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Everything posted by petar8p

  1. @electroBeam Thank you for expanding so beautifully, brother. @Lento No problem, glad I could play a part in opening your eyes
  2. Thank god you mean this. You should definitely consider hamering this point more in your videos, people don't see this side of the coin..
  3. Ok, let's try to do this. First of all, I don't get it why so many are upset about this kind of feedback, it really made disappointed. I think it's the best indicator of how attached many people are to Leo's opinion and spiral dynamics hierarchy in general. Many of you don't have necessary "survival" skills in place but are striving to achieve the most advanced insight a human can have. This simply doesn't work. We have to have the grounds covered first in order to build an Eiffel Tower. Trying to skip the steps wil only lead to having unintegated parts that we will eventually have to get back to if we want to become a "fully complete" individuals. Otherwise, spiritual bypassing will take place as it can be clearly seen in many of the posts on this forum. I see the common thread where if there is more than 2 pages of discussion, you can be sure it all went to shit. This is just the symptom of unstability of the people here. No one is able to read and think about what is being said. Everybody is jumping to conclusions and telling others where they're wrong, how are they "projecting" and why they should just do the work, while ironically typing it on a forum while not being "enlightened" and clearly not doing the work themselves. Can you observe that many people on this thread didn't acknowledge what I said at all, they just spit out their belief system onto what I said. If someone would've actually considered it, the response would be along the lines of "Good that you brought this up, it's an interesting thought. However, I think this and this" or "I think it should be a concern to the forum definitely based on.." Do you see? You can agree with me or disagree with me by not taking a stance. By being open and exploring this issue together. Sorry, but I admit I'm a bit frustrated and sad to see all this, especially by the fans of a guy who is supossedly valuing radical honesty, open-mindedness and insights about how hierarchies ultimately corrupt people and they are so hard to arrange. Well, if they are so hard to arrange, why not discussing about potential improvements, and if the propositions don't seem to would have been an actual improvements, then elaborately and simply giving feedback on why you think the OP is wrong, but with respect and temper. I think we have to have a better communication quality here, otherwise it's just a mass of people throwing their shadows back and forth. I don't say I'm right on this. I don't say I'm not. I believe I'm not and that's why I opened a new thread. I care about this community a lot and I would like to take part in suggesting some potential changes that Leo might consider valuable long-term. Thank you, and be careful how you continue to communicate. Appreciate you guys..
  4. I will get back to this thread with a big reply to try and break some things down. I will try to cover each objection but in a systematic approach. Would be appreciated if no further replies are made until then. If you have something to write, you can write it and not post, one of the beautiful features of this forum is that what you write somewhere stays saved so you can always get back and post. Thanks.
  5. This is classic spiritual bypassing. You don't see what I'm talking about, you're just happy that you've stubmled upon some basic knowledge of front-end programming and you can share now how we can solve this without Leo intervening. That's not the point mate.
  6. I'm not saying anything about the mods whatsoever. They have to be here, and I respect that.
  7. No, I don't see what feedback are you trying to provide with what I said. You don't have to share it through the story or whatever, it's ok to be really brutally honest and direct with me, I actually prefer that over anything else
  8. Because he stopped caring by realizing infinite love is taking care of everything
  9. I still don't see what's your point. Care to be more direct?
  10. Oh thank god someone gets this. Thank you brother <3
  11. I didn't say you have to. You don't have to anything, but there is a subconscious tendency that people do that and my question is why not reduce that tendency to zero? This is exactly what I'm trying to warn against. There is this spiral-dynamics hierarchy in place and everyone is striving and taking everything from "higher" people. There are no higher people, and spiral dynamics is just a damn precise, useful model that was never supposed to replace any kind of hierarchies. Now you're just making a point that's not really a point and kind of avoids the "issue" I'm trying to address with this thread. But I don't see what would be wrong we that either though.. That's a pretty good proposal, thanks.
  12. why would we? there's so many beautiful things to do in this world, and we will go back to the infinite awareness anyway after we physically die, so what's the point?
  13. @hamedsf The problem is not in the severity, severity is just the effet of the problem of status game in the first place. This place can be much more mature then waiting until things get out of control, although that might be necessary..
  14. @Tanz Good for you, I don't know how somebody could not notice that, it's kind of too obvious, that's the point of the colour after all. Maybe ask Leo for better user-experience The thread is just a proof of what I assumed. We don't need placed hierarchies, it's birth of the ego.
  15. That's what I'm saying. If we decide who we trust, why colouring certain members which subconsciously influences who we will trust?
  16. Please realize and see that 90% of the forum content are people getting into conflicts and demonizing with each other, holding onto the words and definitions, and then of course, Leo responding how you should stop asking silly questions and focus on the work. It's easy to sit back in a chair, criticize and poke holes in the imperfection of teachings, instead of actually appreciating the nobleness of it and START. This has been my observation here and I think it needed to be said, if it wasn't already.
  17. The value of Leo and his work is absolutely inexpressible. You have a guy who has went through a lot of different facets to enlightenment and he is giving you direct instructions on how to achieve the thing all beings have been "striving" to achieve for millions of years. You have it on your finger tips. Most direct, most extensive, most frequently updated and polished, FREE content and instructions on how to get there. All you have to do is follow the instructions, let your ego aside for a couple of months/years and determine your ass to realize this. This is the work that's gonna change how you feel, how you approach your problems, how you approach others, how you communicate, how you relate to yourself. Most importantly, this is meant to change and heal the world. All the years of suffering and confusion are leading to this. Massive change and shift on global scale. And it's coming, and you're witnessing it. As you must. There is no one else to witness it but you. There is only one witness. We're all the same witness but we had to forget it in order to survive in this world and learn how to be a part of society, a part of the tribe. I don't know what to tell you anymore. But you are all blessed already. You are already enlightened, you crossed the finish line. This is just a divine play you're blind to and you can't recognize because you're so invested in survival and your petty little problems. You can choose to drop that every single second and elevate yourself to new levels, the levels of Truth, Clarity, Love, Happiness and Peace. Love you all, keep "doing" this work!
  18. There's no use to this thread. It's too conflicting to make anything good out of it.
  19. Yes. As you snap out of the ego and become more present, there's different "sympthoms" of that in the physical body, and since you're more aware of everything because your mind is not hijacked by the ego, it's really easy to read who is present and who is not in the social environment. Eyes are one of the "things" that portray this the best. Basically people who are more present will have clearer gaze because they're not trying to hide anything. They will be more open and less defensive, and you can read this off really well just by the look of someones eyes, or the way they move them. There is no way to hide not being present, and I think women pick up on this really easily because if someone doesn't worry too much, it shows that they're comfortable with themselves, and if they're comfortable with themselves, most likely they are alfa in the tribe and know how to survive easily. I might be getting too much into the biological-evolution territory here but it kinda just makes sense.
  20. You think you have better spiritual understanding than Tyler?
  21. There is nothing to know. It's already done for you.
  22. I'm pretty happy most of the time at this point. I'm overcoming my personal problems way easier now. I'm smoother in social interactions, I create deeper connections. I'm more caring and loving towards myself and I can think really practically when I want to. Victim mentality is almost gone completely and when it arrives back I usually drop it in matter of seconds. Existential questions haven't arose for a while now..
  23. Sorry, not a moderator, but let's at least try to stick to the thread!
  24. I don't think it's a distaction, maybe he could use some of the constructive feedback here to update his teaching style if he thinks it has to be so. The last part of what I said is the most important, so I'd like for him to answer directly what does he think of this thread. @Leo Gura