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Everything posted by petar8p
2-3 hrs of physical labour 3-4 h of practicing music 5-6 hours of recording music entrepreneurship/business ventures socializing / meeting new people meditation/staying healthy/exercise
What do you really want to ask here.. How do you start valuing yourself enough so that you start to work and take care for yourself? Monetizing things on your own is harder than working for someone else, and I think it's best when we shift from being employed to fully owning our business that pays us. It is a tough road. Do you see yourself working anywhere that doesn't require more advanced skills or couple years of experience. Entry-level positions?
Then they are not commited to their values enough? Whatever value type you have, on 10million people, there will be loads that support it and share the same ones!
Why do we have to come up with out of the blue theoretical examples to prove a point. Part of the survival is adapting to one's environment and peers while using your purpose as an anchor.
Your life purpose is a medium by which you can express your Inner purpose/Enlightenment.
Some Portugese hip hop gem I found today on youtube most popular list:
petar8p replied to James123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This doesn't seem true. In fact, the more present you are to the moment and one with the experience you're having, the more intense it is. So I don't really think the sense of being separate is the requirement for having an experience.. Ego is the one that says "Oh it's me who's having this experience", seperating itself from the rest, developing desires etc. A warm is still experiencing its life, it just cannot develop a construct of itself, a sense that it is a living thing that operates in nature.. It just is. We cannot say it is not experiencing, for then, what would experience even mean and why equate it to self awareness? -
Ok cool, when I told him this he answered that you guys never complain with his writing
petar8p replied to James123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@James123 bro are you sure you are not mistaking ego with a living creature? Ego is a trapped sense of self, which I doubt a new born experiences.. It hasn't even been called with a name enough times. All it hears and sees is totally messy.. -
Because culturally and historically it is understood that youth should express respect towards elderly, as we are literally living in the world that they have created and contributed to.. They have been your age and know what it's like to be that young. They experienced youth before you did. Least you can do is show some respect or politeness!
Letting Go by David Hawkins The Presence Process by Michael Brown And remember, it's not about learning about this as much as possible or buying tons of books. Pick a practice that you can stick to and resonates with you and go dig into your closet.. It's easy to intellectualize something that actually requires deep inner work and commitment. Good luck!
If that was not a cool and fulfilling experience for you, I'd say you're either not that present with them, experiencing through them, or it's just not your thing idk man.
Have you made girls squirt and/or laugh/cry while having sex?
Watch some Owen Cook latest videos, they're pretty dope and will get you on the track for sure!
hahah exactly
If we would be technical, I would say it's because of a few things. 1) It kind of just works with your thoughts. It doesn't add any strong visual or other sensual perceptions. You won't be led to Truth/God/Consciosness with it directly. 2) Psychedelics mostly bring a ONE time experience; whereas you can come off of weed and smoke it again with the same results. Psychedelics require some time to come off and chill, integrate the experience. THC is more like on/off button. 3) Most psychedelic drugs fall into one of the three families of chemical compounds: tryptamines, phenethylamines, or lysergamides
It is an act of kindness If you do it to search for Hapinees or fulfilling yourself, you cannot be satisfied from it. If you do it OUT of Hapiness and fulfilment, you will be grateful for the experience, enjoy it for what it is and it won't take anything from you. It won't be transactional, it will be a gift. Same is true with food, money, adrenaline, drugs or you name it. It's not the thing, but the place it's coming from!
Yes bro, you gotta relize you made this topic in order to get help. You got more than enough. The question is can you face your BS, start building discipline and apply it?
Also, the thing is, you wouldn't crave that. Infinite love. There is no reason as to why you would want to experience it all the time, if you have responsibilities and you're grinding on your life, you don't need infinite love then. It would even be counter-productive. God had to dumb itself down a lot and lose a lot of consciousness to choose to be on Earth and fight for survival and creating something over big periods of time. You will be in paradise again, where you can manifest what you want insatntly. But you get bored of that before you choose to manifest yourself on this planet where it takes a looooot of time and effort to achieve somethng great and leave your legacy. And infinite love, you will find it in your work and creativity. Eating good food. Basic things. That is called the integration.
Well if it's infinite, it cannot be taken away, right?
Because your actual life is not matching what you see on psychedelics. Get to some hard and deep, nitty-gritty work that will make your life matter in a few years. Psychedelics are time and energy consuming. It shows that you're not commited to your purpose or developing your craft like mad..
Don't you think this is too close to justifying an addiction? Ok, sorry I just read your other responses and warnings issued. Any addiction can ruin or damage your physical life, even if it makes you experience God.
Very true yes
First after realizing how addictive it is I uninstalled tik tok. Later on I used it to create content and it's way more fun to be on the opposite side.. Good for promoting music and educational content perhaps? Kids are probably spoiled with or without Tik tok, but I think it's definitely bad on the brain and affects child development/attention span..
When I feel love towards someone and want to express it, I say it. It shouldn't be something so hard and witholding.