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Everything posted by petar8p
Best option for being on good terms in the future is putting her aside for a while..
For the love of women, don't do this. It's butthurt as fuck. Instead, just accept this unwanted behaviour as a part of game. Don't turn it into a self-hate. It happens to everybody, even the best teachers you watch only, which btw, invested thousands of hours into this.. Why would some random guy on the street be special? Why would she bother investing time and energy into him? Even if it's a simple text? It still takes willingness to engage. Not to mention that with every beautiful girl, there's so much guys hitting her up and texting her. Instead, focus on creating a genuine connection and try bonding over your highest values and interests so shen she gets home tired and checks the message you are of some importance in her head..
You mean saying "No" to other women while he's with you, or something else?
I blocked all my ex's Social Media so it's invisible to me. You can even tell her why you're doing it, honestly. Give yourself a process of 6-10 months to heal and rediscover yourself.
Just start interacting and getting comfortable more and more with women, get good at making friends in general, they'll be around..
There's some high quality earplugs for nightclubs that cancel lots of excessive noise.. Also it will protect your ears. Just google it and try to find in your country..
I didn't miss the analogy, just showed why it's a bad one for this discussion.
Elon Musk is a founder of multiple successful companies. He created the company, he's responsible for its revenue and success. Why would he put the desicions of his company that he has proven an authority to lead and navigate its real-life difficulties to someone who has not proven it as well. He's not obligated to give people desicions on something that has to do with the future of his company. He created it, he can do whatever he wants with it (theoretically) and that's his role within that system. You have not created (hopefully ?) the girl that you're dating and everything that happens in that relationship effects both parties. Some random guy doesn't pay the consequences that come from bad choices within the company. I agree but masculine and feminine within the relationship is so much more than leading or following and every individual possesses both od these qualities within him or herself to various degrees which will reflect in the unique type of how relationship should be. You cannot even strictly plan your own life and relationships do come with way more complexities than living single ?
Sorry about the other quote. Compromise comes from both parties. If she's not ready to succumb to some of my priorities, she's not respecting me. If I'm not ready to succumb to some of her priorities, I don't respect or value her. Why does it have to be black and white where either you lead fully and don't compromise and give her space to make desicions within relationship or you turn into a pussy that values her above yourself? In my opinion and experience the point of a juicy relationship is to keep finding the ever-changing sweetspot and be willing to rediscover where relationship next both leads you to. Something feels too tyrannical and close-minded about making it all your vision. Except if she doesn't have ambition and priorities in her life and needs a man to tell her entirely where she belongs in his life - which is cool too, but I would assume they're not falling under most guy's category of high value women anyway.
If you don't believe Relationships are heavily based in compromise, you've either never been in a serious one or never respected your partner's feelings, worldview and vision, which is worse. There's a reason we're collectively shifting from patriarchal values. The other extreme is just as bad but we need to find a sweet spot. Perhaps in game you're better off not compromising too much and dominating the shit out of her, but living with somebody or just sharing a life together is completely different story.
Yeah well extracting the pleasure part of eating and eating just to eat healthy might be even worse, I agree. You can eat tasty without eating junk though.
I love seduction, I think it's great and it can help you develop character and bring great stories and valuable experiences in your life. I feel like I'm better at it every month. I don't do tons of approaches. I do challenge myself to do them and face my fears and self-doubt that way. Doing it a lot and turning it into a training just feels off. It feels try hard, dry. We turn women into numbers and confirmation about our idea of ourselves. We shouldn't measure our importance or value based on how many chicks we seduced in a week, even though it's what we biologically are inclined to do. A happy, conscious, fulfilled man, knowing his value and enjoying his life being single; it seems like such a man would take a chance of meeting a beautiful woman that slips through his day, just like one takes a rose besides the road to enjoy its fregrance. We meet them for who they are. If it doesn't click, we're ready to write it off and let her continue with her life and let ourselves move on. We don't hate ourselves for it. We don't have to immediately open a topic asking for help. We don't assume there's something wrong about us. Something in need of changing. A rejection is simply a rejection. For sure if we take more opportunities we will get better. No doubt. But why rush? Are we ruining our experience and joy of the process by this approach? What is our self-talk? Instead, we know our day is going to come. If we keep capitalising on our opportunities, we WILL get better, and we will find a sexual or romantical match that will be sweeter than 50 lays and 400 numbers we so desperately worked on getting to confirm our efforts. At some point we need to question ourselves what is this all about for us? Women have blessed and keep blessing my life in so many ways and I think it's too easy to get distracted in the numbers, especially in the current popular pickup narrative and with the current state of masculinity. I cannot keep track of more than 2-3 girls in my life anyway. It gets too chaotic. I can talk/interact with a lot of women throughout the day for the joy and sake of it. But it doesn't feel like a military; it feels like joyous exchange of the sexual energy and complimenting each others' polarity. What do you think? Hope I inspire a great transmission! ?
Makes sense
Yesterday, I was watching a soccer game with some friends. It was in a bar/restaurant. We're also friends with the guy that makes pizza there. At one moment, he recommended let's all get a brisket dish, cuz someone's order got messed up and he could get it then at half a price. Now I'm a vegetarian currently and it was kind of a pressure sitting there being only one not to eat while they all share mutual pleasure and praise the food. But you know what, it lasted for 10-15 minutes until they were done. And some choices for our bodies and lifestyle do come at an expense of feeling weird and not part of a group in those moments. But I was fine afterwards and we continued to have a good time. The more it happens, the better I can handle it. The same is true with the sugar or whatever. If you're avoiding sugars and you just feel better with no cravings, why would you succumb to the peer pressure. You can make fun of yourself and fuck around with it for 10 minutes, it's not a big deal. I think the group will be ok with it as long as you don't believe you're better than them in that moment. But it's a broader issue of being worthy enough of holding your frame and standing what you're for instead of adapting to the status quo. Of course you wanna be a part of the group as much as possible, it makes sense and if you feel odd in that group frequently, you know what? You can find other people. Similiar choices - similiar worldviews - similiar values and probably life path. You will find your tribe and feel more belonging than adapting your life choices to accustom to the group..
Even if you were looking to only hook up? Because I like to always get personal and intimate but I'm at a point where I don't wanna be in a commited relationship so I try not doing it too much..
I would 10/10 times accept rejection rather than to deal with flakiness. Rejection is straightforward, it means "You don't interest me." "I don't wanna go out with you." Flake leaves this open possibility of there might be a reason that she didn't accept the date this time, let's try it again. I respect the women's courage to say no and I'm more grateful on it than a flake. It's more valuable and since I asked her out I'm ready for a no as well. Men are rational beings and sometimes have trouble with more subtle cues women are trying to give.. Also this
petar8p replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Cause you realize Religion just doesn't cut through with its explanations and Science seems like a good substitute for it, introducing Bing Bang Theory not needing a creator for everything to exist. It is a point of view, a perspective. More legit than believing in Religous God. Not experiencing God, not seeing it, not believing in it, it can only leave sceptics hang onto Atheism and I don't see anything odd with it, kind of makes sense. -
petar8p replied to petar8p's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You mean topic examples that demonstrate healthy discussion vs. unhealthy? -
How come a channel and a forum revolved around actualizing oneself, consciousness, Enlightenment, Love, Oneness has so much accusing, pointing fingers, attacking each others' stances within 90% of the threads. What do you think this is indicative of? Can we do something about this and create together a new way of relating towards each other? These are open-ended question and I would like to invite anybody who's gonna join this conversation to try to do it in a conscious, thoughtful and loving way. Let's try and see how far we can go..
Because you felt pressured and you're not used to those situations. Confidence, Worthiness, Self-love also is the key, but constantly interacting and getting into a habit of moving interaction forward is what helps a lot as well. Don't bite yourself too much, there is plenty of opportunities in front of you. You made someone's day
Get to know people in high-end clubs and restaurants then get familiar and igrained within their hierarchy structure. There should be plenty of high-value women sticking around. Also, sign up for some dance lessons like Salsa. Plenty of more experienced, high quality women to find there as well. They also throw a lot of events..
You move the fuck out and skyrocket in life by surrounding yourself with positive and ambitious people!
Penis penetrating a vagina. Why are you asking this bro?
Nothing is up to her to decide. Women need to be led, they follow your "orders" or reject them. If you don't think this is fair, you can try talking to God or smh. Just kidding, enjoy your journey
Why does everyone think this is bad to ask wtf. It's basic conservation. Don't make it a big deal, but after of few minutes of getting to know each other and vibing it's ok to ask, doesn't take away from anything.. If you're in the right state it can be the first question you ask her, doesn't matter.