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Everything posted by Theplay

  1. I kind of knew that for some time now. But it shook me to my core today. There is only you. One entity to rule them all. It is absolute and total. The very fabric of existence is made of you. And this play we call life... Is a work of absolute genius. You have nothing to loose. So you made it look like you have something to loose. You have nothing to be afraid of. So you made scary scenarios. You are absolutely alone. So you made it look like there are others. You have Eternity to play with yourself. So... Enjoy
  2. At the beginning there are no rules or limits. The two options are: Ether something exists. Or nothing exists. Both must be the case since there are no rules/laws yet. Yet nothing is not an experience. Hence something exists.
  3. @Razard86 The only thing that exists is you. Reality is not made of nothing it is made of you. And you will exist no matter if there is being, experience or some other thing, or if there is no being, experience or some other thing.
  4. @Naturalist @r0ckyreed Reading your answers got me wondering. Maybe Life is both at the same time? And can you experience that both are the case in the same moment? Like a superposition of the two. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. Like the perfect amount of something balanced by nothing.
  5. @Princess ArabiaWhen you are identified with ego the self gets lost in an illusion. When this bubble bursts you are always the same. I recently merged the final duality I had. Of the Self and the world. Also I believe Its the same self in every one of us. But Hindus knew that for a long time. I have zero effort in my experience. Like everything is just alive. And to move feels alive to me. That's why I move I feel so much bliss. Like our natural state is that. To exist is enough. Being itself Is blissful.
  6. @Yimpa of course I was not talking about the body. I did an experiment. My imagination is very strong but I rarely use it. So I just started Imagining things. What ever I want materializes instantly. It became so boring. After a few seconds of that I realized why we have limitations. Because true freedom cannot be without some structure. Without structure being is chaos. With some structure being becomes free. "Between here and there, I choose here."
  7. @Princess Arabia When you realize what you are you don't become something you were not before. You were always your true Self. As @Davino put it very nicely you just were not conscious of it. Leo said in one of his videos that the bad news is there actually no process that can get you enlightened. You can only increase the possibility. (quite dramatically in my experience) For me time is just a way to view motion. That's why the faster you move time slows down. There is a deep connection between the two. So I think time dose exist since motion exists.
  8. @Breakingthewall The player was never created. It is like the space that holds every experience. You are quite correct. The best description for him would be the void. If you remove everything that can be removed, you think you would be left with a blank. But you will be left with yourself. I'm not sure I got this question
  9. @LiquiDude As Alan Watts puts it: God is playing hide and seek with himself. The whole point of this play is to get lost and then find who you are again. So in a sense its the opposite: Awakening is the point.
  10. @Hojo Right! Its utterly mind blowing. Most of my meditations now are just focusing on god. I've heard Leo talking about immortality but thought he was just being cute and poetic. How crazy it is to realize you are immortal
  11. @James123 If you deny there is something pinch yourself.
  12. When I contemplated that I got the idea to stop judging. It surprised me so much how quite my mind became. You wont believe how much of our mental chatter is based on judgment. So I offer you this meditation: Try to suspend all judgment. And even if you still judge don't judge yourself for judging
  13. @Bazooka Jesus Nature can do wonders to oneself. I had my enlightenment out in nature
  14. Real and Imaginary are just concepts of the mind. Reality is neither. What remains when your mind is at peace is beyond description. You love yourself too much to deceive yourself with other non existent beings. The way I see it is if the Self wanted to have just one bubble of experience it will not create any illusions of others. And if you have a solipsistic view why post here? If we are all imaginary. I have been in my own solipsistic bubble for quite a while and it felt very unhealthy. From an ultimate perspective you cant know for certain that others have their own experience or not. But if there is a possibility they do you should live assuming they do. Just because its a more healthy way to live.
  15. Leo I can finally say: You are me , and I am you. I still remember the video where you said it. And you said I would be thanking you. So I'm thanking you now There is only one thing in reality: The Self. For a long time there was a division in my experience between the Self and reality. Now I know they are one continues thing. It feels like there is nothing for the mind to hold on to. The substance of reality is You. And reality is not just your creation. It is You. There can be nothing outside of you. Since you have no limit where you stop and something else can be. There can be no other. Absolute Unity. The Self I'm referring to is my deepest awakening. Nothing comes close. It cannot be described since its not an experience. It's like a new thing all together. Like you have a new sense. The closest any words come to this is: in what dose your experience take place? This is crazy, absolutely crazy to have the opportunity to discover something like this. Now all I want to do is to help others to see this. Any questions or criticisms are much appreciated.
  16. @Princess Arabia For me it felt like a miracle. I wasn't even meditating just out in nature in a beautiful place. I have been on the journey to enlightenment for a long time but the moment I discovered it felt like divine intervention. I think Leo is correct by saying in one of his videos that it basically comes by fluke luck. When I was going home afterwards I realized that if I had not put in all that work it would not feel so worth it. So I think by meditating and doing contemplation you increase the chances for it to happen but when it dose happen its spontaneous. @Breakingthewall Something came up to me after reading what you said. To taste the Infinite there are two ways: One as Leo describes is the upward movement of consciousness. Being more and more Infinite. The other Is towards pure emptiness. The downward movement. The insight is that the upward has no end , you become more infinite but never reach true infinity since you cant count to infinity. The downward (That is practiced in Zen) has an end and through it you can know the infinite. Since infinity is equal to zero. For me its experientially verified, when I focus on reality being empty or focus on it being infinite I get to the same experience. To your post now. I recently awoke to what other is after struggling a lot with solipsism. But I say other only in a sense that It has its own bubble of experience. The Self that I am is exactly the same Self that you are. So in that sense there is no other. In order for you to have your bubble of experience and me to have my own they have to be separate. The Self experiences all possible bubbles at once. But it doesn't mean that one bubble has access to another bubble. If something is unclear you can ask and ill try to be more precise. The awakening to other is very new to me.
  17. 0 = ∞ This is the equation physicists look for that describes all of reality. When two polar opposites are identical there is oneness. Why is this equation correct? Because you cannot count to infinity. By the same token you cannot have more and more forms to reach infinity. So infinity has no form. It is not just a large number. Its not a number at all. Zero as well has no form. And its actually not a number. You cant count with zero. A good analogy to this identity is : Being nowhere is like being everywhere. The sin that got us out of heaven is eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad. I see it as the beginning of polarity. Heaven is not a place you go. Its seeing the world without polarity. I'm saying this from first hand experience. I'm in heaven most of the day. The most significant polarity we have is: Me versus The world. When this two merge and there is no experiencer-experienced there is just luminous bliss. This dose not contradict enlightenment since your true self has no polar opposite. This is all ill say about the true self since describing it with words is like counting to infinity. I'm not joking when I say its the equation that physicists look for. The only way something can manifest in reality is by pair of opposites which come into existence and after some time merge together again. That's the way something can come out of nowhere. It is even confirmed by physics. They say all the empty space is full of pairs of opposites which come into existence for a short time and merge again. That's how it was discovered that black holes emit radiation. And that with the big band an equal amount of matter and anti-matter was created. So you can both say reality is infinite or that it is completely empty. Again its something I've experienced yesterday actually by contemplating this equation. So I highly recommend that you contemplate on this equation. As it was gave me amazing experiential results.
  18. Its like saying you are dead when your character in a video game dies. What died is your vehicle. The true self can never die. Awakening is akin to realizing you are the player and not the video game character. You are both the producer of the show and the one who is playing the part.
  19. @PenguinPablo You know who you are. With absolute certainty. That's how I define it. Its strange that that is also the place where you began your journey from. Thinking that you know who you are. When the possibility enters your mind that you don't really know, that's when you begin.
  20. I began reading Buddhist quotes. It was a time when I was a rock climber that was my thing. Competing in international competitions and living the sport. Then I realized the essence of rock climbing. You go out there to fight with yourself. So I thought ultimately the Buddha did the same thing. Minus the rock. That's when enlightenment became my goal. One day I went to the water spring near by with my guitar and when I lay down by the water I suddenly got the feeling that something very big is about to be revealed. There was a countdown feeling. And then it hit me. It was not even a split second. It was instant. To be honest then I thought it was god. It took me many more awakenings to see it as myself. I'm still struggling with solipsism badly. Because it feels so total. Like there is nothing outside it. Now I need to awaken to what other is. Thank you for reading.
  21. The deeper I connect with reality the more bliss I find. I don't find the infinite love that Leo talks about though. If you had to pick one, what will it be? Bliss or Love?
  22. @Princess Arabia Yea better if I didn't try to describe it
  23. @Princess Arabia You opened my mind to a new possibility. I would have to meditate on it. Its weird Mooji said that so many times but hearing it from you got me interested. Do you know yourself to be that awareness?