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Everything posted by DocHoliday

  1. Yellow is predominantly characterised by going meta = going beyond one's own egoic perspective to perceive the world as it really is. And of course the best way to see the world for how it really is, is to gather as much perspectives as you can to draw insights from. Yellow practically never draws premature conclusions about anything because there could be always something that has been left out or hasn't been included. Yellow is more about analysing and broad/nuanced studying than drawing conclusions and acting hastily. EDIT: it's like what they teach you if you want to be a good painter - 90% watching and obervation and only 10%painting (taking action). The "taking action"-part comes way way way at the end. Obviously that's a certain weakness to yellow because yellow can get lost in too much observation and never ever ending up taking action which is what stage orange's values of deciciveness and determination are there for.
  2. The best way is to completely put yourself in the position of the person you're judging or criticising. Really try to see the world from their pespective and how it makes totally good sense to them. You can still disagree with them of course, but see that their perspective is true and right for them - just as your perspective is obviously completely right and appropriate to you. What will result from this is that you will start to see more and more that you really aren't that differnt from anybody else, and because the more "others" are like ourselves the more we can understand, forgive or accept them for who they really are.
  3. @outlandish Ah, so he’s a bit of a Zen-Devil, isn’t he?? Very interesting, thanks for elaborating.
  4. @SoonHei Well, I can’t exactly tell because I haven’t yet had any experience with psychedelics. What I can say for certain through is that there are no separate or different realities that somehow happen „outside“ of this one. Everything is consciousness so the only question is whether or not someone can access a particular level or degree of consciousness that will then reveal to him all these fantastical and seemingly „outerwordly“ things. But yes, it’s all one, we are infinite consciousness experiencing itself, always, directly, because consciousness is always experiencing itself anyway, since there is no you required to experience it, just as Leo said:) Believing that you are an external observer is the grand illusion/delusion because there could never ever be something that is external or separate from consciousness - that would have to mean that it simply doesn’t exist. It’s an impossibility.
  5. That's the beauty behind it: you don't know it, you are it. You literally become IT. Tat Tvam Asi - you're it. And what is IT? Well, choose your preferred description: everything, reality, the universe, God, The Creation, No-thing-ness, The Absolutely Relative, The Relatively Absolute etc. etc...
  6. Yeah, "being" it is just such a perfect, spot-on and beautiful description... if one can get behind what that really means and entails Let's put it like this: you will automatically get to "being" when you tried every other way of trying to understand it, believe it or somehow "feel it" as a particular sort of emotional state. In a sense it's very very simple but impossible to describe. Break down your ego and you will see...
  7. @outlandish Hah, me too. Very interesting indeed, and reaffirming as well. EDIT: The mixture of your dad's stages is quite peculiar:D Would love to hear more about him/further details to how this mixture comes about, if you'd like to share it of course.
  8. @George Fil Spiral Dynamics is more concerned with values rather than personality traits. Therefore: No.
  9. It's simply balance that is necessary, always and everywhere. People are not used to thinking in a polar way which is why they sometimes seem to get a little bit lost or confused. Has a lot to do with recognising the Non-Duality of everything, explicitly by realising how everything is in a sense dualistic. If one can succesfully think in a polar way and also structure his life accordingly to it, he'll get all the benefits from both sides/extremes and potentially avoid all the negative aspects that arise when a particular extreme of a duality is pursued too excessively:)
  10. This is another one that I really love.
  11. @Artaemis Whow that sounds quite... radical. Very intersting insight into your perspective though, thanks for sharing!
  12. @Greenbirch Yeah, that shit is killing me man... since I can remember I always had to fight and rebel against my parents sense of "proper" values and morals; it was always way too limiting for me, and still is to this day.
  13. For all the gamers out there Surely it's not the whole channel that is yellow, but I find that especially this guy who does the commentary on this (and many other videos) has a highly impartial and yellow-like mindset.
  14. You mentioned shooting videos in the future about other systems or models, especially ones that cover spirituality and mysticism. So, will you perhaps shoot one on the 10 Ox-herding Pictures? That’d be really quite interesting!:)
  15. @Etherial Cat Whow, just from watching those 6min I could already tell that I'm resonating quite strongly with her even though I've never seen any videos of her before! That's really cool. You can tell by her presence that she is/can be really tough and badass if need be but then there's that beautiful contrast of calmness and peace within her that all that strength is embedded in.
  16. @Elisabeth Yeah I have to admit, that selection was created slightly biased because I already assumed that there would be way more votes for the blue section than for any other one for that matter. But it's indeed stories like yours that make it that much more interesting to see where intentionally prejudicial assumptions do not apply perfectly:)
  17. Okay, first of all I'd like you to know that this is my THIRD attempt at replying to you because both times prior I wrote for 15-20min repsepctively and both times I lost my internet connection to the forum. BUT I DON'T CARE, I'LL WRITE IT ALL OVER AGAIN because that's what winners do in life! (joke, but also no joke. Seriously) So look, what you need to do is to regain COMPLETE and FULL responsibility and ownership over your life, because whenever you do not own yourself - someone else will always gladly do it for you. We both know that success and prosperity are not things that are simply served on a silver plate, BUT, what you can actively decide and determine is whether or not you see yourself to be worthy of success. If you see yourself as a winner in life, then guess what: you'll win at it. But if you can't and you've already accustomed yourself long enough to the thought that you will not achieve more in life than minimum wage, then that's what you'll get, it's really that simple. You do create your entire reality all by yourself, including your beliefs of what you do and don't deserve. Ask yourself, do you really want success or do you not want it? It's totally fine either way, but just be aware of the fact that the regret you'll have to face by deciding not to grab life by its balls will be more painful, crushing and depressing than anything else you might needed to face instead of it. Make something out of your life while you still can! Your future self will thank you for that. And if it's not thanking you, than it's going to rip whatever will be left of your sane mind to shreds and pieces for having decided to be a victim instead.
  18. Unfortunately I can't vote myself, but if I could, I'd vote Heavy heavy Blue for my mom and Light Blue/Orange for my dad. As I'm currently still living at home with my parents (at age ~20) it has become a really intense struggle to put up with my mom because she's extreeemely rigid in her behaviour and super moralistic in addition to that. She still values old-fashioned family-values and traditions and always tries to establish a certain "order of decency, authority and power" which is unbelievably limiting in terms of progress and advance in general, let alone self-actualisation. I could go into more detail on her that would be pages long but essentially she's making everyone's life in our family much more difficult than it would need to be, and especially mine, since I'm the one who always tries to point out to her how she's behaving and how it is limiting everybody else (which of course only ever results in very negative reactions and consequences for me in return). Subconsciously and sometimes even consciously she intentionally refuses to learn new things or to make any progress whatsoever as she obviously very firmly believes that she should be correct and right about everything she says and does. I couldn't classify myself as yellow if I dind't say that I wouldn't understand her position and that I don't really blame her for the way she is, but sometimes it's just flat-out frustrating nonetheless.
  19. @11modal11 Okay I've listened to what he had to say now and what I can say is that I kinda understand what he means with coral and where he’s going with his understanding of the model, which seems to be very close to the original way it’s supposed to be picked up in a way that doesn’t include self-actualisation or mysticism at all... and I don’t like it as much as Leo has been presenting it to us in a way which -does- deliberately include self-actualisation and mysticism. I also can’t and don’t resonate with the speaker at all in terms of his personality and his way of presenting himself and that which he has to teach to others. But that’s just me of course:) For others it might be interesting/helpful... but just as Leo thruthfully said in another thread somewhere else: Non-duality transcends all [actual and theoretical] stages [that there are and/or could be]. So it’s the best to shoot for anyways?
  20. What the hell is coral representing anyway? I haven’t yet come across any proper explanation or description of it and yet some of you write about it as if you’d exactly know what you mean:D Could someone please clarify in a general way what coral represents and stands for? And if TJ himself is on this forum, how come he never wrote anything in this thread as of yet, even though it is mainly all about him apparently? just being curious...
  21. This Song Is Just Impossible to be Played Loud Enough. SO MUCH ENERGY!!!
  22. @Leo-Tzu Yeah I heard that one too. I can imagine really well how that comes about.
  23. @Leo-Tzu I've seen Dada's video before as well! Really nice one, his calmness and collectedness was definitely rubbing off on me at the time. Here's another one from my personal favourite "teacher"
  24. @Joseph Maynor Well, that's an assumption. It's your position and of course it's true because it's true for you, most likely based on your experience that taught you that because you needed longer/more years to get to yellow, others must also live that long to get to yellow as well. But, on that basis my position or anybody else's position is also true for them based on their own experience that says something different. Perception is reality.
  25. @Joseph Maynor Yeah, maybe not fully, that'd be highly unlikely, I can agree with you on that. But, you're not exactly "fixed" to one particular stage of course. Being at stage yellow is the best possible position to draw lessons from all the other stages below it and to learn from them. Just remember that S.D. has more to do with values and worldviews rather than actual cheracter traits or personalities.