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Everything posted by DocHoliday

  1. Funny enough some hours ago I watched a video on various interesting quotes about life, and one said: "Everything I have learned about life can be summed up in three words: - it goes on."
  2. A small excerpt out of Sadhguru’s “Inner Engeneering” that revolves around a short, but very essential story that might remind some of the tricky ways of self-deception, especially in the context of spiritual pursuits, which tend to be, for most, first and foremost on the theoretical side.
  3. Use it. Try to find out what boredom is. Why do you experience it? Why are we always trying to get away from it, generally?
  4. @Leo Gura I kid you not, I actually enrolled as a philosophy student last October, and already I can’t take it anymore. The way it is taught and emphasized is just so utterly shallow, redundant and mind-numbing. I hoped it would somehow at least resemble the way I got used to know philosophy through you and a few others years ago just a little bit, but no sir. Gonna change it to history asap.
  5. Some highly nutritious food for thought. Thinking and being is the same thing. It is indifferent to me where I am to begin, for there shall I return again. Nothing comes from nothing. You cannot recognise not-being, for this is impossible - nor could you speak of it, for thought and being are the same thing. Every thing is of the nature of no thing. All change is illusion.
  6. Just as a knife won't cut itself and fire doesn't burn itself. ~ paraphrased Alan Watts
  7. 14? Whow man, respect for being here and commiting! That’s cool. What I can tell you is that you don’t want to avoid things that give you proper life experience. Don’t be a spiritual bypasser! To some degree I did this. In the moment you might think that it serves you well, or even better, to “stay on the path” and pursue the spiritual rather than everything else, but it will certainly come back to kick your ass later in some way or other. You need that life experience! So important. Remember that balance is always the key. So, don’t dodge every single bullet that there is. Don’t do it!:D Take some of them, they will serve you well. But, do it with mindfulness:) That will give you the proper balance.
  8. May the force of recontextualisation always be with you.
  9. I know that this is somewhat of a distracting shitpost, but nonetheless the initial thought happened to cross my mind while I was looking up on Teal Swan earlier to see how she's doing, since I don't actively follow her or her teachings at all basically. Because I was re-watching some of Leo's videos prior to her content I had to think of what it would be like if the two would meet and sit down to talk for a while, since they're just so different. To spice things up a little and to make this post just ever so marginaly more relevant (through the addition of self-reflection perhaps), I thought I'd throw Uncle Eckhart and You into the mix. So, what would you think would happen? I personally would be very observing and just picking up on the energy that would be created by such an intriguing mixture of personalities. I don't even think that I would want to ask anybody any particular questions about spirituality or enlightenment etc. What a huge powder barrel that would be... Because the energy would be so amazingly high in a situation like that, the thing I'd probably want to do most is simply meditating with them for a while - nothing great would actually even need to be said probably, it would all happen on a nonverbal energetic level most likely. Fascinating to think about it like that...
  10. @Ampresus Hah, well, I know this sucks but could you explain why? I don’t really know him at all.
  11. And that I do doubt rather intensely. If one were on the same page with him, it would be quite difficult, if not impossible, to notice that “particular something” about him that sets him apart from the average senior citizen. At least to me, in any conversations I have, it is very noticeable where people are on that general scale of overall consciousness. I can feel it through their presence. That’s why I’d be so excited being able to participate in a get-together of such personalities.
  12. And now what?:) Did you like it? Would you like us to comment on it? Or what exactly was your intention with posting it? If you wanna hear my opinion on it, then I’d have to say that technically speaking there’s a lot in there that is misundertood or generally twisted, at least.
  13. Yes, on some level they’re still “just” a person, but then again, on some level they’re very literally not (if you know what I mean)
  14. @Joseph Maynor You think so? Perhaps it may be like that, who knows:) But have you had conversations with, let’s say, “high-consciousness” people face to face before? (Just asking out of curiosity) Because in the rare occasions I have met such people, the conversations certainly were anything but ordinary.
  15. @Tony 845 Exactly!:) I'm sure you'll do great as a father. The mere fact that you would like to lead them to higher levels of overall consciousness is sufficient proof for that, at least for me. However, It's just such a shame in general that so many parents always want to teach their kids, constantly, always imposing on them their own (unprofitable) values and limitations but then reversely refuse or even completely disregard the numerous lessons that they themselves could learn from their kids in return, which is in my mind one the biggest mistakes parents could make. Not only have they given the gift of life to a new, wonderful mind that is part of the absolute infinity we're all in and are, but almost more importantly have they indirectly given themselves the gift of being able to observe and become fascinated by what it's like having the invaluable chance to experience a completely new and untouched mind and life manifesting right in front of them.
  16. And please remember: the path towards spirituality, to even be ready for it, necessitates that they have gone through prior developmental stages first. They're ready for it, when they're ready. Or in other words: the student appears, once the master is ready. [Which is why it is so crucially important IMO to lead with that great desireable example of your own] . And then, as I said, will they come on their own to what's best for them.
  17. This is a very serious matter indeed. I don't exactly know if you've noticed up until now, but most kids, especially the younger they are, are naturally closer to the "being experience" of what people strive for when they want to become enlightened. This is because they haven't been conditioned yet, so the biggest favour you could do them is simply to lead with a great example. Be the best father to them that you could be. Show them what it's like being a real man!:) (given that you know- and have a good understanding of what that means). Leading with a good example is everything! Never, under no circumstances preach or do other things of that nature. When they're shown what it's like being a true higher-consciousness being (or man, first and foremost), then they will naturally want to know through their own curiosity how to become like you. Then, and only then, you might want to tell them a little bit about spirituality and stuff if it's appropriate, but as someone said before: never ever ever force it onto them or let it appear as if that's something they ought to pursue! I think this is very important not to bungle them.
  18. Holy shit dude... I think you convinced us all, dammnit. What was I thinking, wasting all this time on Leo and this forum. I'm so gutted right now, but all thanks to you! You're my savior. I love you.
  19. Today's insight is brought to us by: Stuart Wilde Earlier this day I listened to an amazing audiobook by Stuart and along the way in the corresponing chapter I had the realisation that: Character is merely a feeling - or respetively, a composition of a handful of predominant feelings. In other words: The way you are is the way you feel. So, whatever you may think your own character is or what your own self image is, is in most cases simply retraceable to the feelings that you most predominantly feel. These feelings could obviously be anything and everything: happy, content, dissatisfied, hopeful, cheerful, insecure, successful, optimistic, crazy, organized, cool, temperamental, agitated, calm, collected, goal-oriented, feeling like a winner and a achiever, feeling lost and in need for directions, feeling masculine or feeling feminine, feeling anchored and grounded in yourself, feeling courageous or easily willing to take risks and so on and so on. Or, the best non-feeling of all: being You see? This also only once more underlines the magnificent fact that you are not what you think you are. Your character isn't fixed, by any means. |YOU are nothing| that is strictly determined by anything that you think makes you up. Hah, see, you is like make-up -> it's made up -> not naturally there -> artificially added. You're simply potential. Infinite malleable potential. But, of course, to access this potential and use it to your imagination, lots of awareness and consciousness is required, since you first need to identify what it is that you're predominantly feeling like. But I guess you know how the story goes on, so this is probably all for now...
  20. I just recently discovered Stuart Wilde and I found to resonate with him very very strongly - so perhaps some of you might as well:) Check it out, it's definitely worth it.