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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. Forest I am applauding! You know who was a pedophile for real? Muhamed the muslim guy, it says it on the Koran.
  2. I know that very well because I am wage slave. Orange wage slavery. Not too all
  3. Humans are racist. Being racist is human nature.
  4. My reasons to come here EVERY. SINGLE. DAY: -Addiction (it's kinda addictive) -Definitely companionship (Normies SUCK!!!!) -To practice english and writing in english -To brag about how great my life is. So yeah, validation I guess. -When I have had problems, actualizers have helped me. For sure I'll keep coming back. -It feels good to talk to guys that are alcoholics and offer help, because I was one. So yeah, some form of meaning, by helping others Not too good. I don't use it. It wastes TOO much time. I have a FB account that I log in once a month on average. The forum is a good thing. But too much of a good thing is not a good thing. Arc
  5. I would have kissed the statue. Make her come back to life again.
  6. Thanks LfcCharlie4! Hi, the other day I went MTBing with a good friend. We got to a place that sells cheese and sour cream in a rural area. Next to this place was the last bus stop. There was a woman and a girl waiting for the bus. They were not wearing face masks. The girl was slim, pale skin, blonde and had blue eyes... Arc: -''Good Morning'' Woman and Girl: -''Good morning'' Arc: ''Is this the last bus stop?'' Woman and Girl: -''Yes'' Arc (talking directly to the girl): -''Hey girl what's your name?'' Woman: -''Cecilia'' Arc (talking directly to the girl, again): -''And what's your name?'' Valeria: -''Valeria'' I waited for them to ask my name, but they didn't. I rejected my self, but then I said fuck it: Arc: -''Hey Valeria, you said your name was Valeria right? Would you like to go out and drink a cup of coffee with me someday?'' Valeria (visibly hesitating): -''No'' This interaction showed me that I gotta get me some cards to give them when they hesitate. So next time... Arc: -''Hey, if you change your mind give me a call.'' This Covid is not making things any easier, gotta tell you. See you next time Peace!
  7. Yeah much better to find a park near you and do the skipping rope.
  8. Dolores Canon Has anyone read one of her books: Between Death and Life?
  9. Hi it's me again! Since the pandemic started I haven't been able to go anywhere. I invested good money and upgraded my drivetrain. I changed the front and rear pinions, and the chain as well. I also bought new grips and tires. Last Thursday I went to a place called Prussia Sector, it's a volcanic zone. It was like an 80KM ride It took me like 13 hours to complete. First I left the house at 6:20am I got to my uncle's house who gave me a lift of 15 km on his truck. He dropped me in paradise, a place called: Round Ranch. It was cold but I expected it to be colder. I went to this place 18 years ago on my 26er. Global warming is real and is happening FAST like really, really fast. Enjoy while you can! At 8am I finished smoking and putting my gear on, and started my ride. I stopped 4 hours later to smoke another joint. I underrate the distances on these maps. I have decided that the next time I see a distance on a map and I think it's ok I am gonna divide it in half. At 1:00pm I got to a restaurant called The Path of the Quetzal. Bird watchers like to go there. At 2:15pm I was finished eating and smoking. I could feel the effects of altitude, specially after smoking. It was a different kind of high. At 3:00pm I finally got to Prussia. I went further ahead, and saw a sign of private property do not trespass and a warning of an angry dog. So I smoked my fourth joint made a U turn and went to my grandma's. At 620pm I got to my grandma's. There I drank coffee, ate chocolates and bread, and went home. The climate was great. I saw a UFO, it was small. It was like watching a piece of shiny metal the size of an engine cover of a car. I just saw it for like 3 seconds. The thing was flying between the mountains when it lost altitude I couldn't see it anymore, the mountain blocked my sight. See you next time!
  10. It's just a metaphor That is true and it works both ways Yeah we live in a stage orange society. BUT a lot of women objectify men, they see them as walking wallets. So it goes both ways.
  11. Anyone watching that video is wasting one hour of their life
  12. I always knew he was a troll. I called him out once, I remember.
  13. Every teacher and every janitor should carry a loaded gun to neutralize threats as soon as they emerge. The bullets need to be the kind that doesn't go through so they don't kill innocent kids. Arc
  14. Yeah it's incredible how TV desensitize you. We are seeing people dying and we call it a show, season finale, etc... WTH? Although we humans have always been blood thirsty and have seen violence as entertainment. Back in the day at the coliseum and now a days at the octagon, race way, football field, etc... I don't underrate the stupidity of the MAGA cult. There is a real possibility of those idiots trying to do something. Nah he is just telling it how it is. The whole world is expecting January 20th The whole world wants to see a show (violence) Arc
  15. That's exactly what I don't get about marriage. For sure you will get bored and irritated by each other. I would very much rather having like 2-3 girlfriends. One coming on the weekends and the others coming during the week. My main girl would be the weekend one. And I think this is every man's wish. But it is so difficult to accomplish, that a lot of men just settle for a wife to have reliable sex. I am not settling. Arc
  16. Chimp behavior like Leo says.
  17. Yes but when you warm up you can wait 15 minutes and still go for it. It is a process just like anything else. Wow! Never thought about it in that way. Thanks man!
  18. I agree