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Everything posted by MisterMan

  1. It's so funny that when we're children we can't wait till we grow up. LOL
  2. Bro have you checked this video out? Really good. I'm realising after having watched this exactly how much shit i do not have in order. I'm actually quite shocked even though a part of me thinks i shouldn't be. Kinda blind sided me and this has served me as a good wake up call style of video.
  3. So it's about observing the cause and affect nature of whats happening?
  4. right. I've been really having difficulty grasping "letting go" completely simply for the fact that there is nothing really to hold onto. Every or anything you try to take from the experience I immediately find myself continually trying to step back/let go. There honestly is very little motivation from the ego to do this and i don't even know why i am at this point. I like that you tied the conceptualizing and searching for security together and i think you're bang on point , which is pretty much the reason why i have difficulty letting go, (nothing to hold onto). I'm really beginning to see that i want to feel these emotions, wether it's anger, sadness, whatever it is they all perform a duty of security because without it there would be nothing. Any remedies for this type of thing? Or is it just the matter of keep doing it and you will crossover.
  5. Just would like to understand this a bit more. If i'm to take this understanding then would it be too much of a leap to then see the distinctions and identities of each individual thought and belief join into one? Kind of like droplets of water once they make contact with each other they are no longer separate droplets but part of the same. So "belief" and "knowledge" being separate distinctions (droplets) converge under the same category, thoughts.
  6. Take drugs. Only problem is that it won't last long, and when it runs out you're back to where you started. Good times. Trust me
  7. yeah, the one where he sees into the future of all these dead cows and fallen trees. Then a week later he gets stuck in a brutal storm and saw the vision he was dreaming before it happened. That is smack bang crazy shit. Listened to duncan trussels podcast after this experience with Jason Louv who is some magick guy. And he said that one of the things he does is imagine that everything that happens to you happens for a reason, and try to figure out what that reason is. Eventually after a long period of time you begin to accumulate data and patterns begin to emerge from the data, and had you not started extrapolating that kind of data through a particular realm of enquiry you never would have been privy to such information. Pretty crazy. That and the more than you do it, the stronger it gets.
  8. OOOOOh man! Long story short, took a ton of mushies on md and the most amazing cosmic personal connection came. Where i was looking to play a song i loved, Jazz Liberatorz -Clin Doeil but instead! The beatles song "the end" would not stop playing. It was like an "initiation" or "end of the line", the gig is up. Give it away and it gives back. But going back to the song, the genius of the beatles it felt as if they're music and what they did have some sort of magical power. That when people get high, this song appears and is like..hahha you are crazy! then the song gives away the secret to life!!! And it's almost you have a world split between people who have had an experience like this and ones that have come out of the illusion can see the true power, worth that they possess. Essentially the universe was saying haha! Got you! i couldn't stop it playing, everytime i wanted to pursue something else in my mind. THIS SONG started playing just out of nowhere. It was really like the universe spoke to me and at the time i felt and understood that EVERYONE goes through this secret initiation when the universe alligns and plays this song, almost like a miracle but more of a "deliberate coincidence". Another good way of thinking of it is when the song plays it's playing for you, and it's the surprise party where the universe connects with you and you share a moment together of complete AHA! It's like coming out of the giant rorshark test that is life and having a real connection to the power of love and how it can be cultivated. And then, the lyrics. "THE LOVE YOU TAKE IS EQUAL TO THE LOVE YOU MAKE" IS the secret of life! Any one have something similar? Because i swear to god i couldn't stop the mobile from playing that song, it was literally out of my control and it was just playing of it's own accord and will which was directly related to my sense of self. So perculiar. Literally like the universe made a phone call to me through the act of playing this song at that moment.
  9. says the ego
  10. Yes! It's like it's always been right there in front of you, they show themselves whatever "it" is and then fade away into the projections of form you put on the world. what was your story? Trip like?
  11. Would go down to stage red very quickly.
  12. This reminds me kind of the lawyer from it's always sunny in philadelphia who's always obsessed with his hands, but replace hands with voice.
  13. Yeah the more i think i've learnt the further away i realise i am.
  14. Oh man, it all comes from the same body of knowledge, and is just expressed differently. Now we could discuss the nuances of difference and relation in a circular fashion. It all already exists. My point is, perhaps i should have elaborated in more detail instead of linking the video. And the man himself Leo has said on here something along the likes of, go straight for enlightenment, then if you want you can come back and play wizard. This peaked my curiosity and i supposed this thread is an expression of that in a way in me assuming Bentinho is playing wizard to and with those who have not been enlightened. Which is where my hesitance lies.
  15. `Ok i don't think this guy needs much explanation and i have seen positive and negative about him. Personally when i first caught onto him a few weeks back he blew my mind. Basically the video skullfucked my ego. Crazy shit. Anyway I always saw some of his other stuff, "parallel realities" which i recently listened to and thought was cool. I have recently just started watching another. To be honest i got a culty vibe from the start simply because of just how into the message i was in "You are the SOURCE" long lecture. However i had NEVER read anything about him prior nor did i know anything about all the allegations made to him. I learned it later on but didn't seem to really care as i was legitimately agreeing with where he's going with this. It's pretty standard stuff but he really cut through all the explanations and was excellent, i mean it was a great video. I honestly think that he does make good content. Of course I'm new to most of his stuff but the last video kind of had me started raising quuestions. Through out the course of this year I've gotten a firm conceptual grasp of the nature of thought and language and their symbolic nature. So when doing this work of "changing your past" i understood as when he said that any thought i think up of a new past is as "real" as the "old" one. That and that imagination is a connection at some level to an alternate reality in which there are infinite amounts of. So you meditate a bit, kind of like shadow work and then because you have an impression of what went wrong in your childhood it has to measure up to something for it to have it's value. In an emotional felt type of "deductive" processing you are able to see that the thing you always wanted was always there. Any one know a bit more about this process he does in. It is powerful certainly and you see it everywhere. I mean positive re inforcing is a legitimate strategy. So on some level this belief that your past or thoughts on yourself are just as real as the next thought is not new to even mainstream psychology. Although i got a spidy sense that has started going off. Oh sure there are a lot of crazier shit than this he does, and he makes it fun. It's interesting because ultimately our sense of self is a fantasy, and he's literally saying, change the fantasy. Change how you feel. Here is how you can do it. What are your thought on him? And in particular with the actual content. I've read a lot of people where theres just boatloads of arrogance coming off them, "don't touch that shit" without ever having listened or switched off after one hearing. If these people exist, could you please put forward some substantial reasoning behind your decision because "never really bothered with him" is atrocious having people against his teachings who don't listen to him. One article some guy was doing spirituality for 40 years and Bentinho books were the worst by far he'd read. He then went on to argue principles Bentinho laid out which seem to have been picked up from Advaita Vedanta with arguments like "what if your wifes baby had a child and someone put a gun to his/her head?" So aguing with that guy would be like having build up a castle and having to start over again just to get him on the right steps to focus on to even be able to acknowledge the nature of what bentinho then surrounds his work about. Legit be so curious to see what you guys think about him especially to the ones who took the time to listen to him. Personally i think he's really good but there is enough around and the last video where you're rearranging meaning via thought of memories really almost like it get's into some witchcraft type of stuff. Would love to hear critics on this who have listened to his work.
  16. If only they were engaging each other
  17. My point is this. I don't really know enough about both as i'm near the starting line when it comes to both messages. But it seems to me as if Alan Watts is saying that filtering these teachings through a western mind has us asserting values like- *having control over the situation *wanting to assert ourselves better So it filters these wise teachings in a different way as opposed to what was originally intended by the eastern traditions. I'm kind of getting the vibe that this is kind of what is happening with bentinho massaro. But i honestly don't know. Is this just a projection of my own confusion and ignorance? Or have i got the right idea? A bit of both? Neither?
  18. You guys seriously blow when it comes to answers.
  19. That's the thing, no one really breaks down his teachings. Most criticisms aren't thought out, just funny comments, or quick phrases without any real substance. Just like the above.
  20. Lol, it lasted 1 second. Happened once, but it made an impression because it was a new thought. A new perspective. But yeah, lot's to do and let go of. Thanks
  21. Have regressed pretty hard, i find myself really battling with addiction in general. That attachment to the idea or want of something through the habits i have formed is something i just have so much trouble breaking free of. If i can stave of craving for drugs, lust comes into play and i just whack off. That further ingrains in me the state of being where i continue on the path of constantly seeking the next thing which i think will make me happy even though i know it is short term and i'll be in the same place tomorrow. This regression can also be expressed or sparked off by mindlessly escaping into role playing games OR doing drugs. Any one of those things kind of things set me back in my old ways and i start cycling around the same bullshit over and over again. Constantly seeking, and opiate addiction really hammers in the physical withdrawls and it's just a brutal and mindless cycle. In moments of clarity, short precise photographic or frame like feelings. Which i assume is my true self actually expressing itself It's actually telling me how tiring it is for awareness to continuously run around everyday with so much mental energy focussed on the idea that i need that fix now. The ONE good thing is that in the last months, i did enough to break the cycle for long intervals. Granted i was still on a government tapering program but it really got me on some good routines allowed me to stop constantly thinking about using and meditated daily, did inner work with psychedelics, and have been going to a psychologist. I even joined a bhuddist temple near my house that had a 2 hour class type thing. Really cool stuff. As i was able to get a stable distance from my old habits i can now revisit the same place knowing there is another conditioning i can kind of continue cultivating whenever i choose. It's just these habits cloud your mind and you become mindless very quickly. I can see myself regressing frighteningly close to where i was at my worst. Too close for comfort. I Post this because i could really use some kind hearted advice. I know it's ridiculous me asking this at the same time because if i really wanted to change i would. But it could help.
  22. Yeah, plato said that as we grow our idea of love evolves where we start life off with a rudimentary understanding of love and as we get older (if we're lucky) our understanding of what actually love is begins to crystalise into a purer form. HOW you actually implement this in a relationship, i honestly have absolutely no idea.