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About Clare

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  • Birthday 01/30/1967

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    Los Angeles
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  1. I’m experiencing something odd during Leo’s “How To Become Enlightened - The Exact Step By Step Process Revealed!” meditation. It’s been a week now that I’ve committed to Leo’s suggestion. Every time I do this meditation/self inquire; my body starts moving/shaking. I sit down and take a few breaths and start the “process” as soon as I do this, my hip starts moving and shaking like a belly dancer, starts slow but in a sec it shakes so vigorously that my whole body is shaking. If I want to purposely make my hip shake like that, I CAN NOT! I can stop it if I want, but it stops by it self and start again in my legs for or my shoulders. Last night I recorded my self and watched it when I was done. The shake and the movements are so beautiful. Usually I am not a good dancer and don’t have a lot of rhythm in me but during meditation my body “dances” so elegant. Any thought?
  2. We, the plants, the animals etc are all pieces of God. Like our whole body being God and we all are a cell in the body. Are we the body? yes and no. We are part of it but not exactly it. Maybe the humans are the brain cells, the animals are the liver cells and the plants are lung cells. This is at least my understanding.
  3. Prayer is setting forth the intention with pure focus, and then settling into the vibration of pure openness with the vibration of faith in order for you to receive. Thoughts are what shapes this physical life we all are experiencing. So if we pray with a pure intention and pure focus, miracles can happen. It means if we pray with a positive intention (positive thoughts, the Universe doesn't understand words, only emotions which translates to vibration) and be consistent, we will get the prayer answered. That's what people call manifesting. Let say if we are praying for someone to overcome an illness, we are going to present to the Universe how we would feel, if the person was healthy. That way we are showing the Universe how we want it to be in present tense. Then the Universe will understand the vibration that you want (in this case the person gets illness free),and then it will knock it self out to make that happen for you. Remember the first key to get your prayer answered is to pray for what you want, NOT what you don't want, 2nd key is consistency! Hope this help.