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Everything posted by petar8p

  1. And keep in mind SD is just a model. Someone can have yellow mentality, without to consciously choosing to work on it in terms of SD. I see it a lot.
  2. Matters a lot. Speaking only from 1 long-term experience..
  3. To blame it on height is too eazy. cmon man
  4. I highly encourage you watch this video ? I really think it will help you a lot.
  5. If this is true then your focus in 2023. should be how to make yourself feel as good as possible going out talking to people without getting drunk! How does that sound?
  6. DISCLAIMER: I will write something that may seem harsh. My intention is not to hurt you or neglect what you're going through.. I feel like you like to play victim a lot. Main focus of this forum is self-actualization and asking questions/bringing discussions to further our development and understanding. Some things need to be faced in life. It's hard when you spend a long time avoiding your personal problems and weaknesses. But you deserve it. You deserve to change. You deserve positive changes in your life necessary to be healthy and fulfilled as a human being. To be independent and self-sustaining so you can have an easier time introducing the right partner into your life when the time comes. It is too much of a burden for any partner to be accountable for so many of the roles and needs you have socially, emotionally, intellectually etc. Nobody wants nor can be all things for someone. That is just pure romanticising. We're social creatures and having our place in the world is something we need to figure out and move towards. We need to explore ourselves and our preferences. Experiment with different people and find ways in which we like to bond with others and express ourselves freely in a safe environment. Having hobbies that will refresh us and careers that will push ourself to do and be our best. Now the only question is where can you start? What do you think?
  7. I love the passion. We need more of this and less of what is currently trending in this thread if you ask me..
  8. As a female, it's important to know how to protect yourself from men at all times, yes. But this speaks more of a man's sexual desperation, than his proclivity to harm a female. Sorry to hear about that. Stay safe ✌️
  9. Do you ever go out to socialize and meet your social fears?
  10. Must be harsh. Didn't mean to offend, but it was crazy to me that this popped into your head. World is not that dangerous really..
  11. Congrats man. It is a great story!
  12. How is living in paranoia?
  13. Why did bro dissapear? ? I hope it's not for this whack ass advice offered. People don't understand or relate to the excitement of the first time. I'm with you bro.
  14. I bet she didn't expect a bunch of porn links ??
  15. @John Paul Damn getting this from a woman gotta hit different. Are you ready?
  16. I had a friend who had it very easy with older women most of his life, but struggled with girls his age. If your parents divorced it might've created a trauma and put a magnet on you to attract someone you can't truly have, so you can more easily resolve that trauma as that is your subconscious definition of love.
  17. Some of the most manipulative men that I know, but who are good at it, frequently get the best chicks.
  18. Did you have a problem approaching a MILF at the supermarket or you have a general problem approaching?
  19. I hate this, mostly talking online, where I ask women I had some conversation with to go out and they don't respond. I get it that this is a no and I am ready to look things as they are, but it's annoying. I want them to say no to me. I don't want them to try not to hurt my feelings. I can take it. Is this annoying to you as a man and how do you look at it. As a woman, why do you do this? Especially after some conversation. Don't you think we at least deserve a "No"??
  20. I haven't asked about physical approaches, I can get the signals and I take a rejection. What I'm talking about is she answering your messages online, but then when you wanna take it further they just don't answer. The more I talk about it the more I get it, but this post was made when I was pissed ab it ? Yeah that makes sense.