Heart of Space

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Everything posted by Heart of Space

  1. You didn't write 'I think' before stating that part about physical addiction. Weed might, MIGHT, have physical withdrawal symptoms with chronic use. The general consensus is that it doesn't have any form of physical addiction properties. The addiction if there is one is purely related to psychological reasons. With psychedelics yes there is the tolerance issue, but that just lessens the effectiveness of the drug, it doesn't stop people from taking it. There are plenty of people who use LSD, for example, who clearly have addiction issues.
  2. The fuck are you talking about? There's less risk of physical addiction than there is with coffee. It's not even worth talking about, doofus. I'd bet my life that any slight physical addiction to cannabis is comparable to a physical addiction to any psychedelic from chronic use.
  3. @Epiphany_Inspired I don't wish you the best because you will get the best no matter what the outcome. You are where you are supposed to be, now. Surrender to all outcomes. <3
  4. Story of my life. I can't keep the stuff around my house for that reason. That being said, if used in moderation it can be useful for gaining insight and understanding into how your mind works. It's a good tool. Plus, believe it or not, psychedelics become a chronic crutch for many people as well.
  5. It is not uncommon to have anxiety, panic, or paranoia. But those aren't necessarily life destroying consequences either. Most of the time that comes from irronsponsible dosing, or the person who's taking it has a tendency towards those things. The life destroying consequences, however, are fairly rare occurrences. The smart thing to do is to start with baby doses to see how you react and have a trip sitter. Never take what's called a "heroic dose" they are pointless and you're asking for negative consequences by pointlessly overloading your brain with this chemical.
  6. I experience a tingling sensation in my nuts and have sexual thoughts while reading your posts, Nom Noms. I'm getting good at this already. Do I pass your test, senpai?
  7. Every word in my post is just 'noise.' Every word ever written is 'noise.'
  8. All human bodies are born at some point in some form. That's how this particular universe works assuming you're in the same one I am, although it seems a lot of people on this forum are in other universes than I am. Though I guess from the perspective of formless awareness you never begin or end, so if that's what you're referring to you aren't born.
  9. Your concern is valid. Making it hard to the point where it takes away from my ability to properly meditate is definitely a concern of mine. There is definitely a possibility that this could go poorly for me. In terms of safety, an eleven day fast is pretty safe from a health stand point, so I'm not too concerned there. At worst, I risk getting a less effective use of the retreat. I am open to that being a possibility. But know that I'm taking it very seriously and am going to prepare myself all the way up to the retreat so that I'm as ready as I possibly can be. It's somewhat ambitious, but I am willing to take risks for the potential reward. Whatever happens I will share my results honestly.
  10. Somewhat. I've done several 3 day fasts and one 4 day fast. This one will be the longest, but I think I can handle it ok.
  11. Awesome. Great to hear another good Vipassana experience. Very motivating for my upcoming second 10 day retreat at the SW Vipassana center here in December. I'm planning on fasting for 11 days for this next one (even though technically it's against the rules :P)
  12. Ah Russell, he's the perfect example of someone who is socially intelligent and can talk about these idea's in a way where people are very accepting of him. Truly something to aspire too. Very much in contrast to Jim Carrey lol.
  13. I quit abusing drugs. I have 80% less anxiety. I love more deeply. I feel compassion for people who I previously have perceived as antagonists in my life. I've gained a deep understanding of the mechanics of my ego and mind. I've let go control of my reality to God. And this is only the beginning for me.
  14. The function it has is advantageous to our survival. If you look at the basic function of ego, to not be satisfied and grasp at the external world in pursuit something, it makes sense that a high functioning creature would evolve such a thing. The function of ego is very beneficial for your survival, especially in a high stakes environment like humans were in 100,000 years ago. The problem is that in modern society everything is handed to you and pretty much everyone can survive with no trouble at all. The result is that the ego is emphasized and strengthened because it's constantly grasping to change its situation for the better and it's doing it successfully almost 100% of the time. Because the function of the ego is to continually grasp even when you have a society set up seemingly to satisfy all desires, it is not successful in bringing you happiness. Not only that it only really sets a higher standard for which you must grasp, as in more pleasure and more avoidance of discomfort. Once you understand this you see the importance of lessening or eradicating ego completely for the sake of your happiness.
  15. Words are a load of horse shit.
  16. It's a narrative pertaining to reality that is purely known.
  17. It can be antagonistic to love absolutely. But being antagonistic to ego can potentially compound the problem. Do you disagree with that? Haven't heard the joke. How does it go, nom nom?
  18. That's his point, lil Nom Nahm's. It's the ego that is being antagonistic to the ego when it labels it as this sort of villainous entity. That can mislead you to misunderstand the structure of ego and its fundamental motives. Being loving towards it melts it away and reveals it's true reasons for doing the things it does and it's often very pitiable motives relating to hurt and fear. I only really responded because I wanted to call you by my cute new nick name for you, Nom Nahms.
  19. No doubt things like beauty and sexuality are strong forces of attraction for men. No one wants you to repress that. The problem is that modern culture warps how we think of beauty in females and it also warps how we think about and approach sex in a very negative way. Beauty standards from media like porn and movies make women feel like they need to look and act like something they are not. And men are unconsciously conditioned into judging women by these standards. Men also tend to have a very physical and genital centric view of sex. That view of sex is strange because you're viewing another human being as a sort of simple masturbatory tool and that tool's effectiveness is based purely on purely physical features which can be rated with a linear number system. Modern objectification of women at its finest. Natural and healthy sexuality is much different. Natural attraction is not breaking down the other person by body part in this really specific sort of simplistic judgement of physical attractiveness. That feeling of attraction to someone is something that happens involuntarily independent of any sort of mental breakdown of a females body. Attraction just happens on the intuitive level. People don't know this, which is why you have these phenomenons where gay men often don't know they're gay till much later in life. Many people don't even understand their own sexuality fully because they don't listen to their bodies intuitive feelings of attraction. Instead, they falsely use intellectual constructs that they've learned from society and things like pick up culture to inform their sexual behaviors. No one is asking you to be Jesus Christ in a cave meditating. Just to be more aware of how you been conditioned to think about sex and dating in an unhealthy way and maybe learn to rely on your bodies intuitive sexuality. The body knows what it wants, let it do its thing.
  20. Ah, the old I have no intelligent response to you, so I'm going to cop out in a way that makes me look apathetic to your points response. Love that one.
  21. No, it's not ok. Your view of dating and women is not ok. It's unhealthy and it's very representative of the modern males view these days. It's gross. No, you were implying that a vagina is separate to the rest of the female body. Implying that a female with a busted face still has a slimy warm hole to put your boner in. Nothing wrong with truckers. It was hyperbole. Eh, I'm being dramatic cause I have head phones on and am listening to dramatic music and it affects my mood, but the sentiment is still the same. I was making a point. Not a very substantive response, dawg. You're a bit immature in your view of women I gather. I'd imagine your first real intimate romantic relationship should cure that though don't worry.
  22. You sure affirm your supposed success with women a lot. Who are you trying to convince? In my experience people who have successful relationships with women don't distill female attractiveness down to a flawed number rating system and describe female genitalia like a porn addicted obese trucker shortly before implying that you'll be happy to use a "6/10's" pussy as a masturbation tool for yourself to your own selfish sexual satisfaction regardless of a busted face. The problem with you saying that you "have success with women" and then you talk about women in this way has few possible likely explanations. Anyone who has had close romantic relationships with women understands the female psychology and therefore understands how this sort of view of women causes them a lot of distress. So, either you've never had an intimate romantic relationship with a female, or you're a sociopath and just don't give a fuck. Which is it? Immature, or just lacking the neurological features to have the capacity to have empathy for women?
  23. Yea, I actually disagree with the vilification of ego quite a bit in a lot of cases. It is a scared and ignorant child that needs reassurance and love. When it gets that it naturally tends to surrender itself to the natural flow of the world. Also, I think a lot of the purpose of saying the ego is 'satan' is a metaphor that serves the purpose of helping people perceive it in a way they're not used to. As in, usually people point the finger outwards and proclaim things external are evil or the enemy when in reality there own ego is the source of the perception of it. Both views have a valid purpose and use.