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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. It is. But he will pass the s**t test. @StarStruck you can also mirror her and change the subject: -"Yeah my ex was just like that too, what are we gonna eat?'' Way less harsh
  2. @StarStruck Bro the second she starts talking about her ex, you NEED to tell her: -"I am not your gay friend.''
  3. ^Cool I am old school and latino. Raised in the macho culture, I am also stage orange. I don't fit very well in here talking to stage green gen z's and millenials that's probably why. I like paying for stuff, I also like it when they are considerate and they offer to split or even pay for the whole thing.
  4. I am 42yo Are you calling me an incel?
  5. Because she is the woman.
  6. Agree 100% Just look at the NBA Wow, I never thought I would agree with you on anything!
  7. I love gay and transgender people. I really do. Less competition.
  8. @Godhead You are projecting and gaslighting. Welcome to my ignore list.
  9. @no_name thanks for your collaboration Exactly. What's the point? They know they are going to lose.
  10. Alpha vs Beta vs Sigma males - All bullshit? 100% real. Hard agree.
  11. Feelings of guilt when drinking No wonder. You are drinking poison. Try 2 big hits of DMT instead.
  12. Yes, we are forced to accept that time is not linear.