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Everything posted by petar8p

  1. By providing, making decisions for both of you, being socially savvy, psychologically strong and emotionally resilient. But most importantly, feeling safe in your own skin. You probably won't learn any of these by just getting back with her, especially if it was the reason for why you broke up. Why do you think it's a good idea to get back. It just might not be bro ?
  2. You're an empath. Don't bully yourself for it, but slowly learn how to introduce boundaries to your relationship.
  3. Sorry mate, how do you share a twitter post smoothly like that?
  4. Yeah right. Well I would disagree. Love me those fail army videos and I feel quite holy watching them. Also, suffering is one of the elements that constitutes art and why can we enjoy it and immerse ourselves in it. Take that in real life, and you are blessed with some God-given drama. Don't mistaken God with always being loving towards everything 24/7 and masking your human qualities..
  5. First of all, congrats!! ?? The most important thing is that you started. To answer your question "Where did I go wrong?" You gone wrong first of all expecting and thinking that doing this first time ever is gonna bring you results. You're just barely testing the waters. How did you feel making those approaches? How did you make them feel?
  6. ok Good. Just say you don't wanna pursue anything until she ends her relationship. And stay true to that. Not as an ultimatum, but just to let her know where you stand. You might motivate her to get out of a disintegrated relationship. That's good!
  7. And who said that. Completely different. Mass oversimplification!
  8. Start choosing people and environments that are more conscious and high value..
  9. Just be open and honest about it. State that it confuses you and you would like to see the situation more clearly. You must confront her about it because you are on the line, not her or her boyfriend. If you truly don't wanna do it because of morals then don't try to find your best ways to approach her about it. That is having an agenda. Be blunt and just open up about it 10-15 minutes into the conversation. Let her know that it is an obstacle for you. There's nothing wrong with that.
  10. Wow someone's seeing the bigger picture. Nice ??
  11. I'm not gonna insult back. That was never the point. You are defending very questionable behaviour though. Cheers!
  12. Then your game will pretty much be on hold for as long as you're not able to do it few times a week with high volume. It's just the truth, now see what you're gonna do about it. Information is just not going to cut it bro.
  13. How many hours monthly do you invest in making your game better through approaching and dates?
  14. Ok people so it's not abuse, it's consented abuse!! Yeah, let's bring slave times back, but this time we will sign it all legally and offer them a lot of money!! What makes you defend this guy so much when you've only seen 0.001% of his life?
  15. If after this you still stand by the Tate, you have something to work on.. Thanks for the links, will save them!!
  16. Wow that's such a degrading belief. What makes you think that? And what do you think is point of human life and our fruther evolution if not to change? Yeah I don't get this need too.
  17. Oh that might be the thing I find off in him without really knowing his background.
  18. lower integrity and jerky = more room for manipulation + lower standards.. You don't have to do this to get laid and it doesn't really serve you on a higher level. Don't fuck everything that walks and don't tell big lies just to get some as well. It's kind of easy to understand what woman is attracted to, but it's hard to execute on it because you have to change who you are at the core level and stop being a bitch which takes a few years to notice considerable results. Shedding tears granted.
  19. Girls almost never start a convo nor they should.
  20. Try it. It's not an easy task lol.
  21. Hey, do you have brown eyes or are your windows tinted? See some @thatwasepic videos on IG and see that ultimately it doesn't matter what's the opener. Women always sense what's beneath your little line. Focus on your confidence and becoming socially brave.