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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. Every single person that voted for Trump.
  2. Dude it's obvious Trump is gonna win. LDO
  3. Rejection is my best friend!
  4. Yeah, fear of death diminishes because you know you can not die, because you were never alive in the first place.
  5. IDK man I am at stage orange all I care is about getting that dough.
  6. Bro get money, that will open you chakras real nice. Are you financially independent?
  7. Recently someone made a Bashar thread with a 15 min video in it. Could someone please point me where it is? Thank you!
  8. Me: -''That answer doesn't answer mi question.''
  9. @JessiChell Wow! Thanks! Will do. I have been thinking about writing a book titled: 1000 Girls This journal is the draft. Approaching, intimacy, being in a relationship, those are scary things for me. But (most of the time) I don't let fear control me. Thanks again Jessi! See you next time!
  10. Me too. The world went to sh@t a long time ago. I want him to win so I can make me some easy weed money. I am a selfish stage orange person.
  11. That's F-ing retarded. You guys need to change that. Now!
  12. Will Trump be re-elected? Yes.
  13. Wow you are an engineer cool sh@t man! I am college drop out, congrats for becoming an engineer man!
  14. Since the Covid I have made 3 approaches only. Covid is the perfect excuse to not approach. Cristina Another Adriana Since I had to move from my place because of the fucking Covid. I now have 3 clean slate supermarkets where I can go and practice pick up. Yesterday I approached a girl respecting the social distancing rules -Hi young lady, can I ask your name? -For what? -To ask you out. -No, thank you very much. -OK See you next time.
  15. Yeah that's what I think the whole month long: -''I gotta pay rent I gotta pay rent I gotta pay rent I gotta pay rent I gotta pay rent I gotta pay rent''