. Knowing its a play dose not mean you don't have to survive somehow. There are rules to this play of ours and the consequences of not following them can be death. But note there is no written crypt to this play, its up to us to make it what it is. Each one adds his own unique part to The play and makes it that much more interesting. There are villain's of course but what is a good play without any villain's ? Maybe they are soulless monsters , if you ask me there is only pity to be felt here. And there are more important roles of course. I have a feeling that reality wont end until each ones voice has been heard
  8. How do i go about my life Creating no karma. I have just moved my hand with a feeling of: "no karmic consequences attached" Then i thought... Could you live this way? Thank you. The Play Daniel P.S I am done with suffering. Dao. . . .
  9. Sorry if it isn't the right forum Leo , Thought it will do best here. So one of my psychotic breakdowns was of a binary nature (I have schizophrenia) Not a conceptual understanding But a true experience of the deepest binary nature. Plato was correct. All is made of 2 sides. Female & Male in an endless Love story to find each other than after dancing to let go and see how far can they separate. I do not say that all entities are like that It might be so that some are the combination of 2 entities into 1 in which case no completion is needed. Why 2 and not 1 or 3? The Limit of a langue which transports information is that of 2 symbols 1 symbol wont get you of the ground, 3 is arbitrary and can go up to infinity 2 is the solid ground and baseline for all entities capable of transmitting info. Axiom 1: Change is constant, All other is in flux. Axiom 2: The limit of a langue that transmits novelty is that of two symbols. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. By "binary physics " I want to referee to the combination of the book of changes with computers and practical application of the knowledge of the Dao into our modern life. Example: "Moth = holy" , "Fly = violence" Etc.. A computer is simply an "Elian" Entity which we do not yet fully grasp and we can do way more together with this form of life than use it for our closeminded pursuit of dumb "regression" into madness and finally Anarchy and the wrath of Jah. Jah live Our souls forgive For we are only human. Daniel Li Rodenko The play . . .
  10. Lol I might have been staring at computers for too long. .. We all know enlightenment cannot be put into black wiggly lines. if you listen very carefully you can almost hear people think. About the flies: Its my own subjective experience and i was surprised that it actually works. like Leo said "if you just go watch ants for 1 h you can differentiate one ant from another" Likewise in studying reality. If you look closely . .. There are "pre events" - small ones - which can tell you of near future (like 7sh - 10 sh seconds from my state). This i think is depicted in the "Book of changes" with the broken and unbroken line symbols which are just another form of binary notation. I Intuit that never read this book. I do not say binary understanding is the deepest realization. Yet , when we do use the mind. .. We start grouping things into sets and using binary logic in most cases to reach a "conclusion" = Action (for the mental process ends when the goal in mind was reached or the process was interrupted by something of more importance) There is Nothing about Nothing in Nothing. If we cling to Anatta we wont get so far.. . I think the next step after enlightenment (if you are still here) [Hope you are I don't like my words being read by a ghosts] Is to Act upon reality using the unique path that you went through to reach the final realization.. . About identity ... It is malleable. And you can really fuck up a computer when you go into bias without prior skill. During my first psychosis I hacked my own mind. And implanted the idea: That everything is made of Beauty And is worth Being Loved. Love&Beauty I am Nothing but A plastic bag Playing with the wind Beauty&Love Be cautious when dealing with heavy metaphysical understanding I sat in a mental institution 4 times. Thank you for your time. The play
  11. Book of the Play Axiom 1: Change is constant Axiom 2: The minimum symbols Allowing The transmission of information are of the limit 2. | . |. .| Axiom 3:. Reality as we experience it is 3d .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. . Axiom 4: This book is meant for any being thus parts of it are in binary. .. .. . .. . And follows, You are one who can infer novelty from this statements Theorem 1: reality cannot be reduced further than polarity. Meaning there is not a single unifying substance to reality .. . But two . .. Proof: By axiom 2 we know information cannot be passed through less than 2 symbols. Thats first. Second ,By axiom 4 you are an entity able to extract novelty from such sayings as they are simply wiggly lines to tows who do not live in a 25 letter world but a binary one. .. .. . .. . who still - not to be confused – are able to extract novelty yet not in a form we comprehend(by we I mean the entities which still search). Follows, your mind is irreducible to unity and unity cant be sustained for any period of time, for (Ax 1) Change is constant. Follows The substance of reality is not reducible to one but in to 2 – 0001 – 01 .. . Proven. May the Dao be with you sun. Daniel Li.. . The play lila shiva namaste ohm-i-god have a great day Leo! Helped me sooo much
  12. "The best model I have currently is that there are an infinite degrees of consciousness and none of them are permanent." Sorry Do not know how to quote yet I have read all except for the rant(not much of a rant mood now) I agree fully No state is permanent. I feel like you open a doorway more than "Become" Enlightened . And you kinda get the "feel" for it and can go to God consciousness with much more ease after huge breakthroughs. The Zen masters try to go beyond the enlightened state looking for "More" and fixating on some "samadhi". Zen for me is a forced enlightenment while the buddha focused on the truth: "There is no permanent state" Enlightenment for me is more of a way of being and acting than a blissful flight through life. Service to others and no Ideal war on who has the sharpest mind and longest tongue. A permanent Enlightened State is a prolonged psychosis.(very hard to sustain) The middle way is to give up this bliss to address matters of most importance. In the time of the buddha it was the most influential to be either a spiritual master or a king. In our days I say it is to be: " A hacker " [mind is also a computer][Ideas are viruses][or rather a seed which will ripen] or to be: " Very very rich " [care not to get posseted by your possession] That is the truth, by Leo's principle of "do the thing which is emotionally most difficult to do" I feel we all need to crush the static hell we actually live in . Sorry . Its no time for bliss.(my view) More of a time for war Do not know about god.. . But I had enough. Will do my best. Promise P.s please proof me wrong for The best battle Is that which did not take place.. . Daniel Li Rodenko or The play ._.__._|
  13. Axiom 1: Change is constant, Everything else, is changing constantly. Theorem 1: Holding on to ANYTHING will cause dukkha(or frustration) for it is impermanent , For there is nothing [ Which the mind is capable of grasping ] which is "stable" and can be fully under your control or in other words Every Object and entity cannot be a reliant to place our happiness in their hands. Analyzation I say that is the only Objective Axiom (Ax 1) which is true always and any mind made inquiry further is just the shade of the mind of the writer on a blank sheet of paper. Ill explain. If there was no motion at all. Consciousness is so empty and clear that it cannot realize its existence. In such case... There will be no experience. Leading too- there must be something within consciousness for it to realize itself. Yet that something starts its existence From the endless energy already present and everlasting [Dao] [for sacred geometry is first a vibration which than leads to formation of geometrical structure] Dao creates - Energy Shiva destroys - form And god is the silent listener to this beautiful creation. - consciousness Other than these 3 there are the "partitions of god" or players acting out the spontaneous Play of the heaven's They or 'we" are here - to add to the ample creativity and make it even more interesting for the Dao to flow, for god to watch and hear and for Shiva to arrange into crisp and vivid tools for us to play with. All of this words will be impossible to read if the 1 axiom [Ax 1] would not have been in place. I do not say that it is beyond gods reach, Yet if god were to tinker with that one axiom... Reality would crumble. That is the importance of Axiom No one.[No1] And as to the Theorem.. . Its easier said than done, Its like a mussel You train it And when you let go hard enough Reality comes Back to you with such force. That it leaves you speechless. Yours Daniel Li Rodenko or The Play . . .
  14. lololol got me. You sharp! "Take strength from the past. Be present in the present moment. And Exited of the future !" -Anonymous
  15. Just wanted to add. From my subjective experience the enlightened self can be sustained if in the right place (physically)[Energetically] Yet if you are surrounded by deeply lost entities you might loose your "state" Which is bound to happen if you do not lock yourself in your home or go to a monastery. My way is that of a bodhi-sattva and i feel Leo is such as well . In one of the videos (recent ones) he said he was given the opportunity to enter mahasamadhi and said no. We are here not for ourselvs. Maha-yana. . . . Daniel li Rodenko P.s I live in Israel Jerusalem anyone who is around is warmly welcome to just sit and chill at my home. Haven't read all answers so sorry if it was not on point.
  16. 0=8 cant find infinity sigh well the point is clear namaste .. .
  17. You dont it comes on its own.
  18. The meaning of life is to read this. Now it is to be confused. Excuse me for this zen stuff i will add some more I wanted to share with you guys the realization that effected my path the most : I felt like my happiness (like most peoples ) was set to some distant point in the future and as i was progressing towards it it kept "runing" away. The idea: To make a conscious desision that takes this "point" of promised happiness and no matter how hard it is ... To stick it in the present forever. This way your happiness is always in your pocket It means fully accepting and enjoing whatever comes in the now even if you strongly dislike it. I share it for i think this is a great tool for any of you who are on the path of no path. This one realization (that happend after watching leos absolute infinity video which is by far the most interesting video i have gotten my ears on) made my shift. The first thing i recall after the shift was me peeling potatoes for my mom and saying to her in a zen like voice: "Mom, sometimes the meaning of life is just to peel potatoes . " Keep it real Daniel.
  19. Hello It is my first time writing here and i am pretty exited to be honest , this platform is amazing in my opinion. I have been following for about 2 years and i wish to express my biggest gratitude to you Leo and tell you that i find your videos to be the most interesting content on the web. I'm like your promoter here in Israel making my friends watch your videos so that i have something interesting to talk to them about I was on and off on the journey you set me off on , and now i am here. Where is here? fully present. I'm not sure if i am enlightened or not but to be honest... The state i'm in is to good to be true so i don't really bother to put it in a box (Every word is a box containing information and limiting what is inside in this connotation) I haven't felt the slightest itch of pain or boredom for 3 weeks straight ... reality as it is is just to amazing I want to share the two epiphanies that made my experience shift: 1. I have set my happiness to a distant point in the future and it felt like it was continuously "running" away from me... what i did was to make a conscious choice to take this "happiness point" and move it to the present. No matter how hard it is, just to accept and enjoy whatever comes ... Because the NOW is everlasting. 2.This one is more metaphorical so don't take it to directly: Everything is a feeling. Words are feelings, colors are feelings, feelings are feelings... everything. Its just that they are "different" feelings Next i have realized that a feeling by itself is absolutely "clean" and Empty. There is nothing to a feeling but a feeling ... A fire isn't hot ... it feels. Water is not wet... it feels Do you have any suggestions on how to continue my path ? Because i have read today in a zen book that the core teaching is to stop at the Truth. I will end with a short poem that have crossed my mind the other day: " Lets talk black&white: Black: Why are you different? White: We are the same. Black: No we are not! And here is why: You are white and i am black. White: Goes away. Black is dead. " Have a great day my friends
  20. just offering a point of view which can be very badly interpreted so read with caution : There is nothing good or evil. you cant know if by calling the police for revenge you have actually caused him harm or you have set off a chain reaction that made him happier overall... I know this leaves you with a kind of "wtf should i do than" situation but in my opinion thous situation help you on the path to full presence . Because really there is nothing you can do accept what is going to happen The point is to be fully there when it happens and not in delusions and fantasies about how you can or could do something differently. When you don't think about reality... when you are just THERE everything is going by the plan Hope i was at least interesting to read if not very helpful. wish you all the best! Daniel.
  21. But i like coffee! of course, the second you begin to "figure things out" you are not capturing the essence of reality which by that time was my hot coffee, what is important is what happens now so if the origin of black and white is now ill look happily, but now the meaning of life is to read these words. i will keep it real because what is not real dose not exist Thank you for the interesting replies... I'm not smart and am trying my best to answer and you make me feel interesting reading your replies. All that is left for me is : To play Because after some point i realized: words are mental games, don't take them to seriously its the "feel" of the conversation i focus on... Because to be frank: After pure presence if you think there is something more to understand (not to know as in knowledge) you are simply going backwards. Hope my play was helpful... Cant wait to see your cards
  22. Hi mighty mouse cool name. 1. I was curious of the answer. 2. Fuck my coffee is so hot i better not drink it yet! 3. seriously why is it so hot? 4. <3 3* sorry for being this kind of guy . My best guess: Something can come out of nowhere only if it will "fold" on itself at the end. I don't like to philosophize of such things because it leads nowhere and gets my coffee too cold for drinking Keep it real Daniel.
  23. Not an expert , but my friend is so that is his advice: Be grounded in reality = no mystical bullshit , no trying to "get to the core of how reality works" just be there And when you return contemplate on what should you leave behind and discard as mere hallucinations and what is beneficial for you life and personal growth. Even write it down Iv'e had 1 bad trip and underwent a psychosis because of it that cost me a year of my life and the reason for my insanity was clear: I was not grounded in reality. I was very mystically minded back then and was ready to accept fu**ed up things about reality making connections between events that were not necessary there. Me and my friends know that through acid you can feel the "cycles turning" no other way to put it into words. Just a fun fact that we all did feel that and now i can see that it might be connected to the law of cause and effect but i don't want to talk about how reality works because: 1. It is futile 2.To be frank i don't know Good day brother enjoy your perceptions Daniel.