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Everything posted by MrBabar

  1. I recently discovered Desteni website and their products on Eqafe website. Many interesting & powerful information BUT after watching a few videos of them I started to have a bad feeling about this whole thing. COULD IT BE A CULT ? I read a few things on the internet to get more opinions such as this article : If you know about them, what do you think about this whole thing ?
  2. @herghly I wasn't talking about supreme fire but about kriya pranayama focusing on crown chakra. 6 times ong on crown chakra during inhalation and exhalation with kechari and shambhavi mudra. Btw, i'd like to share that 2 times after I smocked a joint I had a deep experience. After smocking the joints I just analyzed the sensation and feeling of anxiety (fear of dying?) trying to go as deep as I could inside this feeling until it completely desepear. So my advice is, if you feel scared or something strange/interesting is going on inside you after smocking a joint, dive into it!
  3. @herghly I'have tried, kriya pranayama classic (following sushumna), pranayama focus on third eye and now on crown chakra. It took me while to feel the difference but now focusing on crown chakra has proven to be (very) effective.
  4. Hi Kriyaban people! I have a questions about mixing kriya yoga with vipassana meditation. In 2 weeks i'm gonna do a vipassana retreat and i hesitate to continue to do my kriya practice during that time since Goenka keeps on repeting that WE SHOULD NOT mix vipassana with another technique. However, for the past few months Kriya yoga is working really well for me (finally after almost one year ;)). Therefore, I feel like it might be a shame to stop it for a little while. Guys, what is your opinion? would you keep on doing kriya during the retreat or listen to Goenka advice ?
  5. Hi guys, A few advices for you that I hope will be as beneficial as it was for me!!! For more than a week I have been practising Kriya like Ennios Nimmis recommend in his 3rd pdf, chapter 12: To quickly summarize, i'm now doing 3 different preparation exercises for a total of 30 minutes in the morning. The prep exercices are meant to open sushumna so the prana can easily flow through it during pranayama. After that, I do Kriya pranayama with the mothod of Sri Mukherjee for 30 minutes at the end of the day. And for 10-15 minutes i try to rest in emptiness or I concentrate on crown chakra but I feel like these 2 things are meant to do the same thing: rest in emptiness... For me, the most important detail while doing pranayama is to surrender / let go / relax. Don't try to control/do everything perfectly. If you can relax your body that's already good enough . Please give it a try for a few days and report on the forum if you like it or not!
  6. Hoy! Little update about my practice: Still doing it after 6-7 months (around 45 minutes per day). A few interesting experiences but I did not progress as much as I was expected. Not so long ago during 1 or 2 weeks I felt like I was resting in beingness/nothingness/parvastha but only for a few seconds. One day, it felt like falling into a whole, I got scared and unwillingly stop the process. Now I do not feel I'm resting in parvastha state anymore. I even feel like I have regressed. Anyway, I still like Kriya yoga, at least, much more than other style of meditation I used to do. I will keep on doing it for a year and see where it brings me. I will soon start to do the preparation exercices before I do Kriya Pranayama as explained in Ennio Nimmis pdf, part III (btw if you don't feel like reading the whole thing ,Part III is the most interesting part). Have you tried these preparation exercices? Do you feel like you are able to rest in the Being/Paravastha state at the end of your routine?
  7. Ola Bufonote! Maybe you can help me out I did it last september with Olli in NL (great guy btw if you're thinking doing it in EU). My gf and I had a similar and pleasant trip but did not experience the absolute. We smocked 15mg. Right after I smoked it I lied down and all the stress went away and I was catapulted to... nothing. During this 10min we do not remember anything unfortunately, only a vague and strong feeling afterward. When I went back to my body I was crying for a few minutes (I think it's because I realised that I inflict myself a lot of unnecessary suffering). Then, I felt a looot of love like the divine mother took me in her harm and loved me so deeply and completely. Also, 2 or 3 times after the pick of the experience my breath accelerated, Olli placed his hand on my forehead and I went back to normal. Days even weeks after the trip I felt more love in my everyday life. Now I am back to normal. So my question is, since we experienced a blackout during peak experience is it because we smocked too much? If you think so, what would be the right amount for next time if we plugged or smoked it? Or is it because we were not ready to handle the substance? Olli says on his website that "I see huge benefit for people who already have had a good share of suffering, who are willing to give up, who are old enough to look back on some real life experiences and who are already living gratitude and able to trust and Love." I recognize myself in the last 2 statement but not in the "real life experience" (I'm 25) and not in "enough suffering" (for the moment in my life I feel stable and happy). He also wrote that: "I am not supporting people seeking to “kill their ego”, needing more “enlightenment”, the “purging of old energies” or who are simply just having seen to many YouTube videos about it- without really knowing what a psychedelic drug is" I did 5 meo because I wanted to better understand non-duality in order to see reality as it really is. Is that a legitimate intention? Thanks for your help!!
  8. @Pdada Hi Pdada, "does that mean I have to 'leave' my awarness of the medulla and transfer it to the spine or should I keep the awarness/foucs on the medulla as permenant and during inhale exhale also include the spine? Yes that what it means. Even after 6 months of practice I'm still far to do it perfectly. Don't be in a hurry to do it perfectly. Do what you can, it will slowly come better with practice. Try to keep your body and mind relax during the process. I understod that, the breathing should come from the abdomen, more spsificly the navel, so should I let the navel 'lead' the breath? look on youtube: ocean breathing technique. Btw ,just to be clear, by the terms awarness/foucs/concentration (which sometime are synonymous) it is meant to 'feel' or 'sense' the area? Both are fine. But I feel like the more precise you are (sense), the stronger it is.
  9. Hi Kriyawomen and Kriyamen! @herghly You could increase kp2 to x24 I have approximately the same routine, I just do a a different pranayama exercice than the one you do. You can look it up and try it if you feel inspired: I finish my routine with 15 minuites of do nothing where I just enjoy whatever effect my practise gives me . And guys, I also have a question, I just did a vipassana retreat. I made a lot of progress. I attained the third jhana (dark knight) as explained in the buddha book in the meditation category of Leo book list. Since now I will stop doing vipassana meditation and only do kriya yoga, I'm wondering if I will be able to attain the fourth jhana? Does kriya yoga follows the same set of stages like other traditional insight practices or it is completely different?
  10. In your opinion, what is the most powerful kriya pranayama exercise? -Kp1 + kp2 + kp3? -Sushmna pranayama (in kundalini book by Santata) -crown shakra pranayama where your eyed are semi open and looking at the ceiling (by Santata) -or a combination of any of the above exercises.
  11. Kriyamen Kriyawomen, hi! I checked most of the thread and I believe these questions haven't been asked: 1. Is it best to do concentration or being meditation at the end of the routine? (Both is better of course but I want to keep it short). 2. For how long do you do being meditation? 3. After my routine I don't feel like I'm in a full on parvastha state, my mind is just more quit and relax. Therefore, it is maybe better to do concentration and do being meditation only when I feel I am in a strong parvastha state ? Thank you for you help!