Indigo Pearl

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About Indigo Pearl

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  1. When I can't sleep I get up and drink just a little more water then I feel like drinking then head back to bed and then to most thoughts that pops up in my mind think whatever.
  2. I'm also trying to increase my calory-intake (recently changed to job where I move a lot more). So far I'm adding more olive oil to meals and take bigger potions. Instead of buying glutenfree/weat free bread I make my own (durra, teff, rice) so at least I know what inside. Cost more due.
  3. U don't eat any vegetables nor fruits? Odd U need your 8 hours so I guess that means you need to sleep very early to get all hours. Have you looked on things that makes u tired? lower the lights, mindfullness, no super exiting activity before bedtime and such?
  4. I would say reduce the amount and listen to your tummy . If 1 apple is too much then maybe 1/4 is alright. It's possible that if you heat the fruits up your tummy will digest it easier. Otherwise replace fruits with vegetables.