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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. Kids are way too fucking expensive. Are you really sure you want to have one?
  2. I used to. Is just a fad, nothing happened .
  3. Are you talking about drinking your own piss?
  4. @a e l i thanks for your answers. Holy f@ck humanity is evolving, people finding love through the internet w/o ever meeting in person. Are you guys trolling?
  5. Dude! You are not aston kushner, and it didn't end well for him either. -Prolong the sex -don't get her pregnant -assume she is fucking other dudes, because she is. -and when it is all over, tell your mom.
  6. She is already doing that, sorry.
  7. To pay rent and to eat. Are those good reasons for you?
  8. Amphetamines or crystal meth? Tell him to lay off that stuff.
  9. ''Some people feel the rain, others just get wet'' -Bob Marley
  10. I can't watch her videos because she is too hot. That's my impression, can't focus on her words she is too beautiful.
  11. ''You can't get out of life alive.''
  12. She said she moved her whole family from blue to orange/green in 4 months. I just don't buy it.
  13. Hmmm... Then you are prolly less than 25 yo. It's normal.
  14. Wrong.
  15. That's like your opinion man