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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. haha! xactly you get it.
  2. ^Yes, no, maybe. There's no way of knowing for sure... Maybe being offended is a decision. Isn't it? The word n****r should be used as freely as the word beaner imo.
  3. I agree. But they use it like black people use it. It's like saying dude to them. I will never be offended by the word beaner. I am a beaner BTW
  4. You don't say it in front of black people. Because you might get killed. White people nowadays call nizzles (the fact that I censured my self here is ridiculous) to each other regularly. We are all (and will always be) racists, whether we admit it or not.
  5. Context Silly thread.
  6. On this podcast Joe sets the record straight: Like Rogan I am not an antivaXeR. I am provax, go get your boosters guys. I am ok with my natural immunity though, to each it's own. I think the whole forum needs to watch this.
  7. Looks like you are expecting too much from a baby-boomer. Focus on you. I know, I know... Easier said than done.
  8. The claim: It's kinda insensitive. But I don't get the arrogance part in that comment. I don't see it. Maybe he's implying that I am being arrogant about my ability to read?
  9. If it says poison and you drink it you deserve to die. LOL!~
  10. LOL! If someone is dumb enough to do that they deserve the consequences? It's like me saying that drinking your own urine cures covid. That's not misinformation, that's just stupid.
  11. Because the Aliens won't let them. True story bro.