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Everything posted by MisterMan
Yeah one of the many things i have grappled with. I think it helps to go deeper. Meaning...you're still thinking about shit. Get back to observing. Get into the moment you are in. Only that exists. There are a few ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWING video's i'd recommend. Below is a video by Teal Swan who has a go at answering your question in which she absolutely crushes. She is really good. This fucking guy...is ridiculous. If you're unable to get into states, these video's can at the very least help sculpt and define the direction of where the finger is pointing to. If not legitimately hold your hand as he slowly guides you into an ego death. Hope this helps
This is interesting, i recently took up smoking again and supplementing it with meditative sessions. Huge results. So i definately agree about you just being more immersed and accepting of each and every moment it really blows my mind how different or how much my understanding is affected if i were say listen to an allan watts lecture high vs sober. Sober with a lot of his messages just not resonating with me but when i'm high i'm able to see what he means on a much deeper and subtle level. How do you raise your vibration without the help of bud?
Most of the times when i'm high as a kite i come on here to query some of the idea's i'd be coming across. To test them out as you'd say. I also come here for support, split up with partner not too long ago and a part of me feels like it's died and it has been pretty rough. Also when i feel i can help i try to aswell.
@Outer Leo would hand in hand walk peterson and every viewer/listener into an ego death if that ever happened. @Leo Gura Very funny but it pays the bills. He also loves championing the space of having people be civil whilst also sharing opposing views and boy oh boy would it make for a fascinating discussion. Taking mental masturbation to new heights.
It's a proper mind fuck. Would you consider contacting Jordan Peterson for a discussion on these topics? Also, loving the beard, should grow it out full guru style down to the tip of your knob.
Keep in mind that there is the whole "joe rogan" demographic that would be pretty into what Leo is saying.
"Morality is a human invention. Evil does not exist. Bad does not exist. Meaning does not exist. Value does not exist. (This is Peterson’s biggest mistake. These assumptions corrupt his entire understanding)." By Leo's standard of criticising Peterson here he does this by using language and thought which are also human inventions, or relationships between each other that have been arbitrarily chosen to then try and discredit an argument based on these nonsensical distinctions that create the argument itself. That being said, I would legit kill another man to see an actual debate between Leo and Peterson.
could you elaborate please?
No, it's the same shit. Different packaging.
Notice the problem was created by who? It was created by you, the source of all things. In which conciousness has been viewed as a fragmented reality with the bounderies of those divisions entirely dependant on one another for their unique and multi levelled dependant contrasting natures. You are it! What you think you will have when you get that nice chick, the idea already exists and you have created, manufactured from mid-air a condition in which you will only then allow yourself to feel that value that you have also decided you are missing but even that is coming from you. You made the whole thing up. and then ...
Yeah i remember speaking to a drug counselor and her saying, once my child was born i could no longer believe any of the bhuddist practices and theory as i cared too much. I scratched my head a bit on that one in confusion as to..what? It's just as important to vibe with the other person than what they know. If you don't connect regardless of academics then they won't be able to help you.
bro, just listen to thousands of hours of free content on youtube. See for yourself. Ultimately what works for someone really well won't work at all with someone else. It's up to you to find what works for you. No all of his shit is based on esoteric and eastern philosophy, it's been around longer than he has, he is just putting it into a 2 hour vlog format so that regular people can understand the profound implications of the greatest thinkers of human kind.
woah, magic no shit? Heard some things about it from the Duncan Trussel Family hour podcast. Where he interviewed some guy that seems to be one of the spokesmen or heads of some form of movement in the magic world. So my understanding is that this place is the mindfuckery place, where you can rip, twist your logic and pull your emotional states anywhich way and make up look down, and left look right but they also look each other. I remember allan watts saying how much the the laws that govern language also governs to how we relate to it. You can't have a verb without having a noun. You can't attribute a verb without connecting a noun to it. This simple, and in plain sight basic as fuck premise completely distorts our perspective and idea's about reality and how we go about living our lives, and you see this heavily reflected in our society. How deeply ingrained this belief is.
Wow, being super aware that all thought, language are like a unit of measurement, a unit of meaning you could say. That in actual fact, none of it is actually a true reflection of the reality of the situation, although thoughts and units of measurement do exist within the spectrum of existence, through the form of thought. By that definition alone, language is always going to be entirely dependant on each persons unique interpretation of the symbolism. As each persons interpretation varies and again, the idea that thoughts somehow bridge the gap from one type of existence and the other in our continuous effort of designating the identity of a "thing" that's mere creation was by selecting arbitrary points and whatever is within those limits of definition becomes a unit of meaning. The idea of life being a rorschach test is perfect. The rorschark test is like the mini babuszka inside the biggest babuszka. Because it accurately infers a reality that in truth is not bound up by the meaning of the process. As the meaning of the rorsharc has a seemingly indirect consequence that still happens when you symbolise the reality of the rorscharch by refering to it through sounds and thoughts. The very tool in which you are using to describe itself is affected by the consequence of translation. Which is, translating a real life event by accessing a reality that is not the reality in question. Which begs to differ when thinking about reality, that we are using thought, which is an expression of reality in one form but aswell things can be viewed in many different viewpoint. Ever try to think a thought? What is a thought? You can witness a thought, but it really feels to me like what the rorscharch test shows is that it reveals how humans process reality. Through the process in which it operates under. You are essentially connecting the dots from previously assembled formula's and systemic arbitrations arbitrarily chosen. When you begin to look for starting points and ending points, and the definitive border each thought has. That it can't exist outside of the boundaries created for it to exist in. Which were created by me which admittedly used a fallible process to prove the process was fallible. This is the snake eating it's tail. It's like getting somewhere and achieving something that then applied a rule that for you to reach this it must have meant that you never ever, ever even came close to walking the same path and picking up the same gauntlet which would have prompted it never to have happened..never to have happened, never to have happened. That never to have happened has a following never to have happened. How can nothingness appear to swallow itself like this?
makes so much sense.
When it's not OK to "not care how people feel" We get taught that the above is a virtue. To behave in a manner that accounts for someone elses feelings other than your own. However i feel because i operate on this premise when interacting with others. The "stop caring what others think" program fails to load properly. As if the first belief "care how others feel" fucks with the programming in a sub category issued as an "update" that continously tries to re upload itself but the process never completes as there are some missing files that just won't let it run correctly. I can't see how the two can rationally co exist aside one another. It's easy to accept the idea "stop caring what other's think of you" but marrying the idea with "care how others feel" doesn't compute. When i try to apply "don't care what others think of you" I interpret this as a distancing from the trauma. Or to put it less dramatically, distancing from emotion. However this distancing doesn't take into account the relationship that the thought has with the emotion, at all. It just flat out denies it's there. And as such the program looks entirely like the product of fantasy in direct contrast to the previous interpretion which had that "pinned" as a reflection of reality. Even though as writing this (the above) it has opened doors into the flow of assertive new programming strongly suggesting that all thought and emotions whilst are a process of reality do not reflect it in the manner in which we originally thought it to. Which leaves us with the suggestion that everything we think is a product of fantasy even though it is happening, it does not happen how we think it happens, even though it does. Now i'm starting to sound insane. Does it ever end? There really seems to be just this huge effort in the excercise of logic, this process created to solve things. The problem solving equation begins to try and unravel itself, and you go round and round. Can any one relate to this?
thank you, that made a lot of sense. I appreciate the knowledge. So you're saying to bypass the filtration system where you project meaning onto the world completely, and focus on the fundamental feeling of love. It really feels like you're going back to basics of existence here. I think i can apply this.
boom. Now that makes sense! Good shit.
@Leo Gura some people see their anger as an illness, like me and personally anger has been used as a coping mechanism to deal with exactly the treatment that you accuse people with anger of. Treating others badly, this anger that i have is a response to having been treated badly and relentlessly without any concern for what i wanted, which was simply to be left alone or for people just to be nice. Instead you have a frenzy everyday directed towards you telling you how fucked you are. Anger ensues, then to mock me for having anger or for never having been able to resolve that anger i didn't really get. I get that i hurt people and i suffer for it, i make sure of that otherwise how else are you supposed to correct yourself? Your reaction was a mirror image of the self flagellation within and i am aware that it doesn't work and only further re inforces the same cycle of behaviour. So shocking me with antagonistic behaviour seemed less positive than your usual approach. Even though i agree with your approach, i feel you over generalised people with anger issues as a force of oppression when i for example feel i suffer from anger as it continously perpetuates the same emotional tracks you're stuck in. And being angry doesn't mean you don't care about others, to me it means that you are constantly stuck in a reactive emotion of the past and you're unable to move past it and there for see everyone in the same critical manner as whatever traumatised you to begin with. Calling someone a loser for not knowing any better and building unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with shit isn't what i'd call a good move.
@aurum Interesting, you're saying there is nothing that i can do to marry the two, i still feel there is some sort of peace that I can come to whilst both acknowledging . Almost a more nuanced approach to everything than painting everything with a thick brush of assertion. @Nahmcould you please elaborate? I was looking for some clarification on this and I can't for the life of me squeeze anything out of your short and blunt response that has anything to do with resolving this confusion.
I've found her video's mindblowingly helpful and specific.
yeah he's got talent.
About the duality in our society, essentially society turning around and saying. Jesus, i am a byproduct of YOUR bullshit and you blame ME for conditioning you? Essentially blurring the lines betweem all distinctions with rapper One Sixth (from melbourne, australia) on the EP i released a few years ago. I'm in the process of releasing another Ep which is less undergound hiphop such as this and more influenced by bonobo and portishead. Generally a more chillout vibe. It will probably be ready early next year and a lot of the concepts will be a direct influence from Leo's work and other brilliant teachers in this area like your Alan Watts etc. It's less about them and more about the experiences these teachers have helped me integrate into my life. With each song effectively acting like a fossil in the workings of my mind at that point in time. One of the tracks concepts for this new project i'm working om will be about arguing that the eyes are not a window to the soul but a mirror reflection back into your own. All the judgements on the other person is just a part of yourself that you do not want to acknoweldge. And I'm really looking forward to sharing this when it's all said and done. But until then i thought i'lld share this track on the dychotomy of the society we live in. A nice little representation on this beat, is the kicks represent the ruling class, the snares represent the politicians slapping the law and rules that we abide by and the highats represent the working class people working double time to keep the whole charade going and the faint clicks/sticks you can hear, represent the people below the poverty line as their voice or agenda are never heard. As he raps as the organism of society as a whole. Not as one person or the other, he is the culmination of all that is good and bad, rich and poor etc etc. Coming from the perspective of the whole, responding to the complaints dished out at society. I thought i'd leave this here as i think a lot of people would appreciate the concept behind the track and I would love to hear some feed back even if this music isn't your cup of tea. Cheers
They are, i like the beat. It's a good beat. Not the raps.
can't find ural ego on google search except on this forum. You talking jibberish?