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About FireBlast950

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    Gardner, MA
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  1. I realize that one of my weaker skills with self improvement is that I am not easily able to keep up with long term plans that I set for myself. This includes anything that spans for more than a couple of weeks. For example I may not keep up with my exercise after a month and will start to slack at following through with it. I have had many lapses of me getting back into and out of an exercise regimen. It lasts for a month or two and then I become sick or tired or distracted by other things that pop up. I lose that motivation and drive that I had at the beginning of the first two weeks. My ego gets the better of me and sneakily subverts me from following through. This can be said for Dieting, Meditation, and Achieving long term goals as well. Things sit in a state of incomplete because I have not been able to fully follow through and pick up on them. My overall health and body weight levels are just on the edge of where I'd want them to be. I have many projects that lay unfinished because of this. Now that I'm looking at enlightenment and self actualization work I am hesitant to start due to it involving long term and even life time planning and follow through. I realize that I need to strengthen this skill to follow through with long term planning of self actualization and that it really is my first step with this work. I just need some help with how I can start to strengthen this skill. Where can I go to learn? What can I do to work on this?