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Everything posted by MisterMan

  1. Bro is that a pisstake? It sounds really bad to me.
  2. thanks bro. I think you'll like it.
  3. Not rapping, made the beat
  4. why do good things always have to end
  5. that is a great scene and a equally great show
  6. if you comply they win, if you resist. they win, because you're still allowing it to be a reference point. Conditioning is a bitch. Acknowledge this part of yourself, there is an aspect of you that you appear to reject. The part that is competitive and judging as you perceive that negatively. One part of healing comes from, recognising this idea, or perfection or being a "good" person is highly paradoxical. As allan watts would say, a mother would say "if you loved me you would do as i say", So in order to love her you must repress your own desires to express your own thought and ideas. Which is a silly premise to begin with but we have no teachers to pull us up on this. Our conditioning never gets caught, unless it gets expressed extremely.
  7. i've said it before and i'll saying it again, from the great allan watts. loose paraphrase mode on *click* "belief is when you hold on, faith is the act of letting go." With what you said, you may be right, or not, there is an element of faith that must (and i use this in the loosest term possible because i possibly don't know what i'm talking about) be cultivated.
  8. Anyone believe in this? Had an experience where i thought i had broke my mind. Whilst i had this feeling there was also a feeling of being able to see that every path or judgement/assertion i commited myself to i committed myself to a path where i could see where it ended (metaphorically as it is a self deprecating loop) And as i saw this i was able at some point to observe and really feel existence on such a more intuitive level, it was as if my senses had all diverted and accumulated into another sense that was almost clairvoyant in the sense that i could sense paths i normally take and saw them as fractal downward spirals with no end. Like getting sucked into a vortex. But what really scared me at the time, where i thought i had gone too far and broke my mind which i eventually calmed myself was this feeling of another's presence which i couldn't shake. Any one have this and/or have any idea's what this is? My honest interpretation of this is you have accepted someone's imprint within you which acts as a separate person inside you. The "self" that you identify with will continue to process these imprints with exactly the same assertions and responses you would in real life. It's essentially LIKE having a presence inside you. Right now i could think off the top of my head all of my friends behaviours and create a mock interaction between them in my head which i think would be pretty accurate with his or her mannerisms, moods, assertions, vibe etc. and depending on what mood or how i felt about this character the interaction would have a real impact on the way i felt. Since the self is just a combination of thoughts and JUNG speaks of integrating shadow aspects of the self. I assume he means that some peoples presence gives us a reflection of ourselves that we either do not want to acknowledge, are ashamed of or are looking to re configure how we feel about ourselves through this person. You resist this or engage in debate about this and become fragmented into many different parts through not accepting the very feeling it is telling you to feel. There are no wrong feelings but whatever it is that this presence is telling you to feel, stop judging these feelings for coming up. Whatever they are, you do not have to then accentuate them by adding meaning to them, things happened, things are always changing, reactions are normal and a part of life and instead of resisting and blocking punches, you have no choice. The punches are coming and it's better to go with the swings and re direct that energy. If you can't redirect them, water is a great analogy here. As when a force enters water, water does not break. It get's hit and then envelops, moves around the object and absorbs the impact. It does not bounce it off, and whilst a concrete floor can bounce things of much lesser density like a tennis or basket ball. Anything of equal value is likely to break or crack the concrete floor or at the very least damage it in someway. Because it is inflexible. Water is a perfect parallel to our emotional states and trying to be strong in trying to be "hard as concrete" or "harder". It's very nature is that it will break especially considering it is unnatural and unhealthy to be so rigid, and when an object of mass meets another of object of equal mass things are going to break and there you have a fragmented psych. As whatever you are made of is the exact same thing you are resisting. If it is shame, then atleast you have a foundation where you know you fucking care man. And no one should feel ashamed for that, you just need to identify where all the value that you have placed in the world has come from. You In essence you have given yourself the power to strip yourself of power by handing it out to this person or that career. Where as you had it all along. Although it feels a lot like telepathy and when you have it you're convinced of this.
  9. Yes but it is very difficult as when practicing you are constantly aware of the ego wrapping more stories around meditation like "I'm meditating now, getting my shit together." So there still is this egoic presence. One thing that i feel that is helping me with this is understanding the difference between "belief" and "faith" which Allan Watts so eloquently pointed out that belief is the act of holding on to your assertions and views where are faith is the act of letting go. Until i read that i had kind of lumped belief and faith in the same category where now they are polar opposites reactions to life. So at this point i gather I am finding more and more value in denouncing a lot of my past crutches that was an act of "holding onto" whilst continuously practicing letting go of the vices and reactions that has made up my life. Helping me on this path is understanding that regardless of what we do, we are a result of conditioning which happens through reactive repetition, and that we must cultivate a new set of conditions for us to be present with. It's all circular and I'm guessing this is where Karma comes into the picture. Understanding the levels to just how undeniably dependant you are of your conditioning and vice versa gives me a better understanding of the nature of being which i am then able to apply a more nuanced approach to changing the things that cause me suffering. As i understand exactly how dependant we are on the world of concepts and that the symbology that we use to translate real world things will always fall short as we are applying a permanent idea onto a constantly changing reality. Never mind that people use "demons" and "angels" OR "thoughts" and "emotions" to describe the very same process of existence. It helps to see language as a glass prism where reality shines into and then gets reflected and altered depending on the language used. So the end result is caused by reality but takes on a different form that we become accustomed to. This shows just how utterly dependant we have become on language to define our realities. Becoming aware of this can help. And then there is letting go of it all. Seeing as I am bound by the structures of belief i have chosen in the past understanding the process of being helps, to a point. You still need to let go That's kind of how i look at it, and in doing so you learn a lot about yourself, the ego's attachment to things such as pride plays such a huge part in me keeping my cool or not. There is work to do. But what gets me the most is the illusion that there is someone behind the emotion feeling it. I will feel anger but then I will think of me thinking about anger. Then I will think about me thinking about thinking about anger and how i should stop thinking which is again another thought. Never once am i able to find the "self" that this whole charade is built upon. Even right now this post is becoming increasingly paradoxical as i begin to question what are the intentions that i assume this "self" has? If it's just another thought of another thought from another thought then this helps you to think another thought. But then again at the end there is the act of letting go of it all and how long can this last this time? Oops another thought. Fuck. Rinse and repeat
  10. Can you show me some doors?
  11. Are there any examples you could give? Or threads you could point me to that could provide some advice or examples on how to do this sober?
  12. How would you tap into these frequencies? Is it through binaural beats style thing? Because this sort of just happened without warning. Well not completely seeing as i took a shitload of mushies, but this was a new experience.
  13. How i've been looking at the process as it keeps evolving is that we are undeniably dependant on our conditioning, you reap what you sow. Beginning new habits, instilling new ideas of gratitude and respect sets in motion a new conditioning that you can continue to cultivate and be a part of. Your ego runs on the momentum of your whole life, so this will take some time to undergo a complete transformation because "you" are more than the concious aspect of awareness.
  14. @Sevi I would be very interested in anything you could offer. Thanks @pluto Yeah, but i always thought that was simply because we both have locked into the same style of thinking, same category of thoughts which lead you to certain conclusions and as such following questions. Although yeah it is weird when you think about it, it happens a lot to me and i always just have the above explanation for it. Especially with my ex, we kind of got used to each others conditioning and knew when someone would raise a certain point before we did it. Joked about it a lot. @Nahm Oh man, Jung's warning, beware of unearned wisdom rang very true that day. So i'm certainly open to mindfucks but....man i think i need some more ground work. Or is it just practicing the art of letting go that is most important? Otherwise what i'm suggesting is more concepts for my ego to be able to wrap around the experience. Either way, it was very mind fuck and i thought i had opened something that wouldn't close. It did but there are some trails that were left behind. I suspect integration with meditation and other esoteric philosophies is a good idea if i want to integrate my "self" into this theatre we call life. * woowoo cue the non duality police.
  15. There is an infinite. A something under the rug of reality. That is the same as "you". That attaches itself to worldly things, or to "things" in the material world. Everything you can think of, that you are attached to is part of the organism.
  16. there's always one.
  17. meditate to this bro, when you have the chance.
  18. i get what you mean, like playing tag with yourself. In the search for meaning you notice you end up tapping yourself on the shoulder.
  19. Anyone ever been swallowed up by the universe? More like your senses are like trees/moss or just nature that grow over your sense of self? Not non psychedelics?
  20. 20 minutes i probably stopped breathing like 8 times i could only get around 20-30 in and outs and would zone out to find myself just resting for a while, would start off again and the most i was able to do without stopping and zoning out was about 40 in outs. I experienced fire in my hands, a burning sensation which was very uncomfortable but i was able to leave it be, it was a crazy feeling and look forward to trying it again.
  21. About to start this, thought i'd kick it up a notch by rubbing vicks vaporub on my chest. Shit is going to get wild.
  22. lasted 20 seconds then went on repeat
  23. @Joseph Maynor what does that mean? "horizontal momentum" ?
  24. This place you're in is a very valuable state. Begin accepting your psychology whatever the manifestations through observing with openness and acceptance.
  25. Being a fixer is an emotional burden that paradoxically stems from not wanting the burden of your own emotions reality, so to escape your own reality you get lost in others..Exactly what i'm doing right now.