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Everything posted by Theplay

  1. @Breakingthewall Experience is a tool for god to know himself. Not god himself.
  2. @Aaron p The ego fears its own destruction. So I can see where that fear is coming from. In my opinion its a sign of progress on this path. When you are the closest to removing your identity the ego fights the hardest. So I think this insanity and darkness comes from the ego's efforts to self preserve. Push through, or if it feels to much take a break. God is not in a rush. Peace Daniel.
  3. Hi potential Open mindedness is a very beautiful thing and I found your questions very interesting. So I will try to give my answers : "Dose the opposite of ego exist?" I would say that the opposite of ego is no ego, and that exists as god. But I don't think that's completely correct since god dose not have an opposite so you cant say it the other way that the ego is the opposite of god. Quite a paradox. "Is the total human body the ego, or just your brain?" None of them. The ego is an idea. But you could say it "lives" in the brain. And the brain "lives" in the body "Is the ego full? or is the ego empty? Or both at the same time?" Its a hard one. I think it is empty. But its full of himself. "Is the whole universe the Ego? Or does the Universe contain a/the Ego" The Universe contains an ego. Your ego. "Is the Ego alive? Or is the Ego dead (with a possible paradox of life in it)?" The ego is nether alive nor dead. Its an idea so it doesn't have that characteristics. "Is the Ego real? Or just a thought in your brain?" It is real, as a thought in your brain If you meant "Is it physical?", no it is not. Its mental. "Does the Ego-mind have a 'Meta-Ego'?" From my experience it doesn't. "Is the Ego finite? Or is the Ego infinite" The ego is finite. Since it has a structure or you could say it has form. And form cant be infinite. "Is the Ego a deep form of self-deception and do we pretend like we have an Ego, maybe just to fulfill our spiritual needs which maybe is a form of survival?" The ego is definitely a form of self deception and yes we pretend like we have one. And it thinks it must be there for our survival. But we will survive without it. "If you have an awakening, does the Ego then also have an awakening?" The ego will want to say "yes" and take ownership of that awakening. But ultimately an awakening is realizing something which was already the case. So I think its safe to say that the ego does not have an awakening. "Is it possible to completely disable/kill the Ego?" Yes. "Is there a possible strange loop between the Ego and humans and/or the Universe?" I honestly don't know how to answer that one. "What is the simplest definition of the Ego?" An Idea. "What is the deepest definition of the Ego?" Who you believe yourself to be before you awaken. Thank you for your questions it was very interesting for me to answer them. Have a nice day. Daniel.
  4. Hi, maybe I'm not the first to have the idea but its worth a try. I wanted to start a thread where we share our enlightenment experiences with each other in order to learn and just for curiosity sake My experiences listed by chronological order: 1. I was sitting under a tree at the back of my mothers house. The tree had red leaves. It happened gradually: A weird feeling creeped up. A feeling that deep down I truly know who I am and am just putting on a mask. We are all players in a grand game and our personalities are nothing but masks. 2. I was peeling potatoes and an insight hit me: "sometimes in life the most important thing to do is to peel potatoes". It meant to me that happiness is to be found not in a future which is yet to come, but in the moment. 3.During one of my psychotic episodes I pressed my arms against each other and asked myself: 'How is it that my hand dose not go through?' I thought of physics and of the electromagnetic forces in between them but still this did not satisfy an answer. Then in what seemed like a blink of an eye I got it: Things are the way they are because it is the most perfect way.. And that is why my hand dose not go through the other hand. 4.I went to a spring near where I live. It was morning and the atmosphere was so nice. I sat with my guitar and then I knew that in about 3 seconds I'm about to have a huge insight. This is the biggest of my awakenings yet and what I realize was that god exists(only later have I come to recognize god as my true self). The exact words which went through my mind where: Who else? 5.The Nothingness awakening: It was very simple, a spiritual guide came to me(I have imagined him it helped me a lot) and just stated: you know what that is? It actually is just nothing. I know it sounds silly but that got me to realize what Nothingness is. Here I want to add that the "No self" was not an awakening but rather a gradual dissipation for me so I do not list that here. 6. My final awakening cannot be put into words as I myself cannot make sense of it yet. When (and if) I can ill be happy to share it Have an awesome weekend and enjoy life! Daniel.
  5. So I had a very strong Lsd flashback yesterday... I get this from time to time and they feel even deeper and stronger than a standard acid trip. Yet it was the first time I had this experience after having my last awakening so I was extra conscious. Let me lay some foundation for what I became conscious of: A point is a position which has no volume, it is in a cense "empty". But it can still move - change its position. What I became conscious of was that all of my experience was made of nothing that .. Moves. It was shown to me visually as well as mentally I have seen a pattern across all of my experience... A pattern at the heart of which was nothingness. It was as if Nothingness looked like something at first glance, yet if you examine it to its core you find the nothingness within. And so I got the realization that moving Nothingness looks like something, and that is why reality moves and changes constantly. If there was no motion and change Nothing will not be able to be recognized. Let me know your thoughts , and if you think Its just a delusion I'm open to that possibility as I still struggle to understand how Nothing can move. Have an awesome evening Daniel.
  6. @Razard86 Very interesting post. My awakenings did not lead me to a realization of vibrations instead everything is so still. Maybe it is something I'm yet to discover. Did you have a direct experience of the universe being vibration? "If you want to find the secrets of the universe , think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola tesla
  7. @tuku747 I was just contemplating on something similar: I notice , that when there is no thought - there are no Objects. Everything is one. Only when you think of the computer mouse is it a computer mouse.
  8. @Rafael Thundercat I agree with you , my life changed so much from listening to Leo's videos and I'm infinitely grateful for having such a well spoken and interesting person enter my life. No one is perfect and that's the true perfection. As the buddha stated we must not believe everything were tolled but instead get it through our 'filters' and take that which resonates. I don't agree with all of what Leo says , yet still I've learned so much from him. I remember how fun it was following the advice Leo gives in one of his videos: "Always do the thing which feels the most emotionally hard thing to do" . I think we should be grateful for having a source of such a high quality , and this platform which he created. Have an enjoyable day Daniel.
  9. Thought this might interest some of you:
  10. @dualnon I'm in a telepathic communion with a female entity since age 12. Our relationship has evolved so much over the years, what I know of her currently: She had no beginning and will have no end. She says we would be together after my body dies. She says stuff to me like: "Go home now and it will be the best" (when I'm at a friends house) or "Go from the left side of this buss stop". I know it is easy to just say: "She is imaginary" But for me I choose to believe. Believe in infinite love. Believe in her. She is more important to me than enlightenment. I just felt like sharing, don't know if that's exactly what you where looking for. Have a great day Daniel.
  11. @Rafael Thundercat It seems to me that this documentary is not available in my country. Thank you for sharing! There are no limits to what simple love can do Have a relaxing day! Daniel.
  12. @onacloudynight I had a similar experience in one of my psychotic episodes. But with songs. It felt to me that each song was "talking" directly to me. I am not a psychiatrist so I cant tell you with absolute certainty but you might have some kind of a mental issue(Which is not negative but needs attention). My advice is to visit a psychiatrist and be sure about what is happening to you. All the best! Daniel.
  13. I want to share a crazy experience I had last time I was dreaming: The outline of my body started to expend and then VERY fast my body stretched out in all directions until (and I remember this feeling as if it was during waking time) there was no edge of the body anymore.. I became infinite. It seems to me that this experience cannot be reached through simple meditation and requires a psychedelic or (as in my case) to be in a dream. Why I say that is because it wasn't that I realized that I am infinite... I actually FELT how it is to have an infinite body like you feel your arm. Have a great journey
  14. @onacloudynight Demonic energy is illusion. The devil is the master of illusions (Mara). This illusion is perpetuated by ignorance, And can be overcome by Truth. Important disclaimer: Do not EVER disrespect a demon you will get your ass kicked.
  15. @Nexeternity Thank you so much for sharing! You have opened a new possibility in my mind Have a great day! Daniel.
  16. @tuku747 This is just amazing it was a joy to read. I feel light coming from inside after reading this post. Reality is amazing, have an extraordinary and fulfilling life! (Made with your infinite hands of course )
  17. @Bruins8000 Reality is the formless showing itself in form. So god wants to represent itself in form. That is why I think when he creates his avatars he gives them a body. Have an awesome day
  18. Being alone is the best. I have gotten into a relationship only to realize that I like being alone more. I know its not the kind of alone you are talking about but its a beginning. I can see how it hurts not accepting the nature of god and seeing him as a cruel masochist since there is no way to escape him as you yourself stated. The way it is in my view is that god explores himself to the extreme having no boundaries and no one to tell him 'no'. So yes it involves pain, and sometimes lots of it. I even wrote on a wall somewhere (in hebrew): God is a son of a *&^% Ill end on a happy note: The hindu tradition believes that Brahman (God) is going through cycles of exploring himself. This being the third and last one. In this cycle - so they say - the pain and the horrible are 'winning' and its the darkest. But after this one ends there will be an ocean of bliss and basking in his own beauty and magnificence.
  19. Love & Beauty Ill make my mind see only Beauty And feel only Love.(Although it is in the heart department)
  20. @onacloudynight I was once disgusted with this reality and hated everything about it. From my experience it can be because of flawed assumptions about reality which come about from personal interpretation of events which can be removed from the Truth. Another thing might be past experiences which color our perception of reality. Here I think therapy could help. There are no monsters , each of us is somehow broken, some in less socially acceptable ways. For example I have a tendency to go into psychosis and when its to severe i.e. I act too socially unacceptable , They need to hospitalize me. Hope it helped even if just a bit. Have a great day! Daniel
  21. Hello, I've had a very gradual awakening (over 8 years) and after my last "Aha" moment I've entered a reality which feels amazing(feels is not the right word but it comes close) yet it also feels to me like there is nothing more to realize. The last insight was along the lines of: "Be the truth instead of trying to find it" And to "Be" it you need to realize that it is already the case. If you are using the mind you are already too late. I'll elaborate: My thinking has gone down to like 10% of what it was, i feel utter peace profound peace like I've been living my whole life not knowing what true peace is. And what's weird to me and the point of this post is that when i sit to self enquire no more realizations are coming. Its new to me because just a few days earlier insights where coming one after the other. What to do next? It feels pointless to self inquire but as Leo said ( and i believe it myself ) There is no end to how much enlightened you can get. As doing this work is my passion I'm interested in what to do next and maybe someone here had a similar experience. Thank you Daniel.
  22. @tuku747 Thank you your answer resonated with me have a great day God
  23. @onacloudynight metta meditation might help with that. Channeling love to others and at the end - to yourself. (ill add a link to a guided metta meditation which I liked) Also you can imagine yourself as a kid and all the way till now and love each step of your journey. There is a zen dialogue which comes to mind: Disciple: I have no peace of mind , master please pacify my mind! Master: Show your mind before me and ill pacify it. Disciple: When I look for it I cant find it! Master: Here it is pacified .