Heart of Space

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Everything posted by Heart of Space

  1. You don't need to presuppose the existence of other minds to play the role of an individual reacting to other individuals in the dream. It's not necessary.
  2. Because there are still structure that this dream adhere's by. It's the same reason why people in that state don't try to walk through walls
  3. I'll follow your path as long as you leave a trail of gram rocks of coke and naked hookers like Hansel and Gretel. I'll be short on your tail to enlightenment.
  4. I second this. May we all be moist in thy mighty presence.
  5. I'm not projecting at all. This post is in the right direction, you're at least explaining yourself a little better. All I'm trying to say is, man, that I don't even really understand what the point of your post is even if it's genuinely trying to actually help the guy you quoted. I'm just giving my perspective on the helpfulness of your posts. Ultimately it's just my perspective, take it or leave it. It's cool either way.
  6. Don't make me come tongue tickle your phalanges and give you a moist and wet thorough squishing of your many squish sacks. ALL your squish sacks.
  7. You seem to have a habit in pointing out others wording, then attributing beliefs to them, and then implying that said attributed beliefs are negative without any further explanation. If you have a point to make this is not very helpful if you're genuinely trying to help others see a new perspective.
  8. Yes, I agree with your thoughts. I've also realized that it can trigger ego in others just simply by saying it on top of giving others the wrong sort of idea about enlightenment being binary that could cause confusion and frustration. Too many facets to enlightenment and there's too much baggage attached to the word itself.
  9. @Leo Gura Very cool, I definitely look forward to that one. Back when I was a typical skeptic atheist type I read and studied a lot of about evolution. But, of course it was always from narrow keyhole perspective of materialist thinkers like Richard Dawkins, (the guy writes some brilliant science books btw). The Selfish Gene in particular is a must read, even if anyone disagree's with the fundamental paradigm he comes from. Shame Richard Dawkins never smoked some DMT, he'd probably have some really interesting things to say about it. And I concur on the idea about the universe having some sort of perfect and infinite intelligence. I've had many very strong intuitive experiences of some sort of universal intelligence tripping and sober, so I'm definitely open minded to that sort of thing. It's hard to articulate, but I did write some stuff a while back trying to describe it, maybe I'll post about it sometime. Very fascinating topic. It will be cool to hear your take on it.
  10. @Shanmugam Yea, I assure you I don't disregard Osho even if I haven't delved too deeply into his teachings. I understand this whole path well enough to no longer project my own ideal of how enlightenment should be expressed in human form and behavior. Of what I've seen of him he seems very intelligent and puts across the idea's in very charismatic and creative ways. I'll probably get around to reading some of his work at some point.
  11. @ShanmugamYea, I don't really find your argument for it being binary very compelling when everything in my experience tells me it's the opposite. I'm more than willing to eat my words on this my friend. That wine metaphor isn't so much a good argument either, at least to me. Love ya, buddy, you make some really well written posts so don't take this as me denigrating you as a poster. I value your contributions.
  12. Yea, this is a pretty spot on post. And I just want to clarify something about my post where I claimed I was enlightened to you specifically. I partially called myself enlightened because at the time it was hilarious at the expense of my ego's previously held beliefs about how grand enlightenment was and the added context of my insane life struggle to escape my suffering and achieve something that ended up being far more subtle and ordinary than I could ever imagine. I'm not special, I'm highly fallible, always learning and that will never stop. It was just a beautiful moment for me and gave me a lot of hope and love for the world in addition to seeing through illusion. But yea, if you see me step out of line, Nahm, feel free to bitch slap my ass (*erhm my enlightened ass ) because I'm definitely not above making mistakes. I guess respect (and everyone here as well of course), so I wanted you to know that I'm not completely delusional.
  13. You know, I think this post is pretty spot on. I can't really disagree with the fundamental idea behind what you're saying. I guess all I was really trying to get at is that I'm afraid that some people are sort of making the same mistake that you claim science is, just a different flavor of that mistake. One way or another your interpretation of the evidence leads you to the belief that the universe is intelligent. That's perfectly fine, but I just think that it could be hindering to spiritual progress to hold on to your beliefs too strongly regardless of whether or not contemporary science supports them or shuns them. I think there's a tendency to have some resentment towards the arrogance and negative nihilistic view of western materialism and that can drive you to believe things like "the universe is intelligent" much stronger than is helpful to you. I'm not necessarily saying you do this, for the record, I say 'you' rhetorically. Because ultimately what is dogma experientially? Too put it in a really unsexy sort of way it's simply a belief that's held onto tightly. It's the kind of belief that when someone questions it you get a little tense, or emotional. Which is ultimately why I say that the belief in an unintelligent or intelligent universe is unimportant. The content of the belief is unimportant. How tightly those beliefs are held, either way, is very, very important. It's kind of why enlightened people often tend to have seemingly crazy and ridiculous (to the western mind of course) beliefs about the world. They sort of loosely paint the world in beautiful colors of the mind at their whim, but they are never too attached to any particular color. It flows and is free. That's why I feel Yogananda's view of the world is so touching and beautiful. He was obviously so free and full of love and did not hold onto any particular interpretation of the world or belief. Anyways, I hope that communicates what I was trying to say.
  14. I mostly agree on both counts of dogma in regards to paranormal phenomena and evolution being purposeless and unintelligent. But, you lose me when you say that you believe that evolution is not unintelligent on the basis that your interpretation of the evidence shows otherwise. Or, that science should believe in paranormal activity because the your interpretation of the evidence supposedly shows it. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I would say dogma has nothing to do with the content of a belief, but rather how tightly that belief is held by the mind or ego. Ultimately the content of either belief is untruth, so whichever belief you do have doesn't really matter. However, holding on to one or the other too tightly, as incontrovertible truth, is what makes it dogma. That considered, whatever belief you have is just noise. Also, I have alcoholic farts today and they're quite brutal.
  15. Is that really dogma though? I think when people say random it can often mean many different things like that it's deterministic in nature versus created with purpose by God, which is in my eyes completely compatible with what you're saying. It also doesn't necessarily mean that that's held as some sort of incontrovertible truth in the same way a Christian believes in young earth creationism. If science has anything that could be considered dogma it's that an external material world exists. Or that scientific conclusions and descriptions of reality are actual truth rather than mental conceptual scaffolding which helps map your way through reality. Sorry if I'm nit picking your example, I just feel like dogma is too strong of a word for what you brought up.
  16. Don't be too disappointed, but that's Matt Silver, he's doing a street act. Still, good message, and I'm sure on some level it's authentic.
  17. Agreed. The level to which that stuff affects sleep and your long term well being is far greater than people realize. Which is why I'm always confused when they allow black tea drinking at Vipassana retreats. People at the retreats can be seen drinking caffeinated tea 3 times a day, which is a strong craving and the antithesis of what you're going for with your results.
  18. You're not only done with psychedelics for the year, man. You're done forever if you care about your well being. What you did was insanely irresponsible and shows that you shouldn't be touching anything like this. That being said, I'm very sorry for what happened to you man, I really am. You're probably in a pretty rough place, but just know that you CAN and WILL get back to a much more positive place given you make the right life choices. It's time to clean up your life, eat healthy, exercise, meditate, and zero substance use. Not even caffeine if you can help it. Good luck.
  19. I don't believe or disbelieve too strongly. I'm just skeptical. I'm honestly pretty easily convinced in the right situations. They've documented a marathon monk doing a 10 days sit and he was on deaths door by the end of that. But 10 months yikes, that would definitely be pretty extraordinary.
  20. Sadhguru is potentially a giant fraud and there are strange circumstances around his wife's death that casts suspicion on him. Personally, I'm wary of people who clearly try to manipulate their appearance in order to create a certain perception in others. I'm also wary of people who make outrageous claims that could easily be verified by simple documentation like supposedly meditating for 13 days straight easily with no food or water. I don't know what the answer is, but always be skeptical, especially when your instincts tell you to be.
  21. I believe @Kserkkj is doing some sort of channeling practice, which is why he might be difficult to understand btw @Sri Ramana Maharshi
  22. I will say, while it is definitely a mixed bag. There's some highly intelligent, highly thoughtful, very practiced people on this forum. And varied points of view. I'd say, maybe visit every once in a while you may see something that is very helpful at some point. If not, that's fine too.
  23. Wow, I had no idea. I'm very sorry to hear that. That's an incredibly challenging and trying life event. Based on your posts though I believe in you and I know you can get through this. Good luck, friend, continue to work and I will too! See this to the end and free the world in the process!
  24. You know, I agree with that on some level, truly, all jokes aside. At the same time, people stuck in illusion is a reality that we must accept. People that aren't at your level of discipline and dedication is a reality we must accept. If you feel that being here will detract from your own journey and you have aversion to that, then by all means you should go on to a place where that aversion does not exist. <3