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Everything posted by petar8p

  1. First message was good, and you got a good reaction.. After that you're kind of going overboard with the humor that's very specific and you're not leading the interaction forward. It seems like you're wanting to confuse her whether you're gaming her or not, but too much. What were your intentions in mind sending her the first text?
  2. Try harder how? I resonate with the integrity part as well and how it tends to leave one sexless but honestly now that I have come to think of it, "sexual integrity" (if we wanna call it that) from a male POV is literally useless and a stupid thing to abide by. I've always been respectful and nice (not overly nice though) towards everyone, girls included. And that's it. You're just "a nice guy". I've had many girl friends in my life that I've been nice to, and some that I've liked romantically as well. I'm chill, funny, witty. I certainly have more good attributes than bad when it comes to being either a friend or a partner. Guess what I'm not and have never been towards the opposite sex though? Intense, selfish, opportunistic, bluntly direct. And that's just left me a single, 22 y/o virgin. Now, the funny part is, these girls I liked and was nice towards, were all eventually taken by a guy who was intense, selfish, opportunistic, and bluntly direct. This guy would date them, fuck them, leave them an emotional mess, whatever. Literally all of them without fail. He got what he wanted and made an actual lasting impression on them, other than just "he's a nice guy". See where I'm going with this? While we're playing the respectful type always remaining in the background somebody else isn't and he's the one winning. Girls fall for them all the time anyway. Might as well be me then. I'm done hiding my sexual impulses, and the OP shouldn't either. Heck, we don't even have to get too far from home. You, for example, were ready to fall for this handsome Instagram mini-influencer who messaged you and I can guarantee, is messaging many other girls as well. But you decided to overlook this and give him a chance (although I believe he didn't message you back, correct?), despite saying that you want this amazingly deep, spiritual relationship and whatnot, yet deep down you know it had high chances of being a flop. Now the reason I say this is because that guy is a good example of someone who is 99% likely to be fucking many girls, not actually looking for anything serious, and they all flock towards him despite saying they want respect, equality, and all kinds of things. But tbh I know that women just say this for plausible deniability and their real intentions aren't really what they say they are. Here's a deep, honest answer from Teal Swan. Thank me later and post what you think.
  3. Thanks, I'll try this. It often takes me more than half an hour falling asleep.
  4. @Preety_India compliment the shit out of him while talking dirty/it has to seem authentic
  5. I think Leo is right. "Focusing on my music right now" sounds like an excuse. It's great that he made a step to even approach her, but it's better being completely honest with yourself knowing you wouldn't mind having a chill night with a cute brunette ?
  6. @Antor8188 Start talking to and becoming comfortable with other girls. Girls can feel how you feel around them and if they sense that you hang out with lots of other women and have an abundance to choose from, they'll be curious and probably make it happen on their own. If they sense you're tense around, afraid of getting sexual and losing all hope if it doesn't happen, you're out of the game brother..
  7. Ego got a bad rep in spiritual circles. Experiences of no self should be a tiny phase on someone's spiritual journey, yet people try to demonize it and disidentify from their human self, which isn't healthy or helpful. We have to get back to the body and form a friendly and loving relationship to ego so it becomes our loved servant, not something to destroy or try to disidentify from. Most people who fight their ego's either don't like themselves or they're fighting with unworthiness..
  8. I bet he has an explanation ?
  9. This question is specifically aimed towards women in here. What is your definition of guy fucking you well? What would he had to do in order for you to think that or brag about his skills to your friends?
  10. Cool experience man. I would say to trust your intuition going forward. If you think you need to take some time off, take it! Yours dealer truly! ✌️
  11. More practical solution: Buy Endless Options course from Jessy from simple pickup. He laid everything down perfectly in terms of how your profile needs to look and what it needs to represent that females find attractive. It's not purely external-based advice either. He also tells you in what ways your thinking and self-image is flawed and some exercises you can do to improve it and make yourself more comfortable with expressing yourself in more positive and socially acceptable light. (Not promoting anything here btw, but in my experience it was an extremely good investment.)
  12. It's called unworthiness. Subconsciously you probably believe that you don't deserve success, or social power/authority. You can find all the methods but this is the core of your issue and until you start working on it somehow, you will just be fixing symptoms and neglect the cause.
  15. @Cosmin_Visan idk, but I find all spiritual teachers to have a pretty strong ability of critical thinking and seem to have a high IQ. I think this is worth investigating.
  16. @Rilles Yes! And this guy is really intelligent and articulate I've heard of this concept by the girl from TedTalk and have resonated with it a lot, still it's hard keeping track and filtering out interests that seem to be non-productive. I also agree with @aurum and believe that this is one of the "traps" of capitalism. In order to be effective and start making money relatively quickly, you must focus only on one thing and be consistent at it, which totally goes against the nature of some creative and curious folks, but overall I think this is a positive challenge for us in and of itself..
  17. Man, I like that you worked on something valuable for yourself and you wanna help others out, but just be open to the possibility that this might not be useful to you or anybody else. Well, to you it's useful because you've created something bigger, learned a bunch of stuff and grew along the way. But creating an online-product without researching what people actually want and charging it for free is a recipe for no results unfortunately. People have to see value in the products, invest and be moved by it. Watch the video and consider other means of helping people.. Doesn't matter if you wanna make money with this or not, stick to the video it has a great explenation of why this is a bad idea.. I don't wanna discourage you here, just an honest advice and something you might need to hear. Looking forward to your response!
  18. Yeah, you're doing great. I know, one person believing in you is all it takes Glad I could help ?
  19. @FourSeasons Let yourself have a few weeks/months of a grieving period where you don't do much but just face all the dark things about your situation. Don't try to feel better, let the emotions crush you if they get overwhelming. If you completely surrender to this experience, you will learn a lot and get strong enough to start building life for yourself. Think about what lifestyle you wanna live without a partner, find out about different hobies you love, join some groups you find interesting and where you can meet people with similiar interests. This will also open up chances of meeting someone new and make you realize more about yourself and what you like. You're going to be fine!!
  20. Start approaching women, realign with your purpose and listen to rap if you can find the songs you like..
  21. @Bridge to Infinity Why did you thought your criticism would pass on his forum?
  22. This is the answer. I don't understand why people kept posting after this
  23. I have a question. Why are mods of this forum, and yourself, Leo Gura colored differently than other members? Doesn't that indicate a sort of a hierarchy and subconsciously implies authority? Didn't you say that we should only trust ourselves? If yes, why not simply just put the moderator below moderators names? Isn't that enough to show that someone else has the right to assess whether the content you're posting is in match with forum's guidelines? Here'e something from my experience, and I'm pretty sure others can relate. After reading several threads, I realized I was more and more just skimming through, looking for green and red (yourself) colored members. I know you may look at this as my personal flaw, and in a way it is, but why use this to potentially affect people's subconscious? I don't know if you thought about this, or are aware what kinds of problems this would cause, but I would definitely recommend considering to change this because of the layed out reasons..
  24. This is not a conspiracy guys, please watch and share with your friends and family: