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Everything posted by petar8p

  1. @Javfly33 You're still viewing it as a big deal, and women can sense that really well. The trick is not trying to force yourself to not view it as a big deal, but questioning why are you doing so in the first place. Why is sex the end goal? Why does it matter if you have sex with the 5th girl or with 168th? Basically after you let go of needing to have sex, because you feel great either way, this will naturally make you drop your neediness, anxiety, getting too atached, acting socially creepy etc. There will be a natural aura and vibe around you that girls will like and then you just move the interaction where you feel it should go, but don't try to push it because of your agenda or hating the part of yourself that doesn't know how to have sex with girls. It's true that the outer game is important to learn of course, but if you don't address your internal stuff your game will always be coming from an "insufficient" place and you won't even be able to enjoy the sex that much, because you'll be too wrapped up in your head.
  2. @undeather man, couldn't agree more on what you said. Different parts of life bring about different inclinations and natural desires for experience. He probably would've done more of the partying and socializing if he didn't felt like he couldn't and didn't know how to connect with people. It's just how you celebrate life. You can do whatever you want. What's important only is not to get attached and hooked, and look at your Happiness in it. But if it comes from a place of you already feeling enough and wanting to spend some time socializing, meeting girls, dancing, having orgies, hooking up. WHY NOT? There is nothing bad about those things, as I said, as long as they don't come from a place of chase, and it's real easy to fall into that place, I'm not denying that. But I really respect your reply here, I think it's most integral. @Valach Now, on the other note, you can use this feeling of missing out to dive deeper and do self-inquiry to help you discover the nature of who you truly are. Realize that without thought, there is no feeling. Without your mind coming up with different pictures in your head, imagining friends having a blast (which they mostly don't btw, because they do it from desperation) and you just wasted all those years. What have you done? Find the root of that voice. Look for it. Ask yourself, who is doing all this? Experience the sensations that come up when you think about it. Feel the craving of wanting to connect to people but feeling stuck. Dive into the emotions and experience them totally. Be with them 100% with no conditions. Not wanting to change them, make them better, make them leave, understand them. Just let them be and use your unconditional attention. I was dealing with this myself and I'm only 21 now. Having a social life currently is one of the best way to share my joy in life. You don't have to give up on it, just realize where the fear and attachments come from and really try to dive deep. If you need any help or further explanation with this process, feel free to PM me, I would love to be of help What if he is?
  3. I suppose you haven't met Ramana Maharshi
  4. Everything happens for the sake of Love. PERIOD Is there really a need to use an offensive language here? What do you think you will "convince" him of in that way?
  5. You just can't get better answers than this. Keep up the self-inquiry!
  6. @assx95 What's the real reason behind you asking this question? Have you found that out?
  7. Why not hatred? Or jealousy? Or sadness? Or anger? Or anxiety?
  8. No, but because he needs activities that occupy his time. You can have profoundly simple life that's full of joy and gratefulness. The time only arises after you start thinking about it. That's the point of this video.
  9. What answer would satisfy you and why?
  10. Isn't he stage green? Not to dismiss that any of what he's saying would bring upon a massive positive change in society, but I just saw he's mentioned at @Leo Gura "Spiral Dynamics Stage Turqoise Examples Mega-Thread." Also, could someone with a heavier background in Philosophy break this down for me: "At the core of the Western anxiety about boundaries is something that we are very proud of. We believe we invented; we call it the ego. Sometimes we call it the Democratic individual. We say no eastern society could have produced this. We took this from the Greeks, we perfected it through the Romans, we brought it up through the medieval period, John Locke and Thomas Hobbes and all those folks fixed it up for us in the 18th century, Thomas Jefferson ironed out the wrinkles and the modern America is the shining example of what you can do when you impover the ego, the citizen, the individual." I don't get really what he's saying as I don't know crap about history and philosophy so it would be very appreciated if someone explained this. I'm also specifically interested in his mentioning of John Locke, because I found the guy very interesting as he was advocating for empiricism, which has showed to be the most valid way to discover relative, scientific truths, but I don't in any sense have a whole picture of him and his political stances. Thanks.
  11. There's not much ways to do it except meditation, self-inquiry, yoga, fasting, psychedelics and listening to other enlightened masters.
  12. They can if they haven't thought about and integrated the implications of it. But it would be hard not to do that once you get there..
  13. Give us one example of the truth not reached through subjective experience. Is it possible? Who would discover it then?
  14. Yeah, I said it might seem a little counter-intuitive. The model represents how Truth goes through many filters then, first of which is that we're a human being, then comes the paradigm, then the thoughts and emotions and then the behavior, or what is acted out in the "real world". However, still, all this is talking place in the Being, because we started from there. In the same way that thoughts are generated after paradigm, EVERYTHING we have in our experiences is generated in Being. It is Being, a.k.a. Awareness, a.k.a. Consciousness, a.k.a. God, a.k.a. Love. But you can't really put it into words, as it comes before the words. Words appear in it, not the other way around. Also, this is why I put it as the smallest dot. It's unspeakable of, yet unavoidable.
  15. Here is a simplified, unsophisticated model that might provide some additional understanding of this topic. I chose to break down the multiple structures of human-being. First we have Being, which is what Leo is trying to point to us with his work. This is basically who and what you are at the core level, and everything that really exists, so it might be a little counter-intuitive that I put it in the center, but bear with me. Then we have World View and Paradigm. This is what people tend to identify with the most, after being a human and fighting for survival of course. Leo always gives numerous examples of these in his videos. Neo-marxist, Realist, Atheist, Scientist, Christian, Buddhist, Hippie, Optimist, Enterprenuer, Self-help guy. Pragmatist, Socialist are just some of the labels we associate to this structure level. After this come the thoughts, concepts and mental structures that guide someone further with his actions or decisions. Everything is closely linked to and operates within the Paradigm one is locked in. Everything that falls outside of the paradigm is filtered out, justified, rationalized and demonized. When the conflict between the Paradigm and what we see in the real world arises, that becomes the main cause of strong emotions and devilry. This is where most of the collective suffering in the world is born. People want to cling on to their ideology so they see everything else as a threat to their identity, which they have to defend and stand for, because they must be right. Finally, we have the real world manifestation of all the sub-structures I described so far. Most people try to focus on changing their behaviour and then they wonder why it is so hard for them, but how can it be easy when you have all these massive and rigid sub-structures below this level. If any type of behaviour you immerse yourself in is going against the grain of those sub-structures, you're gonna experience resistance and your "will-power" will run out pretty quickly. Also, focusing on changing behaviour is working at the effect, not at the cause, so the results are also always going to be very surface-level. The deeper you go within changing and breaking down these structures, the deeper change it's gonna have to your life. But it's hard, and we don't wanna go down there. It seems as if you're going down the rabbit hole, and you are in a way. This is why working on uncovering your Being, realizing the true nature of who you are is the hardest, and at the same time the most rewarding work you can do.
  16. I've been watching actualized for quite some time now and I'm also doing the inner work stuff, without psychedelics yet, but I would say that I really heightened my level of consciousness and definitely some transformation has been occuring this year, it's like I'm just about to get struck by some deep insight, or lose my identity completely during the night of sleep, as it, weird to say, almost happened. In many videos, Leo says how everybody is God but most of us don't realize it. Funnily, what immediately comes through my head is does he mean me as a whole organism, or because everything is God, therefore every part of me is God? Would me minus my left ear still be the same God he's describing? I'm guessing yes, as he is saying that literally everything is God. Or is he "playing the game" that I'm the god, I just don't realize it because the "I" I'm refering to is a false self and that actually doesn't exist, only the God, Consciousness, Absolute Truth and Love exists? I know this is not a conceptual knowledge and everything, and if the answer won't really help me in any way, I don't mind getting this post deleted, but I thought it's worth a shot.
  17. @remember Oh sorry, I miss-connected the dots here
  18. @Serotoninluv @Inliytened1 @Nahm @Shadowraix @inFlow Thank you guys for reaching out. "I" finally got the realization, that is realized myself and see how there isn't anything else here, it's all just a manifestation because I can become any form I want, it just happened that in this human form I found myself in, I was identifying myself as human so strong because the only way in which I could seperate from my mother and fight for my own existance was to first become deluded of who I actually am, otherwise I would probably just be too impractical for this world
  19. This type of question is exactly what we're trying to point at here You always have to know everything about things, what about the middle huh? Let's pretend middle is a black-hole that launches you in the world of unicorns. How does that sound?
  20. @Druid420 I think what @Shadowraix is trying to point out might be what I was about to comment anyway. Even after gaining free will, you will get to conclusions you will get to. If you have a lot of consciousness you will "react" (or act if that soothes you more) in the world not by your prejudgments and selfish wants, but by something else, which wants Love, Union, Peace etc. So in a way, even though you might raise your consciousness, you will still choose the best possible option for you at that level, and that is kind of determined, because how much you'll think about making a decision is determined, what will strike you up in that moment is determined etc. Everything will play out as it will play out and you can't change it. Now you may say, "Naah, but I can change my reality!", but that is only something that will play out in its own way. You will decide to change how you will decide to change, because you will be sick of the same problems or patterns or environment. Sorry if I didn't articulate this quite well. Also, I would love to be proven wrong on my opinion!
  21. You can test IQ either by both complexity of questions, or time restriction.
  22. @Taylor04 Would you say this is yellow?