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Looks like a new model is in order. What would a turquoise or coral model look like?
Knock started following The limit of spiral dynamics?
Reframe that mindset. You are doing active recovery for 2 weeks, to avoid burn out and letting your muscles heal. To 'quit the gym' will do you a great disservice to your identity as a gym goer. It will be so much harder to get the momentum going again when you have that mindset, as you are breaking the habit.
Knock started following Should I temporarily quit the gym because of the holidays?
Most full-time entry level jobs in a professional field can net you $500/week, so at least $2,000/month. You could make a reliable $500/month in a business too, but that would take some time and it's not aligned with your little time/effort criteria.
Knock started following how to get 500$ a month
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the core component of the MLM business model predicated on monthly fees/requirements? If there were no requirement/incentive to recruit more soldiers into the cult then MLMs wouldn't exist. A quick search of Wikipedia shows that 99% of MLM participants lose money. In large MLMs, the theoretical payoff is a false God, unless you are literally on the board of directors or top tier management. Proponents of MLMs manipulate people's beliefs, as is necessary to keep the train going. Often, it's the weak minded and desperate that fall into this trap due to overarching greed. None of the above to be confused with Network marketing or affiliate marketing, which have a completely different structure and is based more on direct promotion of a product/service, and not a recruitment of pawns under you to peddle more product.
Knock started following MLM // Network Marketing
MJ Demarcos books - The millionaire fastlane and Unscripted Tim Ferris - The 4 hour workweek Robert Kirosayki - Rich Dad, Poor Dad If you are serious about true financial independence, then these books are a MUST READ. Paradigm changing.
Knock started following Best books on money mastery
Knock started following Fitness Question: Muscle; 6 Pack;
Sometimes telling someone how they should change their life doesn't work. But show them the beautiful things in life, tell them a good story, and they become inspired. Some people appreciate art and beauty more than words. Some questions to ponder: Is martial arts an art? Could sports be an art? How about writing beautiful code? Baking a cake? Writing perfect emails? Lifting weights? Does the medium for art matter, or is it the beauty behind its creation? Is it possible to enter flow stats without art? What would the world look like without art or beauty? Does art make the world a better place?
Knock started following I don't see how art helps the world - a question to artists
Knock started following What elements build up a successful relarionship?
@Identity Radically open communication Maturity and knowing oneself Desiring the best for your partner
Gratitude journal It's super quick and easy, yet it completely rewires your mind and gets you out of victim mentality.
@CreamCat I think what @universe meant is that "spending more time in personal development" often results in passive consumption of more content. I.e Spending countless hours "researching" and "learning". Real growth will happen from taking action and creating instead of consuming content. As a content creator, the best pathway to growth is to create a Minimum Viable Product and share it with your audience to get feedback and see if it's what the market actually wants. These 'small bets' will maximize your efficiency, assuming business is your priority. Use PD to supplement your business, I wouldn't be doing it the other way around.
@7thLetter Both tools you mentioned are great, I have used them for a year and it has done wonders to reduce mindless web surfing. Other recommendations: Grayscale your phone/laptop Add a long password to your phone/laptop Erase all icons from phone home screen or desktop. (For phone I use an app called KISS) Physically putting your laptop away in the cupboard each time you are done using it. (Out of sight, out of mind) Basically what these tools do is making it hard to be mindlessly entertained. The ideal being to use the internet as the great search engine it is, while avoiding low quality distractions.
I would say mainly yes, it is low conscious. Profits usually come infront of the customers best interest, and usually pray on others lack of knowledge or access. Doesn't help those most in need. What's your main motivation for targeting those industries? Is it more towards passion, or towards earning easy money? Ask yourself, would you still go in those industries if it paid minimum wage? Why or why not?
If you can use your conscious to describe your unconscious bias, is it still an unconscious bias?
@Sussso The best way to quit computer games is to start attributing a lot of 'pain' to the event. You want to create a story that makes gaming so unappealing that it would disgust you to play it again. Next, you want to attribute your time and energy into a 'meaningful' pursuit that doesn't involve computer games. This can be whatever is meaningful to you. Lifting, self-actualization, music, business etc. Something that is really compelling that you can lose yourself in. Lastly, you need to eliminate the possibility of 'relapse'. The best way to do this is to create as much 'friction' as possible to prevent yourself from going back to gaming. Friction is created by putting in self-imposed barriers. Some examples of friction could be locking away your gaming console every time you use it, setting a long login password, using software to prevent access to certain games, etc. The goal here is to prevent mindless consumption of gaming, making you mindful every time you have to go out of your way to use it. This friction creates the time and opportunity to choose a better action. I myself used to be an obsessive gamer for 10 years, and I quit 3 years ago, so I know what I'm talking about. Any more questions, I'm happy to help
What I find even more strange is that I have friends who are aware (at least on an academic level) of many of these personal development concepts, they just don't have the hunger to devote themselves into diving in. 2 years ago, I was having a deep talk with a friend the other day about personal dynamics. He knew all about being needy, playing victim, acting-out for attention because of low self-esteem... He explained past classmates and why they acted the way they did. He even talked about himself and why he has his current issues/problems. He is aware of all this, without even had read one personal development book. So I thought sweet, you sound like a switched on smart guy, let me share with you some resources (I shared some 5-10min YouTube clips about basic PD concepts). Next time we met, I asked what he thought of the videos. He didn't even open them. I thought, well, he will come around in time then. I kept dropping concepts and ideas into conversation every now and then, sharing what's improving my life. 2 years later and my life has improved exponentially, while his growth is mainly linear. He still hasn't come around yet to take PD seriously, despite seeing the results right in front of his eyes. He is a smart guy and won't have any trouble living a comfortable mediocre life. But I know he can be so much more, I just don't know what else to do to convince him to get into self-help and personal development seriously like I have.