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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. you wouldn't say that to his face IRL
  2. @levani There is no perfect dose. ANY dose can give you a bad trip. You mentioned the ego, the other day while on a weed trip I was talking to myself. Nothing outstanding there, everybody talks with themselves, but I notice myself talking to my other self and one of myselves thought he was the boss and he talked like an arrogant prick. The tone of his voice was so authoritarian, so proud, so arrogant. Right there and then I understood a big part of what is being discussed here daily about the ego and all that. My ego needs some serious humbling. We have an authentic self and we have an ego. I think they can work in alignment. Arc
  3. Does an invitation to trip together imply sex? Yes NO.
  4. Yes. The enthusiasm is priceless. 2 Cups max and that's already way too much.
  5. ^I want to live 1000 years looking and feeling like a 32 yo. That's what I meant.
  6. I don't want to live forever in this incarnation, but I wouldn't mind being Arcangelo for the next 1000 years TBH
  7. I used to have a narcissistic friend that used me to get high. For every 60-80 joints I shared with him, he only shared one joint with me, two tops. I considered him my best friend but then I develop some common sense and said to myself: -''Wait a minute, for every 80 joints I share with this MF, he only shares one with me? GTFO of my life you dead beat!'' And I blocked his ass. Good decision, I don't regret it. What I regret is not doing it earlier. Arc
  8. Certified Electrician on June. Yes Sir!
  9. How can you feel less like a creep approaching or making a "move" on a woman? By doing it over and over and over again.
  10. YES. Can men and women actually be platonic friends? > I could be friends with a 65 yo overweight woman.
  11. not give a fuck about it ness
  12. No you got me wrong man. We don't play no games. They do.
  13. I agree on the sex toy thing, she crossed a line there. Everything else is just silly games. No one is perfect and all girls play games at some point.
  14. It's cool. Don't sweat it. Girls be bored girls be playing silly games. Let her have her fun. You go ahead and have your fun. Ignore that shit like you ignore a dog barking. If she asks you about the stupid list you go right ahead and ask her: -''Hey what are we gonna eat tonight? You want some sushi? Don't even acknowledge her question. You know better man, this is just another shit test. Don't fail it. According to my dating coach you go gift for gift. She gives you a gift you give her a gift. If you give her a gift and it is not x-mas or her birthday you are falling into the nice guy category. No matter how good the sex was, you are also giving her sex remember that. We are good as we are.
  15. You got me. Because he is gonna lie. Why you wanna be lied to?
  16. Adeptus is spiritually asleep maybe he will wake up one day
  17. Wow! Thank you! I see it in everyone, but not in everything. I bet it does. ---------------- I am an inter-dimensional, immortal (close to eternal) spiritual being. I can't die, I have never lived, I just exist. That's how far I have got. Am I God?
  18. @Preety_India Hehe! IDK Preety IDK... We all have agreed on the number. The number is 18, and she is 19. Legally there is nothing wrong with this relationship. All that emotionally immature and power dynamic mumbo jumbo is in your minds. We don't know them... Maybe they are twin flames for all we know. We don't know....
  19. I will have to say that I agree with what you are saying.
  20. All I see is 2 legally grown up adults having a good time. He is happy, she is happy. Let them be happy. Search for your own happiness. Be yellow.