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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. Pink is for girls blue is for boys Bao you are the best!
  2. After the general's death the odds for trump to be the next president went (slightly) up. I have been following the trend cause I got $ on it.
  3. I am glad to hear that you are planning on leaving. Eff that Hijab bullsh@t!
  4. Nah, not at all. I am pro-choice and I believe life starts at conception. I just DGAF if you wanna kill your own (beautiful) baby.
  5. Boredom, I wouldn't be here if i had money and/or friends, at least not as usual.
  6. Are the next 5 years gonna decide the future of humankind? No, the future of mankind was decided around 20 years ago, when we did nothing to prevent climate change.
  7. I am pro-choice and I acknowledge the fact that having an abortion is killing a beautiful baby. I say go ahead kill as many babies as you please. You are reacting to yellow. Yellow is like that, they don't have a stance. It happened to me. I was talking to a mod, and he was like well i can see the world through different lenses so if i put this lens on i will have ''X'' stance, but if i put this other lens on i will have ''Y'' stance. Me, I am mostly orange, I do have a stance: I am pro-choice, if you guys wanna kill YOUR babies for whatever reason, go ahead IDGAF. Arc
  8. Yes, absolutely. Today a robot called me over the phone, I could almost not tell it was a robot. I think 5 years from now it will be indistinguishable for us to know if we are talking to a robot or not. Ever heard what Elon Musk says about AI?
  9. You mean all the American voters that elected Trump?
  10. I have smoked weed in my dreams so many times... And it gets me high. Weird stuff. Arc
  11. The troll got me a;sdfkajs;dklajs;dfklj I am always so proud of my troll identification skills. My ego is hurt!
  12. OFC he can have an opinion, but when when you know he is 25 and single, what credit can you give him? His opinion about marriage is as valid as my opinion on Quantum Supremacy.
  13. Check out this Trump Tweet: ''The United States just spent Two Trillion Dollars on Military Equipment. We are the biggest and by far the BEST in the World! If Iran attacks an American Base, or any American, we will be sending some of that brand new beautiful equipment their way...and without hesitation!'' This was a brilliant political move by Trump, and I am not a Trump supporter. And the speech he gave the day after kinda makes you wanna vote for him.
  14. WOW just WOW! You can not make this stuff up. I read a very similar story here at months ago. You NEED to learn to say these words: STAY THE F AWAY FROM ME! I think that a way to heal would be to go to your friend's house and make sure the pale is there. The SECOND she tries to pull that shit again you say those words and leave. Then tell your friend: -''I am your friend, but I will never ever again hang out with the pale around.'' Arc
  15. Yeah, but I think that we are already living in a dark era for men. Men will be oppressed before we get to that nice beautiful equal system you guys talk about. It's like it's the women turn to oppress men, they will and then men will have to fight for their rights just like women did. We had the patriarchy, now we are moving into the matriarchy, we will find out that the matriarchy is not as good as we thought it would be, and then we will move into that nice beautiful equal system you guys talk about. There's already a men rights movement. Why? Because men already feel they are being oppressed. Arc
  16. Oh yeah we have a some of those. The other day I saw a 25yo single dude talking about marriage, like he knew what he was talking about. I had to put him on my ignore list. Arc
  17. @Matt8800 Have you beaten alcoholism?
  18. Seems to me like you have 2 choices break up with her or tell her: -''Hey I am gonna do this and that and I am gonna move out of the country, you wanna come with me or break up with me? it's your choice.'' Like an ultimatum.
  19. Some comments about the article: ''Mother of 3, gave up a good paying job after the 3rd one. My own family members do not wish to help me in babysitting at all. My husband works hard and late day in day out for the family but he has no time for the kids. Happiness index: zero. Fulfilment? Zero too.'' ''I had one child, a son, forty years ago; I almost lost my life to toxemia, and did not have any more children. If I had it to do again, I would have zero; this world is too cruel; the choice would not be for my happiness, but to prevent the suffering of another human.'' ''Personally, my partner and are both very comfortable with not being parents. The older I get, the more comfortable I feel with our decision. There were many different factors that influenced our decision, the biggest being climate change. My partner works in the environment sector and future predictions on climate change are pretty dire. We both felt that the world does not need the burden of another person, particularly a first world person. We both work part time in work we enjoy and while we may not be materially rich, but we love our lives and we have time to enjoy them and pursue other interests, even if that means just being able to spend an afternoon pottering in the garden, going for a walk in nature or reading a book. Our friends who have kids are good parents, but I really feel for them. They seem to be in a constant state of just going through the motions in life, with no time to look after themselves or for personal reflection. I feel like I would find it very hard to be happy with no time for myself. So for those who have chosen to be parents, I wish you very well, it is not an easy road you have chosen, but I’m sure it is very fulfilling also. For those who are thinking that parenthood is not for them, I’d say you don’t need kids to be happy. My life is simple, quiet and very happy without children.''
  20. You are right. Check it out: '' Research shows (over and over again) that having children reduces happiness (e.g. Anderson, Russel, & Schumm, 1983 or Campbell, 1981), even though parents think it will make them happier. This phenomenon is known as “The Parenthood Paradox” or “Parenthood Gap“. Why don’t children make parents happier? One of the dominant explanations for this is that children increase the amount and level of a variety of stressors that parents are exposed to (Glass, J., Simon R.W., Andersson M.A., 2016,), such as: time demands energy demands sleep deprivation (potentially starting a vicious circle) work-life balance disturbances financial burden It goes without saying that all of these stressors apply even more to the lives of single parents. This is why single parents report the lowest levels of well-being compared to married or unmarried couples who are living together. ''
  21. How to deal with people lower on the spiral dynamics? > Go down to their level. If they start with the jesus fan club thing you can tell them that you already found jesus and that he lives in your heart.
  22. This guy wasn't a voluntary for the red cross you know?