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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. Hi, the other day I approached a girl named Mariana at the supermarket, but she had a boyfriend. She had long curled, brown hair, she did a gesture like almost closing her eyes, like she was flattered, or acting like she was, or a little bit of both.
  2. They knew when they saw the satellite images.
  3. Nahm is cool. We all can use a break.
  4. Be patient, it will heal. Trust me bro.
  5. I have experience with this. Both Only if he is in primary school or something. Go for it. IDK maybe. Only If it makes you feel better. Yes 100% YES. Yes TOTALLY. This where I have experience. 4-5 years ago I went to bed with a woman taller than me, I had never been with a woman taller than me. She didn't want to take her bra off. I told her to do it. Her: -"Oh you want my boobs? They are not a big deal." When she took her bra off I understood. Personally boobs are not even in my top 3 physical qualities. For me is: 1. Butt 2. Legs 3. Face 4. Height And yeah 5. Boobs. Yes. That's ALWAYS the case. No matter how beautiful she is. Xactly
  6. I am very glad you think this way.
  7. @Thestarguitarist14 Welcome to my ignore list.